Sunday, November 02, 2003

tada. it was a great dae todae. yupps. went to church. todae is one of the most inspiring church service i've ever attended in my life. yeah. my life. hehe. does it sound serious?. lol. okie. i dunno y i sae tat. but i sounded so real to me.

oh yeah. todae was communion service. did i ever mention tat i'm not baptise yet. yupps. i'm not. but i guessed its soon to cum. mayb next yr. or so. lalax. dun tok bout tat. no mood fer tat. hmm. y is church so great todae. well.

dots. okie. i shall tell u y. todae was the first sundae of the month. so its communion service. yep. and dere isn't any summon. or wad. after the communion. the fellow peepos of the church went up to giv their testimonies. and it eventually links to the topic. LOVE.

yupps. tat was it. LOVE. i swear tat dis is the most interesting service i've ever had. hmm. let me post a question to all reading. WHERE IS THE LOVE? well. i'm not giving a lecture kaes. dis is wad i've learnt frm church todae. and i decided to share it. where is lurve in dis world. dis pathetic world. its pathetic. without lurve. okie. we alwaes sae. lurve u loads. and stuffs.

but we only sae dem. we nvr show it. or we've shown it in a wrong way. yupps. we're like an unripe papaya. we noe wad we wan. wad we like. wad we desire. but we nvr giv any actions. or we giv dem in a wrong way.

i dunno how to sae. but its jus tat we're wrong. sumtimes we dun lurve one another. and sumtimes we lack of showing actions. although we reallie lurve. kaes. dis is real tough. i dunno how to continue. bleah/.

so yeah. i got nth much to sae alreadi. except tat my church service todae totally rawk. and all of u shud hav been dere listening to all the stuffs. dey're damn entertaining. not like the other service we've all attended. boring and lame.

hehs. aniwae. welcum to my church if u ever wan to cum or sumthing liddat. kaes. i'll alwaes welcum you peeps. okie. and i jus wanna officially wish vanessa a veri beri happie fifteen birthdae. sweet fifteen gurl. god bless.

i lurve u guys loads. lots and loads. many many lots and loads. yupps. i'll b praying fer all of you. yeap. so yeah. i gtg. sista is krapping. she needs the comp. bleah/. u all tke extra extra gud kaire' of urselfs and everione around. kaekaes? and god bless and lurve you guys lots and loads. -hugss-