Wednesday, November 12, 2003

wahahahas. i'm finally home. reallie missed my roon. my bed. my comp. my bears. and even my toilet. hahas. okie. i admit tat i'm lame. but i reallie missed home and everything lots. and loads. reallie. the campsite. the bunk.(the place where we slp.) the toilet. was like. erm. well. bleah/.

okie. i've got lotsa stuffs to blog todae. yupps. lots and loads of stuffs. mayb sum craps too. but i can sae tat dis camp is reallie a great one. we learnt a real load of stuffs. and sum of us. kinda got closer to each other. well. i hav mixed feelings.

i'm both happie and sad. many sad and bad things happened during dis camp. but i guessed tat it has made me much stronger. and to look at things in a different perspective. haix. i reallie dunno wad is wrong wiv us(the sec1 hockey peeps.) we seem to hav too much conflicts. disputes. problems. wiv each other.

we cant b bond-ed together. oh well. tok bout bonding. though we went through team building games. do stuffs together. but we still dun get bond-ed wiv each other. and its reallie a sad thing. real sad. we(xinni. carolyn. brenda. sushmita. bernetta. and me) tried. we tried our very best to make it possible tat we can make everyone b bond-ed and happie wiv the whole team.

but all tat we said. and all tat we do. were not of any use. wen we tok to dem bout serious matters. dey jus lie on the bed. of seem to b damn un-interested. but we did tried. we reallie did. but nth seems to b gettin into their puny heads. i'm reallie very sad bout all tat happened. oohhh. wadevaa.

the worst thing is wen we cried. dey can stil sit in front of us. joke and laugh in front of us. noeing and seeing tat we're crying. wad is dis? dis is crap. i hate dis. its no use tat only six of us is trying. its not enuff. we need everyone to try. and things will happen. it will.

i'm gonna suffer frm a mental break-down soon. dere is sumthing tat i cant believe. sumthing tat i cant acept. i hope tat its not true. okie. i swear tat i'll nono. i mean we. will pray real real hard tat it'll not happen. and tat she can b plaeing happily again. soon.

well. backtrack to wad we've learnt in the camp. we learnt bout taping. taping of injured fingers. wrists. ankles. yupps. sum basic of taping. so tat we noe wad we can do ourselves next time we get injured. we learnt bout sports injuries oso. its kinda' informative. yupps.

we plaed sum games. and dey were reallie fun. or i shud sae. dey rawk?. dey brought us.(peeps frm different ccas frm sec1-3) together, and we kinda got to noe more bout each other. tat was nice. yeap.

went fer canoeing oso. hahas. tat was one of the funniest thing i will rmb in dis camp. i was canoeing wiv brenda. i was sitting in front. brenda at the back. hahas. guesses wad. we dun reallie noe how to cordinate to move the canoe. and we almost ended up in the jetty. tat i tink leads to malaysia. tat was reallie scary. hahas. and mr seng had to cum to our rescue alwaes. hmm. mr seng can b quite okie if he wans to. yeap. hahas. i'm not favouring him cus he help us kaes. dun get it wrong.

we shared the bunk wiv the netball gurls. and i tink tat we kinda caused a little inconvinience here and dere fer dem. we're reallie very sorrie. and thx fer all or ur help. yupps.(to any netballers hu ever cums across dis.) we reallie appreciate ur help. though we might not reallie noe each other.

hmm. all i hav to sae is tat sports camp was great. okie. mayb i shud sae tat i rawk. oh well. it reallie does rawk. the so called student leaders reallie did a great job. yupps. three cheers fer dem. hiphip hurray/. hiphip hurray/. hiphip hurray/. yay.

wahahahas. jus cut my finger again.(accidentli.) yeap. i gave up on cutting myself fer bout a few weeks alreadi. hahas. not long rite. aniwae. i'm reallie tired now. din reallie slp last nite. hahas. shall stop blogging till here. tke kaire' peepos. i've missed all of u lots and loads. blees u alwaes. muackx.