Tuesday, November 18, 2003

heyhey all. heh. din blog fer one dae. but i guessed its alrite yarh? had weights trng yesterdae. went to sentosa todae. and i'm suffering frm a terrible muscle ache now. cant reallie move my arms tat much. it hurts. wahahahas.

aniwae. life has been preetty hectic nowadaes. frm the start of the holidaes. till now. and will b even more hectic in the daes to cum. we're training frm mon to sat. mon.wed.fri. gym trngs. tue.thurs.sat.pitch trngs. heh. a preetty heavy schedule yarh? dunno how my seniors in the combined schs trngs can do it. yupps. dey mus hav super power. my super powerpuff seniors. hehe.

nth much to blog. shall hav sum shout-outs here.

muahahahas. u shake xiezhi's hand arh? wah liaos. i shud hav been dere. he's shuai yarh? hahas. preetty sure u had a great time dere. tke kaire during the holidaes. cya soon. -hugss-

hey quacko. quack quack. hows all the quacking in life going on? hahas. had a great time quacking in all ur daes? hmm. jus jk. dun reallie feel well arhx? u mus tke kaire kaekaes. its okie tat u din cum wiv us to sentosa todae. u din reallie miss much though. we din reallie sun tann. hahas. were jus plaeing in the waters. aniwae. we can go together sumdae. yupps. tke kaire now. lurve u lots.

hey gurl. my gurlie ahgong. hahas. jus jk. dun worry too much bout the team and stuff yarh? we'll all go through dis thing together. and we'll c the rainbow soon. hahas. hope so. but now. tke kaire of ur health. and get over the phobia of going into waters. yupps. and train hard. of course. lurve u loads. -hugss-

to the sec one hockey team/.
heyhey peepos. hahas. hope tat the holidaes r still great fer all of u despite all the trngs. wich is almost everidae. but. i hope tat all of u will turn up regularly fer trngs. team talks. and stuffs. yea. and train hard. we all can make it. yupps. and to all the quiet ones. talk more larhx. we wun eat u up. most of all. tke gud guddie kaire of urself and everione around. dun fall ill. yupps. lots and loads of lurve. muackx. -hugss-

to all my hockey seniors/.
hey all. hahas. life's preetty busy wiv all the trngs and stuffs yarh? but i noe all of u can do it. yupps. train hard. we're all waiting fer the gud news of the c' divisoin champions next yr. we noe u all can make it. yupps. tke lotsa kaire. rest well. yupps. lurve u guys loads. muackx. -huggs-