Saturday, November 29, 2003

phew. dinner and dance is finali over. yupps. everithing went well. i tink. those hu were not present reallie miss a hell load of fun. hahas. everione was dress to kill. especially my seniors. yeap. u shud hav seen dem. woah. but its okie. i've got sum pictures. mite upload dem wen i'm free. hahas. so. wait on.

oh yeah. it was joan's birthdae too. yupps. and guessed wad? we did sumthing crazee. but sweet. hahas. we made muffins fer her. dots. okie. i noe we're lame. but after all. its alrite. dey all said tat the muffins were nice. hahas. hope tat wad dey dae is true. not bcus dey wan to please us.

shall do sum shoutouts to my seniors and frends.

joan/. belated birthdae girl
heyy joan. a reallie happie belated birthdae to u. sorrie tat dis post came in a dae late. cus it was late yesterdae wen i reached home. and i was pretty tired after everithing. so i din blog. but i hope tat u reallie enjoyed ur dae yesterdae. hahas. u're a reallie nice senior. i shud sae. sumtimes crappy and sumtimes strict. or shud i call it mood swing? hahas. jus jk. u're reallie a nice. cute. crappy. adorable and pretty lil girl. hahas. i hav to agree wiv bubu. u betta grow taller. hahas. jus jk. u're cute in ur small lil way. yupps. thx fer everithing. hope tat the muffins r alrite. yupps. may god bring u to where ur dreams r. tke kaire girl. lurve u lots and loads. muackx.

brenda/.ah gong
heyhey girl. u're sucha silly girl. hahas. dun noe how to tie ur skirt. but its alrite. i'll alwaes b dere to tie ur skirt up. and make sure tat it doesn't drop. hehe. hope u enjoyed the dinner and dance although u sat wiv papaya. but she's in a rather gud mood yesterdae. so i tink everithing was fine. yupps. hope it is. and pls thank ur daddy fer sending me home even though its so late at nite. ur daddy is a real nice person. not like wad u've all said. so cherish him kaes. dun b mean saeing tat he's bad. yupps. so. tke kaire. and cya on mondae's trng. slp well. and yeah. -hugss-

heyy girl. the dinner and dance is finali over. hahas. everithing is alrite. i shud sae. rite? so u dun hav to worry bout whether u'll fall. or whether u hav money to buy ur clothes. its all over. hahas. and i guessed u had a pretty gud time dancing yeah? hahas. 'and baby we can dance all nite long.' ur fave song. me against the music. ur song. hehe. aniwae. u rest well in dis 2 daes. and prepare to die. cus dere's physical trng on mon. and i tink its gonna b the toughest ever. cus mr bhalbia will b taking us. haix. so u rest well yarh? lotsa lurve. *smuackks.

i'm sho sho sho happie. muahahahas. cus mummy and daddy will b going to europe next week. oh wells. how great can tat be. dey'll b away fer like erm. 12 daes? and i noe its gonna b fun and great without all the naggings and scoldings. okie. i noe i'm mean. but i jus cant stand getting scolded and nagged at everidae. yupps. and i'm gonna get a break next week. *yayyy. alrite. enuff of being happie and stuffs.

i'm reallie tired dis daes. and i slept alot yesterdae nite and todae afternoon. i slept frm 2.30am to 10am. okie. its not actualli quite long but its long considered to all the nites wen i onli slp fer 2-3 hrs. and still hav to go fer trng earli in the morning. den i slept frm 2pm to 5.30pm. cus cousins. aunties and uncles came. so i had to wake up. as being polite. hahas. not reallie polite larhx. but i was actuali woken up by all the noise dey made. all the toking. laughing and stuffs. screw dem fer waking me up.

i tink i'm suffering frm insomia. or wadeva u spell tat. i bet tat i wun be slping till late tonite. cus i'm like so restless. tat i wouldn't mind going fer trng now though its kinda late to train. okie. i tink i'm crazee. and i tink sum vodka would be even betta. okie. i'm starting to crave fer dem. dots. i'll be off to look fer sum now. yupps. slp tight and well tonite. and if u can slp. gimme a call. i'll b dere to ans ur call. and maybe tok to u till early afternoon. hahas. yupps. tc. gud nite and sugar dreams.