Sunday, November 30, 2003

sum ppl are realli damn xia lan. rubbish plus crap plus dunno wad. do sumthing wrong dun wanna admit. still wanna push the blame to other ppl. bleah/. totali losers. losers. loser. and losers.

todae was a long dae. long long dae fer me. dunno y oso. but it jus seems to be one of the longest daes. went to church todae. the summon todae was reallie cool. hahas. the topic is. death.

okie. i noe i'm lame saeing tat death is cool. but tats not wad i mean. erm. the phliosophy bout death of a christian. hmm. ppl are usuali scared of toking bout death. cus dey're scared of dieing. bout after listening to the summon. i guessed tat i got a different perspective bout death. death of a christian.

dere're four illustrations bout death the bible tells us. okie. its illustrations. not illusions. hahas. jus in case u tink its the same. but it isn't.

death of a christian is actualli a blessing. not a bad thing. cus its a blessing to go to heaven. yupps. its reallie a blessing tat god gives. and i noe tat my uncle is dere now. wiv god till alwaes and alwaes.

death is actuali like slping. wen u slp. u'll eventualli wake up. rite. yea. its the same as death. its jus like u're slping. u'll wake up. but wen u open ur eyes. u're in a glorious place. a wonderful place. heaven. to be together wiv god till fereva. its a betta place den on earth. everione wans to be dere. rite.

one more is like dis. life is jus like working. life is like working. we work everidae. and death is like the end of our work. wen everione is so eager to go home. okie. hu's afraid of going home after work? hahas. no one rite. its the same as dieing. so dere's nth to fear. cus we die in the lord. amen.

another illustration is tat u're going thru a tunnel. a dark tunnel. life is like going thru a tunnel. dere'll alwaes b an end to the tunnel. but. death is a lil different. dere'll b two ends to the tunnel of death. one is heaven. of course. and the other is hell. yupps. its jus a matter of where u'll end up at. up or down. no one is afraid of gettin out of a dark tunnel rite. in fact everione is actualli hoping to be out of the dark and terrifying tunnel asap. yeap. its the same as death.

okie. the last one is like dis. life is like a trng sch. our life is jus like a trng god put us at. yupps. all the obstacles. tough stuffs and bad stuffs are all actualli part of our trng. the trng tat god sends us to. and the dae wen we close of eyes and die. is the dae of our graduation. *yayyy. we graduate in the lord. and our graduation is in heaven. everione is happie wen dey graduate yeah? so its a happie thing to die actualli. to die in the lord. gloriously.

okie. tats all i've got to blog bout death. i'm not a sadistic kaekaes? dun get it wrong. jus wanna share wad i learnt in church. yupps. tke kaire everione. life is short. and if i nvr live a dae of tmr. i wan to let u noe tat i've lurve u peeps lots and loads. tke kaire alwaes. lots ans loads of lurve. *smuackks.