Friday, April 23, 2004

todayy was preetty much worser than yesterday.
got back my maths test.
and i flung it once agn (as usual).
i did horriblely. eekksss.

ohs wells.
theres got to be moree to life.
i shant bored overr tht.
i shall just try harder.

i skipped music lesson today, together with:
alyssa. brenda. joanne. michelle and kylie. yupp.
cause we went to help ms ng with the speech day decorations.
and it was damn funny.
i laughed till i almost passed out (as usual).

we were suppose to carry 4 pots of palms to outside of the auditorium.
yeahh. carry pots of plants.
it sounds quite easy. but it wasnt tht simple aftr all.
all of them who carried the plants suffered frm face irritation.
the leaves of the palms were all scratching all overr their faces.
and it was damn itchy for them, and joanne even tasted it.

but charissaaa didnt carry the plants.
she was just standing arnd and laughing at how stupid they looked.
at all their expressions when the plants were irritating their faces.
haha. totally. damn funny.
aye. enough of laughing at them.

oh yeahh.
and todayy's family time and assembly period was cool.
they invited some local dance grp.
called 'ah hock and frends'
mm. it sounds quite cheena, but its not.
in fact, i find it quite cool.

okayss. there were four dancers who came to perform today.
they performed at the auditorium.
those dancers. those dancers.
tsk tsk. tsk.
they're damn flexible.

super superr superrr FLEXIBLE.
the way they dance and stretch was like woahh.
and charissaaa is so so so vry jealous of them.
but she's nvr gonna get flexibility like tht.
those dancers have been dancing for 10 yrs.

the whole thing was really nicee.
and i guess it was cool too.
hehh. sme moves they made were funny.
and it was quite funn watching.

tmr is the annually speech and prize giving day.
so called 'theresian awards day'
brenda and i are representing 2b.
guess its gonna be quite boring.
mm. i only look forward to see all the concert items.

and im suppose to go to sji with samantha for some catholic thing.
arghh. okayss. i shall be nicee and go with herr.

so yeahh. i shall stop heree.
thts bout it.
i need to use the toilet. hehh.
