Sunday, December 28, 2003

jus came back frm the salon. heh. i went to trim my hairr. muahahas. dun worry. it isn't short. its still longg. yeah. only layered and thined it. and it feels so thin now. and it looks messy. the way i like it. hahas.

i still cant stand my hairr. cus its like getting so longg. and not longg after. i'll have longg hair. wich i dowan. we're all forced to keep long hair. damn. alrites. i'll jus be a gud girl and keep it longerr :(

i'm gonna go out soon. and i have to put on valery's small and puny councillor uniform again. sucks. its gonna be so tight again. haix. i reallie dread wearing tat. i noe everione hates tat.

i'm talking to brenda now. and she's damn crazee. she keeps telling me tat she has a sore throat. and dunno wadd shit. tat girl arr. full of crap. hahas. crazee fellow. crazee girl. jus the way she is :)

lalalax. oohhh wells. i'm so bored. bored. bored. and yeahh. daniel. u owe me a testi horr. hahas. dunno owe me fer how longg le. still haven write =X but its alrite larhx. jus jk. u slowli tke ur time bah. no hurry :p

okie. i gtg now. i'm gonna pack my stuffs and i'm miting brenda at tiong alreadi. i'll blog bout the finals later and everithing. yupps. tke kaire and cya toddles :))