Tuesday, April 06, 2004

im not getting enough sleep this days.
i dunno why sleeping so much.
cause me not to get enough sleep.
and if sleeping moree makes me moree tired.
then why shld i even sleep moree.

my life is turning upside down.
and i dunno when to catch my sleep backk.
and i always tends to get tired and sleepy during lessons.
thats the worst part.
and its especially during maths lesson.
when mr ng goes too fast and when i dun catch a thing.

then -bloppsss head on the table.
and sleep.

uhh wells.
i just dun understand why im getting preettyyy tired this days.
its like going thru a timejet.
but my complexion seem to get better.
uhh. thats out of the point eitherr.
im going crazyy like i sayy.

that shall be it.
im ending heree.
rightt heree. rightt now.

`takkairee ppl. i sayy again.
