Sunday, May 02, 2004

just came backk frm church and shopping.
went to buy birthday presents, you see.
thts so nice of me kae.
so many people are born in may. wahaha.
amy. felicia. felissa. cheryl goh. cheryl yeo. jia rui. and ME!!

but of course im not so silly to buy a present for myself.
hahas. tht will be totally silly if i buy one for myself.
im gonna go totally broke okay.
such a sadd thing.

im chatting with jillian now.
she says tht she's gonna gimme a tortise for my birthday.

ohs wells.
lets stop talking bout buying presents.
they just make me feel stressed up.
-breathes in. breathes out-

lets talk bout church service today.
today was holy communion.
i think church today totally rock my socks off.
especially the youth service.
the speaker was really good, i shld say.
and the best thing is:

she's damn CUTEE and FUNNY !!
i lovee the ways she talks. damn cool okay.

she was telling us bout her life stories,
and all her teaching experiences.
in churchs, bible colleges and she mentioned acs (lols).

she was telling us how worried the principal was when she found out tht some of the acs students wants to be buddists (lols agn).

and she was so 'pro' to make them christians.
actually i dont really noe those details too well.
cause i was feeling really sleepy then.
and i was almost wanting to fall asleep.

but i didnt, and i cant.
cause i was sitting at the first row.
right in front of herr.
and it'll be really rude if i just fall asleep under her nose.

oh yarh. i havent mentioned the topic she shared today.
the topic is on: dlfferent world religions.
and today was about buddism.

her sharing was to teach us bout buddism,
and eventually how to evangelise effectively with buddists.
and i think it was really good.
i really admired the way she shared and the way she talked.
although she's a lil old, but i think she's really COOL.

okay. and i was so worried tht i'll not have enough time to revise,
tht i studied history in the bus ride home.
and was highlighting all over the book.
everyone was staring at me.
wondering if students now were sooo hardworking.
i think they have defined me as 'kiasu'

time is running short for me.
im rushing for time.
guessed its the same for everyone.
all doing last minute revision.



Saturday, May 01, 2004

lets blogg bout ystd.
i actually did blogg kae.
but the post got deleated accidently.
arghh. so annoying.

ystd was the english papers.
guess everything was fine, maybe except for the composition.
arghh, i might have screwed it up.

i was supposed to write bout a special gift.
but halfway thru, i didnt noe how to continue.
so i switched to another topic.
i wrote the continous writing one.
smth to do with flooding the hse.

and i think i wrote off point.
i suddenly start writing bout chocolate fudge cake.
cause sasha gave me kindda breuno (whatever you spell it)
before the exams, and i finished them before the exams.
thts whyy i started writing bout chocolate, i guess.

sasha ! you spoilt my diet plan by giving me chocolates. wahaha.

back to the subj.
the rest of the papers were okay.
formal letting was not too bad.
just hope tht ive got the format right.

but the comprehension and summary was kinda easy.
i finished them within 40mins, and i slept throughout the extra time.
oops ! i think ive forgotten to check my paper.
arghh. heck larh. it wasnt too bad after all.

thts all bout the english papers ystd.
back to todayy.

just reached hme frm townn.
ahahas. went shopping at taka and wisma,
with brenda, felicia, felissa, han wei,
kinda gave up on cine and heeren.
all the same food, same shops and even people.
same e v e r y t h i n g.

guessed it was a good change.
didnt want to even step into cine/heeren today.
cause i sense tht smth bad might happen.
there're some ppl i dont wish to see.
and if i ever see him, my mood for the exams will be gone.

its so wierd, it always happens like this.
everytime a relationship or when smth bad happens,
it'll be somewhere close to the examinations.
and i'll lose my mood to study.
as a conclusion to tht: i do really badly for the exams.

and this time, im gonna prevent it.
i shall stay away frm town as for now.
and i'll be backk towning after the mids.
whheee !
but tht'll be quite longg.

back to the shopping part.
we were shopping arnd taka and wisma.
we went to fcuk, surfbabe, topshop, and many many others.
and we were looking at all the bimbo things.
err. not we, but me. ahahas.

i liked all the pinkk thingss.
they're so bitchy and bimbo.
just like me.
just joking (im not ego.)

shal end heree. cause,
the mids are coming.


Friday, April 30, 2004

whee !
maths tuition just ended.
and im free agn (freedom).
lols. i can solve most of the maths equations,
under the supervision of my tutor.

whats the point then?
but at least i can solve them.
after all, i understand those stupid laws alr.
happily. im a happy happy girrl.

theres run tmr at the nie track.
for sec1 and 2s.
i really hope tht moree ppl will attend, and be on time.
after all, we've all made our promises to mr bulb.

the c'div tournament is coming soon.
im really vry scared.
i dunno if we can make it this time?
we only have a month left, and i dun think we can do much within a month.
but we all do our best.

you go girlos!! stc hockey c'div rockss.

and im dying to watch jersey girrl.
i think it'll be a great show.
but i guess i'll only watch it after the mids.
haix. thts still quite longg frm now.
i cant wait to watch tht. arghh.

thts bout it. i shall stop here.
im gonna start on my lit notes tonight.
so tht i can learn tmr.

so yeahh. takkairee`
cyas sweetss arnd.


Thursday, April 29, 2004

arh wells.
im tired.
and im really tired.
i need to s l e e p.
but i dun have much time for sleeping though.

but its the starting of mids tmr.
its the first paper, english paper.
okays. im quite well prepared for eng i guess.
nothing much to study for tht though.
i just cross my fingers and hope tht i can rmb the format for formal letter.
then i'll be quite safe.

ohs wells.
the rest of ther others mains are coming on real soon too.
starts on 10 may onwards.
haix. time flies, half a yr has past, and its the mids agn.

mugg, mugg, mugg and still mugg.
thts all we can do now.
we've got so much to study, yet so lil time.
tsk, tsk, tsk.
thts damn sadd.

im gonna catch a lil sleep now.
and mugg in the night.
(secret plann)

i'll be b o r e d at night, so anyone who's also planning to mugg
or who's gonna mugg, pls gimme a call or smth.
then we can keep each other awake and acompany each other thru the dark. tht sounds a lil romantic though. lols.

here's a lil shoutout to all those who're mugging for the mids`

heyy people. time flies. the mids are here agn. i noe we're all dreading this, but we still have to take the exams. sad case. but cheer up. we're all going thru this together. and life still have to go on. its not really the end of the world yet. though exams really kills. wahaha. its a lil wierd to see charissaaa having such positive attitude towards exams leh. better be happy. lols. and this is espcially to all hockey girlos. studay hard, and do well for the mids kae. and rmb our de-centralised trngs. we've got to keep up to our promises for tht too. alrightt? so yeahh. thts bout it. s t u d y h a r d everyone. and rest well. god bless.

there is no problem to big, God cannot solve it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

just reached hme.
went to the visit the doctor.
cause ive got a swollen toe.
and i can walk properly.

i dunno whats up with my silly toe.
it just start to swell up ystd.
i dun even noe whats happening to it.
and i got worst today.
i had no choice but to see the doctor, which i totally dreads.
the clinic smells yucky. eekksss.

i actually wore my sch shoes to sch this morning.
but i brought slippers, just in case i need to change into them.
and during science lessons, i couldnt stand it anymore.
cause it was hurting like crazyy.
so i had to change into my slippers.

and sasha and zhiyi are mean and maybe a lil retarded.
they claim tht my slippers are un-chio,
when they're like so superr chio.
and superr bimbo. hahas. thts just for me.

and the worst thing today was.
the maths re-test on inequalities and simultanous equations.
oh goodness. mr ng says tht the paper was easier then the previous test.
but, whadaheckk. i think its even worst.
and i couldnt do arnd half of the whole test kae.
im bound to fail agn this time. anticipated.

i realised tht im lagging behind time like madd.
i no longer have time to slack anymore.
i really need to mugg like crazyy.
and i might not even make it if i start now.
i think its a lil too late.
but starting now is better then not starting/starting later.

my worst subjs are: maths, history, chinese and science.
thts like practically all the most important subjs.
and its not like i'll fare quite well in the other subjs like eng or lit.
haix. i think i'll pray for the lucky stars to be with me.
for the last, and the vry last time.

i really need alot of luck, to do well for the mids.
okays, maybe not do extremely well, but at least pass.

so yeahh. i shall start mugging now.
i must put everything aside and studyy.
i must. i can. i will. i MUST make it.

takkairee ppl.
study hard. and do well.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

ohs wells.
i just woke up frm sleep.
im not studying.
mm, okayss.
maybe i shld say: im not studying yet.

i dun seem to be getting into the mugg-till-i-die mood yet.
i cant seem to focus on the preperations for my exams.
and im lost somewhere, which i dunno where.
im thinking of rubbish and i dunno what to do.
i dunno what im doing.

i think im dwelling into the past,
im thinking of all the things tht happened in the past.
and i cant put my mind down to study.
theres smth in my mind tht i want to figure out.
but i dunno whats tht smth i want to figure out.

plus all the promises ive made to many ppl.
my frends, my teachers, my parents, and myself.
and if i dun do well for the coming mids,
i'll be letting down many ppl.
and ive got great consequences to bear.

its damn confusing.
i dun understand anything.
all thts happening, seems like a drama serial.
i didnt want it to be so happening.
i mean, its interesting, but it can get pretty cranky at times too.
further more, im not a drama mama.

i didnt noe growing up can be so wierd.
i didnt noe we had to all go thru this to be called grown ups.
i think theres a purpose of being called a grown up.
its like telling you tht uve graduated.
frm being a teenager, to a adult.
thts called a grown up.

arh wells.
i noe ive been talking crap up above.
ive got no idea what im talking about.
thts whyy i say.
growing up is the most confusing part of life.
growing up is the point when we're most vulnerable.

i shall take things positively, kust as ive told others to do tht.
although life can sometimes be sadd.
love can be pain, fate can be cruel, destiny can be bad.

but life will still go on, with or without you*

Monday, April 26, 2004

ohs wells.
today's a tired day.
i feel so sleepy throughout the whole day.
i guess i didnt haf enough sleep.
and enough food.

i felt damn drained after p.e today.
before p.e, i had morning run in the before assembly.
all hockey girrls has to run, you see.
no escaping.
cause tournament is coming, right after the mids.
and we much needed to train moree on our physical and stamina.

okayss. lets talk bout p.e, the highlight of the day.
i swear tht p.e today was the most intersting one ever.
we were doing gymnastic for p.e.
and we were all trying to balance on each other,
and trying to form a pyramid in our grps.

forming a pyramid in our grps was fine.
tht was quite easy to be done.
not much of a trouble.
we did it after two attempts.
it wasnt tht easy in fact.

but the most fun thing was the end of the lesson.
mr eric wanted us to form a CLASS PYRAMID.
lols. it was damn funny.
cause we all had to do this as a class.
and it wasnt easy to balance everyone together.

but we did it in the end.
it was really funn. and so funny.
it was damn cool. totally.
it was a class effort after all.
so i shall conclude tht:

2 saint bernadette kick ass. whee!!

rightio. and now its time to stop here,
and go and sleep.
im superr tired like i said.
and i shall wake up and study laterr.

so yeahh. takkairee ppl.
tata !

God's grace puts me in awesome wonder.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

here's two songs we sang during church service today,
tht preetty touched me.

the first song is called:
He will carry you

There is no problem too big
God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
He cannot move it
There is no storm too dark
God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep
He cannot soothe it

* If He carried the weight of the world
Upon His shoulder
I know my brother that He will carry you
If he carried the weight of the world
Upon his shoulder
I know my sister that he will carry you

He said come unto me all who are weary
And i will give you rest


the second one is called: God sent His Son

God sent His Son, They called Him Jesus
He came to lov, heal and forgive
He gave His life, to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there
To prove my Saviour lives

And because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because i know, I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives

____________________ *

these are two such beautiful songs.
they just touched my heart.

there's no sorrow too deep, God cannot soothe it.

take all tht hurt away from your child, God.
whee !!
its sunday today.
went to church (like duh)
gg to church every sunday is the normal routine.
i find it wierd not going to church.

eh, i dun mean following the same routine agn and agn.
i wasnt forced to attend church every sunday.
but i willing attend it with a thanksgiving heart everyweek.
in fact, church has been great support for me till this point.

my pastor, my teachers, my mentors, my frends.
were all of great help to me till this day.
and i lovee going to church.
i WANT, i WANT, i WANT to go to church everyday.

arh wells.
sermon was quite spiriture and encouraging.
it made me realised tht im one great sinner.
but god still so loved me.
it made me feel damn guilty of all tht ive done.

i feel like a bitch.
but god has accepted the way i am,
and he wants to give me another chance.
he's already given me many many chances.
he havent gave up on me.
for god so loved me.

i noe tht he loves me.
and i love him.
and he will always love me.
and i will always love him.

ohs wells.
im getting crappy.
thts bout it.
tata !

`let it go. god, take away all tht hurt frm me.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

im bored.
charissaaa`s BORED

today's a BORING day.
i got nothing to blogg.
i feel like crap now.

my life is in a mess.
a total mess.

Friday, April 23, 2004

todayy was preetty much worser than yesterday.
got back my maths test.
and i flung it once agn (as usual).
i did horriblely. eekksss.

ohs wells.
theres got to be moree to life.
i shant bored overr tht.
i shall just try harder.

i skipped music lesson today, together with:
alyssa. brenda. joanne. michelle and kylie. yupp.
cause we went to help ms ng with the speech day decorations.
and it was damn funny.
i laughed till i almost passed out (as usual).

we were suppose to carry 4 pots of palms to outside of the auditorium.
yeahh. carry pots of plants.
it sounds quite easy. but it wasnt tht simple aftr all.
all of them who carried the plants suffered frm face irritation.
the leaves of the palms were all scratching all overr their faces.
and it was damn itchy for them, and joanne even tasted it.

but charissaaa didnt carry the plants.
she was just standing arnd and laughing at how stupid they looked.
at all their expressions when the plants were irritating their faces.
haha. totally. damn funny.
aye. enough of laughing at them.

oh yeahh.
and todayy's family time and assembly period was cool.
they invited some local dance grp.
called 'ah hock and frends'
mm. it sounds quite cheena, but its not.
in fact, i find it quite cool.

okayss. there were four dancers who came to perform today.
they performed at the auditorium.
those dancers. those dancers.
tsk tsk. tsk.
they're damn flexible.

super superr superrr FLEXIBLE.
the way they dance and stretch was like woahh.
and charissaaa is so so so vry jealous of them.
but she's nvr gonna get flexibility like tht.
those dancers have been dancing for 10 yrs.

the whole thing was really nicee.
and i guess it was cool too.
hehh. sme moves they made were funny.
and it was quite funn watching.

tmr is the annually speech and prize giving day.
so called 'theresian awards day'
brenda and i are representing 2b.
guess its gonna be quite boring.
mm. i only look forward to see all the concert items.

and im suppose to go to sji with samantha for some catholic thing.
arghh. okayss. i shall be nicee and go with herr.

so yeahh. i shall stop heree.
thts bout it.
i need to use the toilet. hehh.


Thursday, April 22, 2004

ohs wells.
todayy is quite a happy day for me.
havent reallyy been so happy for quite a longg time.
few reasons whyy charissaaa`s feeling so happy today.

-she scored 23/25 for herr sci test.
-she knew most of the ans to herr history test.
-she only ate a light lunch and nth else.
-she went for hockey trng.
-she didnt gt tempted by brenda, carolyn and ruth to eat macs (she just stared at them blankly and perhaps helplessly?).
-she climbed the 22x2 flight of stairs backk hme.

uhh. thts bout it.
i think im crazyy.
getting happy overr such lil stuffs.
but im really glad to be backk trng.
in fact. i MISSED my hockey trngs alot.
and im finally backk now.

it feels so good to be playing in the pitch agn.
and i feel damn nicee when im feel so hot.
its like im burning agn.
i used to hate tht last time.
cause i feel damn dhydrated everytime.
but today was different. damn wierd.

oh yeahh.
class was damn funny and interesting todayy.
especially furing sci lesson.
veena is superr funny.
you could haf just died looking at herr and listening to all the lame things she says.

she suree can sayy the lamest things uve everr heard.
she was playing with herr tube of glue.
and leilani pushed the glue to herr face.
and the glue stick smashed into herr spects. haha.
and she screamed (as usual).
she took out herr spects.

and she couldnt see anything (lols).
damn funny.
she was making a fuss and complaining to the class.
bout glue on herr spects.
and she told us a story.

it goes like this.

there was once, leilani went to herr hse.
they were playing or smth.
and leilani suddenly pushed veena to the wall.
as a result, she broke herr spects. hahas.
and she had to make a new pair (the one she's using nw).
and it looks damn ahma-fied.

she was complaining and whining bout all the harm leilani does to herr spects.
it was totally lame. and superr funny.
especially the sight of herr trying to clean the glue off her spects.
i laughed till i wanted to puke.
i swear tht veena can be one of the world's greatest joker.

anyways. hai-
mid yrs is coming.
eng paper is next friday.
and ive only 2 wks plus to my main papers.
this is getting so irritating.
i hate exams.
they suckk. eekksss.

no point whining bout hafing exams.
everyone goes thru tht after all.
at least we're all suffering together.
ive started a lil on my revision.
but i think i can do better.

uhh huhh.
thts bout it.
shall end heree.
cyas arnd in sch, ppl.

sleep tightt, rest well.

ohs wells.
todayy is quite a happy day for me.
havent reallyy been so happy for quite a longg time.
few reasons whyy charissaaa`s feeling so happy today.

-she scored 23/25 for herr sci test.
-she knew most of the ans to herr history test.
-she only ate a light lunch and nth else.
-she went for hockey trng.
-she didnt gt tempted by brenda, carolyn and ruth to eat macs (she just stared at them blankly and perhaps helplessly?).
-she climbed the 22x2 flight of stairs backk hme.

uhh. thts bout it.
i think im crazyy.
getting happy overr such lil stuffs.
but im really glad to be backk trng.
in fact. i MISSED my hockey trngs alot.
and im finally backk now.

it feels so good to be playing in the pitch agn.
and i feel damn nicee when im feel so hot.
its like im burning agn.
i used to hate tht last time.
cause i feel damn dhydrated everytime.
but today was different. damn wierd.

oh yeahh.
class was damn funny and interesting todayy.
especially furing sci lesson.
veena is superr funny.
you could haf just died looking at herr and listening to all the lame things she says.

she suree can sayy the lamest things uve everr heard.
she was playing with herr tube of glue.
and leilani pushed the glue to herr face.
and the glue stick smashed into herr spects. haha.
and she screamed (as usual).
she took out herr spects.

and she couldnt see anything (lols).
damn funny.
she was making a fuss and complaining to the class.
bout glue on herr spects.
and she told us a story.

it goes like this.

there was once, leilani went to herr hse.
they were playing or smth.
and leilani suddenly pushed veena to the wall.
as a result, she broke herr spects. hahas.
and she had to make a new pair (the one she's using nw).
and it looks damn ahma-fied.

she was complaining and whining bout all the harm leilani does to herr spects.
it was totally lame. and superr funny.
especially the sight of herr trying to clean the glue off her spects.
i laughed till i wanted to puke.
i swear tht veena can be one of the world's greatest joker.

anyways. hai-
mid yrs is coming.
eng paper is next friday.
and ive only 2 wks plus to my main papers.
this is getting so irritating.
i hate exams.
they suckk. eekksss.

no point whining bout hafing exams.
everyone goes thru tht after all.
at least we're all suffering together.
ive started a lil on my revision.
but i think i can do better.

uhh huhh.
thts bout it.
shall end heree.
cyas arnd in sch, ppl.

sleep tightt, rest well.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

im beatt.
todayy was a longg day in sch.
sch ended at 2.15pm as usual.
was supposed to haf maths supplementry.
but it was cancelled.

so we went to do our art work.
we so had to complete it by todayy.
cause the deadline was tmr morning.
everyone was rushing the hell out of themselves.
and smth damn funny and stupid happened.

cyber lodge was in a total greatt mess.
everyone was talking and screaming at the top of their voices.
i was blasting tata young. sexaye. naughtyy. bitchyy.
and at the next lab, mr lee or smth was conducting webpage designing lessons.
he found us vry irritating.
so he came overr to give us a piece of his mind.

and oh gosh.
he sounded like total gay kaes.
and he waved his hands as he talked.
everyone was holding backk their laughter.
after all, he was like scolding us.
then when he stepped out of the lab.

smth crazyy happened.
the lab sort of like EXPLODED.
it exploded with all our laugher.
it was reallyy damn loudd.
cause the wayy he scolded us and the way he looked was damn funny.

then all of a sudden.
he stepped in the lab agn and screamed at the top of his voice.
he said tht we didnt respect him.
and he chased us out of the lab.
everyone had to leave immediately.

but a certain teacher with a kind soul gave us permission to go in the lab agn.
but we had to promise to be quiet.
and we manage to complete our work. just in time.
its like woahh.

but i swear tht it was damn funny.
you could haf just died laughing there.

uhh. and i dont think im gonna slp tonight.
cause i got so much assignments to be completed.
i dunno if i can complete them.
ive to draw my art piece and paint it.
and i still got a 4 chpt history test.


i think i better get going and start on my assignments.
hope tht everyone can complete their assignments.
and catch some slp tonightt. at least.
and i need some coffee now.

so yeahh.
thts bout it.


Monday, April 19, 2004

God's grace puts me in awesome wonderr.

sometimes i wonder if im walking alone in the dark.
sometimes i wonder if im falling into a dark hole.
sometimes i wonder if no one understands me.
sometimes i wonder if no one cares bout me.
sometimes i wonder if i could just die the next moment.

sometimes i feel so lost.
i feel tht my world is falling.
i feel tht my life is worthless.
i feel tht life has no meaning.

but at the darkest point of my life.
i see a light somewhere.
i see a spark of hope glowing.

God havent forsaken me.
though im such a sinner.
but God is still with me.
God is still leading me thru.
he kept his promise tht he will nvr forsake me.
and he was there when i needed him the most.

God's grace and mercy is always sufficient for us.
his mercy and grace is beyond the decriptions of words.
God's love is everr so sweettt.
its everr so truee.
it speaks nothing but truth.

God is Good. Praise the Lord!!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

todayy was preettyy bad.
woke up with a sore throat.
was feeling reallyy dehydrated in the morning.
but i guess im fine now.
thank god. i thought i was dying.

ohs wells.
im reallyy happy with myself.
cause at least i did smth constructive.
i didnt waste my time away.
i did 2 chpts of history notes kaes.
whaha. it was under the influence of carolyn though.

but i did it myself.
which means tht im a great too.
charissaaa` the greatt?
thts being too ego -laughs
or ratherr.
charissaaa` is a good girrl.


uhh. i want to skip p.e class tmr.
so im gonna ask mummy to write a letter to excuse me.
mr eric was preetty muchh vry pissed last week.
cause i came w/o a letter to excuse myself.
so i hafta get a letter to excuse myself tmr.
and pray tht he wont be pissed.

i shall end heree.
im tired.
and i need a rest.

__________`charissaaa loves you*__________


Saturday, April 17, 2004

on lovee`

some people think tht lovee is blind,
but i think lovee is beautiful.
everything and everyone can feel lovee.

birds, humans and animals
-all living creatures needs lovee.

lovee is the sweetest thing.
lovee is smth tht is beyond descriptions of words.
lovee can be anything you want it to be.
lovee makes the world go round.

lovee can hurt too.
lovee means letting someone you lovee go.
lovee means tearing when you think about the past.
lovee means hurting urself and always thinking of the best for someone you lovee.

lovee is a choice.
on lovee`

some people think tht lovee is blind,
but i think lovee is beautiful.
everything and everyone can feel lovee.

birds, humans and animals
-all living creatures needs lovee.

lovee is the sweetest thing.
lovee is smth tht is beyond descriptions of words.
lovee can be anything you want it to be.
lovee makes the world go round.

lovee can hurt too.
lovee means letting someone you lovee go.
lovee means tearing when you think about the past.
lovee means hurting urself and always thinking of the best for someone you lovee.

lovee is a choice.
i found this somewhere.
and i found it quite cutee.
it might sound contridicting.
but heree it goes`


they waer clothes too tightt.
they wear clothes too bigg.
they have funky hairstyles.
i think they need a wig.

they're allowed to stay out.
they're allowed to make out.
they're allowed to wear clothes.
they're allowed to hang out.

they're allowed to have boyfriends.
they're allowed to have girrlfrends.
they cant mind their business.
they're way far into frends.

they're snotty and concieted.
they think they all tht.
they make me want to puke.
but will i be like tht?

this is damn funny.
cause it sounds like us.
anyhows. its just for funn.
dont take it to heart.
so yeahh.
ive been feeling reallyy down for the past week.
i dunno whyy im feeling this wayy.
nothing reallyy bad has happened.
but i feel damn sadd now.
maybe im being silly.

mid yrs are coming soon.
in a short month's time.
and im still in the play-my-life-awayy mood.
and i havent switched to the mugg-like-madd mood.

though i noe the consequences i'll get, if i do badly.
cause ive promise so many ppl tht i'll work hard.
do well for my mid yrs.
if not, at least show good improvments at least.
and i'll be letting all of them down if i do badly.

i noe i can do it.
i so wanted to give my best.
and show the world how much i could actually do.
but i just dun seem to be able to get into the study mood.
i noe time is running short for me.
but i shall still try my best.


sometimes when i think bout the past.
i feel tht tears are flowing out of my eyes.
but im always holding them backk.
cause i noe tht i havent let myself or you down.
arghh. whateverr. im starting to think bout it agn.

so yeahh.
i shall keep myself busy.
takkairee ppl.
