Tuesday, February 10, 2004

heyheys. hahas. im backk online.

if you din realise it.
but i noe tat you guys found something missing.
and tats me. me. me. and me :))
i noe tat you guys missed me like crazy right. duh~

i wasn't online for like god damn five days.
cause my freaking comp is sick wif all sorts of stupid problems :(
but its fixed now.

dis post is gonna be really longg. hahas. cause i really miss all of you guys. yeahh. i miss the noise tat i always make wen typing. so im typing extremely noisily now. hahas. okayss. im lame.

i was really sad last week. cause diana transfered overr to saint margarets. cause of herr stupid mummy who obviously tinks tat being in saint margs can give her a much brighterr future. considered to stc. stupid.

its definetly not the case. but she's gone now. and i really miss her presence. i really miss dis bubbly girl who can sometimes be sooo funny and make us all sooo happy. but she's gonee.

i really hope tat she'll enjoy herself in her new sch. though im soo sooo against the idea of herr being in saint margarets. but since she's dere. i really wish her all the best. and i really miss her like fcukk.

and if any saint magarets peeps who somehow got to read dis by chance. and was at heeren and cine last fri. im really sorry if uve heard someone calling pokka dots and stuffs. im really sorry bout tat. my frend sasha was pmsing tat day. so yeahh. sorry yarh?

uh huhh. today was senior's first b'div tournament. stc vs fajar. and we thrashed dem. hahas. its fourteen/zero. yupps. it was a good game. everyone tried their best and yeahh. nicee play seniors. keep up the good job.

the next tournament is on next wed. stc vs sngs. hahas. two convent schs playing wif each other. anyhows. im quite confident tat the seniors will make it. yeahh.

tmr is the first trng wif the new sec1s. hahas. dis made me tink backk. wen we were all sec1s. hahas. we had to pick all the balls after all trngs. and its really bad. now tat we're seniors. we can get the sec1s to pick the balls again. hurhur. its gonna be fun :))

oohhh wells. clay aiken and sugarr babes rock. hahas. baby im too lost in you. hahas. im really crazy overr tat songg. maybe.

ive got like sooo much art work to complete. cause if we dun hand in it all by tmr. we're all gonna fail like madd. and it sucks. ive got sooo much to do. sooo muchh.

alrightts. im gonna try and complete my work today. im gonna study hardd. hahas. since leslie has started to complain bout me and my sch work. actually i cant stand him. stupid.

im gonna mugg real madd and make him look stupid. for saying so much bout me. tat stupid bald guy. sickening.

okayss. i shall get going now. tke lotsa kaire kaes. cya arnd in sch. i love you. muackx. *cheers*