Thursday, April 01, 2004

alrightt. was complaining bout trngs and stuffs yesterday.
crazyy me. stupid me. silly me.
it'll be a long time when you can start hearing my complain bout trngs again.
and i tink i'll miss complaining bout having too much trngs.

cause. its time i put a lil stop to my hockey trngs.
just for the time being.
prolly bout a month or so.
until my grades gets betterr.

i so didnt want to let go.
i still want to continue wif all my trngs.
but daddy and mummy are damn worried.
cause my results fcuking sucks.
especially my maths. the rest are alrightt.

ive got nothing to say.
and ive got nothing to lose.
i tink it'll be a good break for me.
and a time for me to concentrate and dwell into my books.
i dun reallyy haf much time anymore.

but im gonna miss my all trngs.
although they gets reallyy tough at times.
and coach gets reallyy crazyy at times.
but i noe that i am. and i will.

but rightt now.
its studying superr hard.
thats all wadd im gonna do.
and i'll be backk in trngs within a month.

ive promised daddy.
im gonna start all overr againn.
study hard.
and i will make it.

i noe i'll miss trngs.
hope that i'll still be able to catch up after a month.
uhh yeahh.

anotherr shoutout for the sec2 hockey girrls`

one month is a short time. really short. i might be gone for good. for some of you. but. i'll still miss all of you. train hard. and study hard too. alrightt? will miss training will all of you terribly. -hugss

charisaa will be gone for now.
charisaa will be backk soon.
