Saturday, March 20, 2004

boo hoo.

im still feeling badd todayy.
vry vry badd.
and superr sadd.
i dunno wadd im doing.

im having a backache.
cause i piggyback madeline.
cause she was injured.
and couldnt walk.
oh wellss.

had trng in the morning.
and we trained wif the RI boyss.
played some crappy match wif dem.
and we lost. (as usual)

how can girrls play wif boyss.
its just. puree madness.
crazyy. madd. and insanee.
somemore dey're really fast.

and one guy whack madeline on herr toes.
and she was injured.
she couldnt walk.
and the superr compationate *charisaa.
piggybacked herr all the way. till the end of ccab.

who's suffering a backache now.
and a top secrett.
**madelinee is not as light as you tink she is. she's damn heavyy. (lols)

uhh. afterr all tat piggybackingg.
rushed home to washed up and change.
to go to esplanade to watch cinderella.
didnt reallyy haf the mood to watch tat at first.
all those loveyy doveyy showss.

which just makes me feel worst.
suck. suck. suck.
arghh. im going insane.
**sasaa's madd. lalalaa.

uh huhh. but. it wasnt tat bad afterr all.
it was a nicee show.
everyone danced real well.
but it simplyy just made me feel worst.

wadevaa. enough of loveyy doveyy stuffs.
went to townn cause brenda wanted to cut herr hairr?
ailin. baohui. majella nicolette. joan. sasha. yushan. and me.
acompanied brenda to townn. to haf herr haircut.

and brenda was totally outta herr mind.
she wanted a new hairstyle.
she wanted a bung hairstylee.
and she fcuking cutted herr hairr damn shortt.

and i reallyy mean short.
reallyy. reallyy. reallyy shortt.
arghh. i feel damn sadd for herr.
i tink she was outta herr mind.
just hope tat suppiah will let herr off.

went to macs to haf dinnerr.
it was my first dinner ever since two days ago.
didnt reallyy had the appetite to eat anw.
but i ate a lil. ailin shld be happy. lols.

was not in a mood to walk arnd townn.
and i so wanted to get backk to my bed.
cab backk home wif brenda and sasha.

and had a long. longg. longgg talk wif daddy and mummy.
mm. dunno why. was in the mood to talk to dem.
so we chatted for a longgg time.

alrightt. i dunno wadd to sayy anymoree.
dis entry is damn longg.
take caree toddles.

**charisaa will be alrightt.
no worries.
time will heal everythingg.
just lovee herr lots lots yarhss.

-and she just cant seem to get overr you*
ure still living in herr dreamss.
and dryingg away all herr tearss.

[ [ sassa* ] ]
will love you* till the endd.