Wednesday, April 28, 2004

just reached hme.
went to the visit the doctor.
cause ive got a swollen toe.
and i can walk properly.

i dunno whats up with my silly toe.
it just start to swell up ystd.
i dun even noe whats happening to it.
and i got worst today.
i had no choice but to see the doctor, which i totally dreads.
the clinic smells yucky. eekksss.

i actually wore my sch shoes to sch this morning.
but i brought slippers, just in case i need to change into them.
and during science lessons, i couldnt stand it anymore.
cause it was hurting like crazyy.
so i had to change into my slippers.

and sasha and zhiyi are mean and maybe a lil retarded.
they claim tht my slippers are un-chio,
when they're like so superr chio.
and superr bimbo. hahas. thts just for me.

and the worst thing today was.
the maths re-test on inequalities and simultanous equations.
oh goodness. mr ng says tht the paper was easier then the previous test.
but, whadaheckk. i think its even worst.
and i couldnt do arnd half of the whole test kae.
im bound to fail agn this time. anticipated.

i realised tht im lagging behind time like madd.
i no longer have time to slack anymore.
i really need to mugg like crazyy.
and i might not even make it if i start now.
i think its a lil too late.
but starting now is better then not starting/starting later.

my worst subjs are: maths, history, chinese and science.
thts like practically all the most important subjs.
and its not like i'll fare quite well in the other subjs like eng or lit.
haix. i think i'll pray for the lucky stars to be with me.
for the last, and the vry last time.

i really need alot of luck, to do well for the mids.
okays, maybe not do extremely well, but at least pass.

so yeahh. i shall start mugging now.
i must put everything aside and studyy.
i must. i can. i will. i MUST make it.

takkairee ppl.
study hard. and do well.
