Wednesday, December 31, 2003

happy new yr eve*. its gonna be yr 2004 in a few hrs time. yayy. its a new yr. whoppeee!! :) and its back to sch. and it means mugging. oh yeah. speaking of gonig backk to sch. D-I-E. i haven started on my holidae assignment yet. dammit. its 20 maths questions. so sue me :(

and yeahh. i forgot tat i actualli haven sew my belt. arghh. dammit. i tink i haven gotten my books and stuffs ready yet. i've got lotsa stuffs to do sia.

dis yr has actualli been a great one fer me. yeahh. how shud i put it. its not quite a nice and great one. but i tink i learnt alot thru many many things. practically everithing. yupps. and it has been reallie great being in stc. it lets me look at life in a moree realistic way. rawk on stc.

i reallie want to go back to sch. i guess i'm missing everione and everithing a lil too muchh. oohhh wells. its actualli crazee tat i wanna go back to sch so much more den anione. arghh. damn. i dunno wad i've bcum of now.

hahas. no larhx. its not so scary. i'm not turning into nerd or a sch freak. i'll remain the same. or maybe crazier? hahas. i guess i've bcum much more different den last time. i've grown alot okie. not physically(i din grow fat.) but spirtually. yeahh. i noe i've grown a great lot thru dis whole yr.

here are sum shoutouts fer everione.

heys girl. crazee ahgong. thks fer ur bunch of pretty hairbands kaes. hahas. aniwae do u call 2 a bunch? hahas. oh yeah. i jus rmb. our maths fail. hehe. anyhow. jus wan u to noe tat u've been a reallie great frend. and a great hockey mate. u dun worry too muchh bout ur new stick larhx kaes. u'll get it in the end. dun make urself grow moree pimples worrying. heh. and i haven started on my maths assignment. dammit. aniwae. u tke kaire and enjoy the last few hrs of yr 2003. and a new yr awaits. cya' next yr in sch. lurve u many many :)

bernetta!! sch's gonna start alreadi. it has cum to an end of the holidaes. and yr 2003. hahas. i reallie want to thk u fer being so much closer wiv us during the holidaes. yeahh. u reallie make a great frend. rmb the after trngs hangouts? or maybe wishing stairs? heh. anyhow. jus wanna thk u fer everithing. hope tat we can still be as close next yr. and tke kaire. rawk on girl. lurve u to pieces :)

ahma!! my bestie. u arr. alwaes so weak. mus tke extra extra kaire kaes. dun fall sick alwaes. mus eat more veggie(though dey sucked) but it'll help u be stronger okie. yupps. reallie want to sae a big thks to you. fer being sucha a great frend. a great hockey mate. and of course a great ahma. thks fer all ur advices and consoling at times wen i'm down. thks to u many many bunch. yeahh. cya backk in sch. lurve u loads :)

everione in class 1 saint bernadette 2003//.
heyheys babes!! oohhh wells. missed u girls many and many. lots and loads. it has cum to the end of the holidaes. and its yr 2004. cant wait to c everione backk in sch. back in 2 saint bernadette next yr. hahas. everione has grown up alreadi yarh? gonna have juniorss. oh man. aint dey gonna be cutee? or maybe nerdy. hahas. anyhow. reallie wanna thk u girls fer alwaes being dere fer me. and making me laugh at all ur craps and stuffs. and yeahh. u'll c a new charisa next yr. hahas. she's no longerr the samee. she has bcum a big monster. wiv 3 ears. 2 mouths. awww. wahahahas. isn't tat horrible and scary? relac larhx. she's bcum a real princess thru the holidaes. hahas. not a great monster. aniwae. a happie new yr. tke lotsa kaire. and we'll all mugg crazeely together next yr. lurve u girls many many. lots and loads. and to bits and pieces :)