Monday, March 15, 2004

boo hoo =)

dinner today was mr tan's treat.
and guessed wadd.
we ate at marche.
hehh. and poor mr tan paid for everything.

hahas. it was damn funny.
mr tan was supposed to do a research on us.
students who are active in sch.
but. not too good in their studies.

and we were the so called 'luckyy' group of students.
who somehow fitted into dis category.
okayss. maybe not too luckyy.
cause. mr tan and ms sim went to zhiyi's hse.

and asked us a hell load of stupid questions.
and took photos here and dere.
made lots of stupid assumtions.
and so called complete his report.

i tink he was in a damn good mood.
and a lil outta his mind.
to treat five crazy girls.
brenda. carolyn. sasha. zhiyi. me.
and ms sim to marche.

okayss. and we ate till we were really full.
was quite longg since i ate at marche.
maybe a month? or a lil lesser den a month.
yeahh. sorta miss the food dere. gees.

alrightt. and i had a good meal dere.
all thks to mr tan.
and now. i feel tat im getting fatt.
and its time to go backk to.


hehh. i noe im lame.
but i tink its time i go backk to my dieting.
cause i tink im gonna get heavier and heavierr.
if i continue eating liddat.

mm. maybee im sensitive.
but im not gonna change my mind bout going on a diet.
so everyone outt dere. for heaven's sake.
dun tempt me wif food kaes.

uhh huhh. so yeahh.
i shall be off to rest now.
im tired. lalalaa.

take great caree.
peaceoutt ppl.
