Saturday, March 13, 2004

alrightt. im backk blogging.
i shall blogg bout the camp now.
camp was actually okay.
everything is good.
just except for the bunks.

the bunks are really horrible.
dey're small and scary.
and the bunk my class was in is at the third storey.
which just really suck.

the white board are scribbled wif lots of scary words.
like. 'if you smell wadd' dunno wadd.
and there were all trees outside the windows.
the worst part is. dere're bugs all arnd.
and the bed suck.

bleahh. sports camp was much better.
the bunks tat we had.
dey rock.
not like dis freaking bunk we stayed.

was sickk on the first day.
sore throat and headache. slight feverr?
wanted to go backk the first night.
but i didnt. zhiyi went home.

so i was the sick kitty left dere.
wanted to go home the second night.
but daddy had a meeting and couldnt send me home.
so i stayed for another night.
and im backk todayy.

though the bunks suck.
i tink tat after all. everything.
dis camp was great.
maybe not as nicee as sports camp.
but it somehow rock.

we all really had funn.
especially during the rafting and dragon boating.
hahas. it sounds lame rightt.
but it was really fun.
and damn funny.

we were quite far frm shore.
and i pushed zhiyi into the waters.
and in the end. all of us ended up in the water.
even brenda who cant swim.
hehh. its damn funny.

we were trying to push the raft backk.
but no matter how had we tried.
the raft didnt really move.
cause brenda was adding on weight to the raft.
and she cant swim.

cheryl. zhiyi and i were kicking and pushing the raft like madd.
and after a long time.
we finally reached the shore.
it was really funny stupid.
it wasnt rafting. in fact. it was swimming. lol.

okayss. enough of all the swimming.
mm. we were supposed to plan an item for the campfire?
and dey decided on dancing.
and the songg we used was toxicc.

samantha thought of all the dance steps.
but dey were really seductive.
and we didnt want to dance all tat in front of the teachers.
so in the end. we made the dance ourselves.

hahas. it was really funn.
the worst part was.
all of us were damn freaked out on stage.
and we sort of forgot our dance steps.

the worst thing is.
i was standing in the first row wif.
grace. yiting and cheryl.
it was damn scary. hahas.

and we concluded after watching all the performances.
tat most of the sports girrls.
can be on stage.
most of dem had stage fright.
hehh. damn retarded.

alrightt. im damn tired now.
and im in a very bad mood.
so i shall stop blogging heree.
mood swings like madd-

take caree.
charisaa haf missed all of yeww.
love you all to bits and pieces.

just came backk frm efl camp.
and im sooo tired. and sleepy.
im gonna slp now.
i shall blogg later bout the camp.

so yeahh.