Tuesday, January 06, 2004

oohhh wells. im superr superr relieved and happie. dammit. i couldn't have been moree happie den now. yeahh. my hp bill came. and it was damn low. i mean reallie low kaes. it was only bout i tink 60 odd. 70 bucks. compared to the last few bills. its reallie considered low. okie. if u ever noe how much my previous bills were. hahas. its a miracle :))

todae's gym trng was reallie tiring. yeahh. and my stomachh is aching like fcuk. arghh. the muscles dere are reallie painful. it hurts. its all bcus of the 50 crunches and the 50 back extention. it was horrible. and im now drained of all my energy. im blogging like half dead now. sucks.

my damn brother. he's reallie irritating. he has got no right reasons to throw his fork and spoon at me jus now during dinner. irritating. he's jus in a bad mood. and took it out on me. tat stupid guy. cant wait fer him to go fer tuiton. den i dun hafta see him. his stupid facee :((

i've a pile of hw to do. and i reallie mean a pile. i got history summary to do. lit essay to write. maths questions to do. journal to write. cme work to be done. art sketch to be drawn. tuition hw to be completed. and i dunno wadd. and im reallie drained of all my energy. i dunno how im gonna complete dem.

sad sad :((

dere's pitch trng yesterdae. and it was at ccab. and i heard tat we might have hockey trng everidae. everidae!? and we're alreadi having morning runs every morning. and now i tink we got to change it to pressure running. we're either gonna haf pitch trng. stick trng. physical trng. or gym trng. maybe everidae. its reallie killing me. im alreadi like half dead.

im missing townn. i haven been to townn fer like. erm. 4 daes straight. and its a lil unusual fer me. cus i use to be in townn every single dae. haix. but i've got trng almost everidae. intensive trng i tink. so i got to attend trng. and i can make it to townn. i missed townn. and of course. all my frends. aww.

uh huhh. its kinda late alreadi. i got sooo many stuffs and hw to do. so i betta get going. so yeahh. catch up wif u guys soon. msg me or sumthing. yupps. byes toddles.