Thursday, November 13, 2003

heyhey peepos. hahas. thx fer all hu r concerned bout the camp. yeap. well. i can only sae tat it was great. though it was preetty sad and uneventful fer the sec1 hockey peeps cus sum stuffs happen. but it was a great camp. yupps.

heh. i've nth much to blog todae. yep. okie. i tink i wana do a little shout-outs fer my total darling frends. heh. here i go.

hey gurl. hahas. i'm sure u preetty much enjoyed the sports camp yarh?. hehe. okie. i'm sad bout all the stuffs tat has happened. i'm sure u r oso. rite gurl. but i tink we got to face it. but. rmb. we'll stil keep on trying kaes. until we get the bond tat we wan the team to hav. but rite now. dun get too stressed up. relac. train and plae hard. yupps. tke gud kaire yarh?. lotsa lurve.

carolynn gurl. dun noe whether u might ever get to dis. but. i wan to sae a reallie big sorrie to u. yeap. mayb u got the wrong idea of wad i said to u in the camp. and we kinda qurelled. but i tink i'm oso wrong. we're alrite now yarh?. and u tke kaire of urself kaes. after camp den tio fever. heh. rmb to rest well and slp well yarh?. loads or lurve. -huggs-

quack quack. hey quacko. u quack me out. hahas. jk. hmm. how was the camp? preetty great yarh? aniwae. u tke kaire kaes. dun fall sick like carolyn. yupps. cya tmr at the beach. ciao. lurve u lots.

hey val. its been long since i write to u. and u write to me. hmm. hope tat we stil can keep in touch though its the holidaes now. yea? aniwae. u tke guddie kaire kaes. missed u loads. -huggs-

hey von. dunno whether u might jus get to dis sumhow. hahas. hope tat ur internet connection is stil dere. yupps. *ouch* u're hair is preetty sharp yarh?. heh. jk. tke kaire kaes. and train hard. -huggs-

hey kor. relac larhx. i'm jus jk tat time. dun reallie mean to make u angry. hahas. yupps. i'm alwaes so plaeful. rmb. so i hope tat u dun tke offence. u're stil my gud kor kor. yupps. tke kaire. missed u loads. -huggies-.

heyhey korrr. hows life?. its been such o long time since i tok to u. heh. jope tat all is well. dun u ever bully juli jie okie. u mus lurve her lots and loads alwaes and alwaes. if she ever complains to me. den i disown u. hahas. no larhx. jk. jus hope tat ur lurve fer her will last fereva. tke kaire'. -huggs-

sharonnn jie. muahahahas. thx fer everything. and oso fer helping me pass a msg to whitney. yupps. hows life going on? hope tat everithing is gud. hahas. hows ur darling boifrend? heh. tke kaire kaes. dun let him bully u. though i tink its u hu alwaes bully him. dots. aniwae. missed u loads. hope to mit up wiv u soon yarh?.