Thursday, January 29, 2004

oohhh. im reallie tired :(

and ive got lotsa maths homework to do. i dun tink i'll do it though. cause im really really tired. sucks.

i slp reallie latee dis days. and im alwaes sooo busy. wiv trngs and stuffs. i feel tat my life is totally upside down nowadays. and i train almost everidae.

im aching like madd everidae. i tink i seriously need a 24hr sleep. im getting sooo tired i cant tink straight. im always falling aslp in class. wells.

class is like so damn bored. and im sitting beside monisha. wich is definetly boringg. wich makes me even want to slp moree. i dun share anything tat i can talk to her though. and sitting with her really sucks. no offence.

alrite. alrites. im sooo jealous of daddy. he went to buy the nokia 6220 fone. the one wich is like sooo cool. and yeahh. and he doesn't allow me to borrow it fer few daes. stupid.

but i'll be getting my motorola e3 80 soon. tat fone is really nicee oso kaes. okie. actualyl i want to but lotsa stuffs.

like. the oohhh-sooo-chio pink roxy slippers*. the new red adidas jacket*. new levis tanktop* and jeans*. sugarbabe's new album*. and daniel beddingfield's cd**. it must. must. must get tat. but im having such a hard time looking for it. andi still cant find it. sulks.

im want to watch sooo many movies. peterpan. last samurai. stuck on you. and so on. but i dun see tat ive got the time to watch dem all. since im trng almost everidae. sad :(

and i want the new version of me-to-you* bearr. its just sooo cutee. alrites. i want it for valentines day. someone get it for me. hahas.

anyhows. i got to go now. yeahh. my contact lenses are getting cranky. i betta remove dem. yupps. tke kaire toodles. lurve you to pieces. *cheers*