Thursday, October 30, 2003

arghhh. i'm kinda pissed wiv dad jus now. was arguing wiv him. but i found it pointless to argue wiv him. cus i'll alwaes get a terrible lecture frm him in the end. so i stopped. bleah/.

skool ended at bout 10 todae. hehe. sho nice rite. den we all went to town. yupps. lalalax. was wiv clarissa. carolyn. yi ting. brenda. alyssa. and majella. yeap.

we went to paragon. den in the end. gehui was dere. so we went to mit her. yupps. she was miting her cousin at 1st. okie. we din noe bout tat at 1st. heh. den in the end. duno wad crap hapen. her cousin frm SJI. and his frend. started to tag along wiv us.

lol. it was reallie farni kaes. 2 guys following a bunch of gurls around town. hmm. it seem a little lame though. hehe. we went to all those gurly shops and stuffs. and those 2 guys jus waited outside. i tink dey were almost bored to death while waiting.

yupps. dey went everywhere we went. hmm. wonder y dey were following us. we din tok. dey jus followed us. everywhere. wadevaa lahx. hahas. fer dunno how many hours. we took neos oso. yeap.

we walked frm paragon to heeren. heeren to cine. den back to heeren again. den walk all the way to far east. yupps. and went in to almost every shops dere. (ps. to guys. its reallie insane to follow gurls around wen dey're shopping. cus u'll jus b bored to death. unless u're a gay or you've a great lot of patience.) yupps.

went home at bout 4 plus. was already damn tired. hmm. we're actually aching frm all our trngs already. hockey and track trngs. hahas. but we still went on walking around everywhere in town.

hmm. yiting's mommy send all of us to tiong. mus reallie thank yiting's mum sum dae. fer alwaes giving us a lift. so nice. will b going to town once again tmr. skool ends at 12.

hmm. gonna buy valery and maybe bubu's birthdae present tmr. lalalax. and will b even more broke after tat. hahas. wadvaa lahx. okie. tats all fer now. tke kaire and nitez!