Thursday, October 16, 2003

lalalax. got no skool yesterdae. todae oso no skool. hahas. damn sparse. nth much to do at home. din wan to go out. hav been spending far too much money dis few wks already. plus i still plan to go out during the weekends. so decided to stay at home and b guai. dots.

hahas. went to collect daddy's new car jus now. hmm. wad shud i sae bout it? it rawk!! wahahaha. yeap. its quite nice lahx. not bad though. i lyk the leather seat. veri nice. hahas. okie. its a new car mah.

dere's skool tmr. hmm. guessed we're gonna tke back sum of our results. hmm. tat mite b horrible. but hu cares'? jus wan to go back to skool and start disturbing each other. hahas. no more lessons.

*yay yay* dere'll b no more lessons frm tmr onwards. guess we're gonna rule the place. not the teachers anemore. hehe. guessed its gonna b fun. hahas. after skool tmr. mite b going to cut my hair. hahas. c how 1st lah.

cus carolyn mite not wan to cum. and she mite not cut. yeap. so i mite not cut oso. hahas. mus go and squeeze out sumore money 1st. dots. kinda' broke now though. hahas. exams r over. tke kaire guys. we rawk the world now. weeeee!!