Saturday, October 25, 2003

i'm feeling so dead now. down wiv a horrible stomach flu. hahas. not lame rite. still can blog. bleah. wahahahas. my stomach hurts. heh. vomited alot todae. until i almost fainted. wadevaa lahx.

wanted to ask dad to send me to the hospital at 1st. *pinch nose* but after considering the fact tat the smell dere sux. and will cause me to puke even more. i stayed at home.

luckily i'm alrite. heh. ate sho much medicine todae. dey were horrible. bleh. taste like crap. hmm. i guessed i vomited all the medicine out though. not to worry. :p

i'm sho bored now. nth much to do. hmm. someone gimme a call. wahahahas. if u've got nth much to do. gimme a call on my hp between 11-12 yarh? i'm sho sho sho bored. heh. tke kaire peeps. lurve you peeps. muacks.