Tuesday, October 14, 2003

wee!! the final yr exams r overrr..wahahaha! so hapie can. hehe. *yay yay* hahas. so hapie. woah. plus tmr and thurs no need to go to skool. hehe. cuz tmr the seniors got their last paper. den on thurs. dey gt sum kind of marking dae and stuff. tats y its a holidae fer us. yippyy!

lalalax. went to town todae. hehe. went bowling. damn farni. everi1 was krapping around. damn krappie. hahas. gt sum cute guys around oso. hehe. hmm. went to tke neos after tat. okie. we took $32 of neos in all. bleah/.

hahas. the neo print machine rawks kaes. i'm serous. hahas. all the neos turn out to b damn nice todae. muah. lurve tat machine. it totali rawks. yeap. hahas. i'm scanning the neos rite now.

the neos r reali nice. cute. and chio. tink so lah. hahas. hmm..will b uploading the neos later. so go view the chicks in action yarh?. hahas. dots.

hmm. the final exams r over. cant blieve it. hahas. hmm. sum of u r stil having sumore papers. dun b too jealous tat our exam end 1st yarh?. hahas. tke kaire' pinky lurves you*. muacks.