Wednesday, April 21, 2004

im beatt.
todayy was a longg day in sch.
sch ended at 2.15pm as usual.
was supposed to haf maths supplementry.
but it was cancelled.

so we went to do our art work.
we so had to complete it by todayy.
cause the deadline was tmr morning.
everyone was rushing the hell out of themselves.
and smth damn funny and stupid happened.

cyber lodge was in a total greatt mess.
everyone was talking and screaming at the top of their voices.
i was blasting tata young. sexaye. naughtyy. bitchyy.
and at the next lab, mr lee or smth was conducting webpage designing lessons.
he found us vry irritating.
so he came overr to give us a piece of his mind.

and oh gosh.
he sounded like total gay kaes.
and he waved his hands as he talked.
everyone was holding backk their laughter.
after all, he was like scolding us.
then when he stepped out of the lab.

smth crazyy happened.
the lab sort of like EXPLODED.
it exploded with all our laugher.
it was reallyy damn loudd.
cause the wayy he scolded us and the way he looked was damn funny.

then all of a sudden.
he stepped in the lab agn and screamed at the top of his voice.
he said tht we didnt respect him.
and he chased us out of the lab.
everyone had to leave immediately.

but a certain teacher with a kind soul gave us permission to go in the lab agn.
but we had to promise to be quiet.
and we manage to complete our work. just in time.
its like woahh.

but i swear tht it was damn funny.
you could haf just died laughing there.

uhh. and i dont think im gonna slp tonight.
cause i got so much assignments to be completed.
i dunno if i can complete them.
ive to draw my art piece and paint it.
and i still got a 4 chpt history test.


i think i better get going and start on my assignments.
hope tht everyone can complete their assignments.
and catch some slp tonightt. at least.
and i need some coffee now.

so yeahh.
thts bout it.
