Sunday, November 16, 2003

heyhey peepos. haven been blogging fer 2 daes or so. heh. was both busy and tired. yupps. hahas. plus i little of laziness. hehe. or shud i sae lots and loads of laziness? heh. u guys shud noe.

wahahahas. i guessed i've put on a little more weight(1kg) now during the holidaes. mayb i'm eating a little too much. okie. so. i swear tat i'm gonna go on a diet. and dis time. i reallie mean it. so dun tempt me wiv all ur nice guddie food. kaekaes? u guys can eat all u wan and grow as fat as u wan. hahas. not me.

had a real gud talk wiv daddy on fri nite. told him my every everything. hahas. not everything. but rather. all tat i tink i shud tell him and all tat i can tell him. yupps. he kinda understand me more now. i guessed. and he's on the verge of returning me foneee. hahas. i knew tat i could make it. aniwae. its not reallie confirmed tat my fone is definetli back. but i guessed it'll b back soon.

i'm cracking my brain now. trying to tink of sum great plan to bond the sec1s hockey peepos. heh. its reallie tough. i've recieved a whole load of their love letters(jk) telling me how dey feel bout the camp. and wad dey tink bout the team bond. but i'm reallie sad and hurt by wad dey write.

i'm not sad and hurt bcus dey said bad stuffs bout me. dey nvr. i'm not sad and hurt bcus dey said sum things tat hurt me. dey nvr. i'm sad and hurt bcus dey wrote stuffs tat nvr happen like wad dey wrote. dey wrote and make it so lovey dovey. like we're a happie family and nth bad has happen. dey're jus faking in their letter. dis is wad tat hurts the most. the happie craps tat sum of dem write.

since dey cant even b honest wiv their feelings and thoughts. den i dunno wad i shud/can do alreadi. i'm getting pissed by sum of dem. sum of those fews hu jus spoils everything. and dis sux. i hate dis. y cant dey jus b a little more honest wiv their feelings and thoughts and share it wiv everyone? cant dey jus do a little fer the team?

haix. i'm reallie very pissed. i've total mixed feelings bout wad i shud do. but i'll still try. mayb i shud ask everyone out to lunch tmr together after trng. and mayb dey could jus get to noe each other more.

okie. i shall go and fone everyone up now. yupps. take care peeps. -hugss-