Friday, October 31, 2003

i've damn bored now. shud hav stayed in town till late at night. arghh. but i'm home now. okie. so i shall blog a longgg one. hahas. read on yarh?.

school was fun todae. yupps. and its the last dae of the year school term. *yays*. no more homeworks. tests. exams. till next year. hahas. and i was promoted to sec 2 express next year. lucky kucky me. mus thank god fer tat. yupps.

the whole school attended thanksgiving mass todae. it was to thank god fer bringing us through dis eventful year. yupps. sumthing liddat. its pretty boring during the mass. but it made me realise tat it was a reallie gud yr. and god has been taking care of us. and bringing us through everything. thank god fer all tat. amen.

oso had the christmas pagaent todae. it was pretty short though. yupps. okie. the sec 1 dance peeps did a dance. i dunno wad dance tat actually was. it was quite messy and a little funny. and the costume dey wore were kinda' terrible. (no offence.) erm. swimming costume wiv a skirt?. sumthing liddat. and samantha sure looks funny in tat yellow costume. jk kaes. okie. shall stop being mean. relac. u've danced well. yupps. u go gurl!! rmb to reply my letter yarh?. i'm waiting.

mr francis and mrs suppiah got the most caring teacher's award//. got nth to sae. jus wanna thank dem fer all their lectures. hahas. school ended at 12. and we all went to town. to get valery's present.

valery wanted sumthing bout the num 37(her code.) or sumthing black and white. and sumthing abstract. so we got dis 37 degree shirt tat is black fer her. and its so very abstract. hahas. u'll lyk it val. aniwae. happie birthdae to you*.

took neos wiv carolyn. veena. karmila. sylvia. and one of their frend. dun reallie noe her though. and watched uptown girls wiv carolyn and veena. yupps. tat show is reallie cool. hahas. go watch it kaes peeps?. dun miss it yarh?.

went home at 6 plus. carolyn wanted me to stay dere till later wiv her actually. hmm. first time she ask me to stay out till late wiv her. lol. but it look as if its gonna rain. so we went home. took a cab home. thanks to my laziness. dots//.

dere's trng at CCAB tmr morning. it starts at 8am. but jess saes tat we've to b dere by 7.15am. okie. its so early can. hope tat i can wake up tmr. will be taking a cab dere. cus carolyn brought home the cage of 24 hockey balls last trng. its kinda' heavy. and its killing her. poor gurl. tke kaire of ur back gurl.

okie. hav been going to town fer 3 daes in a row. will still be going to town tmr after trng. okie. its lyk we're addicted to going to town now. bleah/.

i need lotsa things badly. hmm. i'm gonna get daddy to buy me the nike jackey i saw tat dae. a new track pants. the nike shoe bag. the new ripcurl bag wich is sho cute. a new grays hockey stick. and many many more.

okie. the holidaes are here once again. the christmas season is gonna be here again. santa claus is cuming to town. hahas. i'm krapping. sorriee. so yea. i gtg and pack my stuffs fer trng tmr. and rest. plae reallie reallie hard dis holidae kaes. and i'll alwaes be here whenever u might need me. tke kaire' peeps. i'm gonna miss all of you lots and loads. yupps. pinky lurves you.
skool was fun. yupps. its the last dae of the year skool term. yeap. its the holidaes again. *yay*. no more homeworks. tests. and exams. till next yr. and i've been promoted to sec 2 express next yr. lucky lucky me. thank god fer tat. yupps.

the whole skool attented thanksgiving mass todae. yupps. tat was fer the last dae of skool. its was preety boring. but it made me realised tat it was a reallie long yr. though time flies. and god had taken gud care of all of us. and blessed all of us. thank god fer all tat. amen.

hahas. we had the christmas pageant oso. it was preety short though. okie. it was farni. hahas. the dance peeps did a dance. hmm. i dunno wad dance was tat. but it made all of us laff and stuff. the costume dey wore was kinda horrible. (no offence.) it was a swimming costume. wiv a skirt. heh. and samantha sure look farni in tat yellow costume. okie. shall stop being mean. hahas.

went to town to get valery's birthdae present. tat 37 degree shirt tat clarissa reserved yesterdae. okie. tat was wad val wanted. sumthing wiv the num 37. (her code.) or black and white stuffs. so we got her a 37 degree shirt. wich is black. and abstract.

took neos wiv karmila. sylvia and one of their frend. dun reallie noe her though. dots. watch uptown girls wiv carolyn and veena. tat was a pretty nice show. both funny and cool. yupps. go watch tat show kaes?. its quite a nice one.

went home at bout 6 plus. hahas. din wan to go home actually. but it look as if its gonna rain. den decided to go home. took a cab home. hahas. blame it on my laziness. dots//.

wahahahas. dere's trng tmr at CCAB. in the morning. it starts at 8am. but jess saes tat we've to b dere at 7.15am to warm up and stuffs. we'll be taking a cab dere. cus poor carolyn brought home 24 hockey balls. and its damn heavy and dey're killing her.

hmm. tats all fer now larhx. my post fer todae is pretty long. hahas. the holidaes are here again. wahahahas. christmas is cuming. muahahas. okie. so yea. tke kaire peepos. plae reallie hard during the holidaes and i'll alwaes be here whenever u might need me. yupps. pinky lurves you.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

arghhh. i'm kinda pissed wiv dad jus now. was arguing wiv him. but i found it pointless to argue wiv him. cus i'll alwaes get a terrible lecture frm him in the end. so i stopped. bleah/.

skool ended at bout 10 todae. hehe. sho nice rite. den we all went to town. yupps. lalalax. was wiv clarissa. carolyn. yi ting. brenda. alyssa. and majella. yeap.

we went to paragon. den in the end. gehui was dere. so we went to mit her. yupps. she was miting her cousin at 1st. okie. we din noe bout tat at 1st. heh. den in the end. duno wad crap hapen. her cousin frm SJI. and his frend. started to tag along wiv us.

lol. it was reallie farni kaes. 2 guys following a bunch of gurls around town. hmm. it seem a little lame though. hehe. we went to all those gurly shops and stuffs. and those 2 guys jus waited outside. i tink dey were almost bored to death while waiting.

yupps. dey went everywhere we went. hmm. wonder y dey were following us. we din tok. dey jus followed us. everywhere. wadevaa lahx. hahas. fer dunno how many hours. we took neos oso. yeap.

we walked frm paragon to heeren. heeren to cine. den back to heeren again. den walk all the way to far east. yupps. and went in to almost every shops dere. (ps. to guys. its reallie insane to follow gurls around wen dey're shopping. cus u'll jus b bored to death. unless u're a gay or you've a great lot of patience.) yupps.

went home at bout 4 plus. was already damn tired. hmm. we're actually aching frm all our trngs already. hockey and track trngs. hahas. but we still went on walking around everywhere in town.

hmm. yiting's mommy send all of us to tiong. mus reallie thank yiting's mum sum dae. fer alwaes giving us a lift. so nice. will b going to town once again tmr. skool ends at 12.

hmm. gonna buy valery and maybe bubu's birthdae present tmr. lalalax. and will b even more broke after tat. hahas. wadvaa lahx. okie. tats all fer now. tke kaire and nitez!

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

it was a great dae in skool. dere were no teachers in class fer the whole dae. and it was a total havoc in class. we plaed cards. fold harts and stars. wrap the hamper thing. listen to songs. and plaed hockey. hahas. we're damn lame.

we made a great lot of noise. and i tink the seniors downstairs might hav sensed tat sumthing was wrong upstairs. hahas. aniwae. we had a great time plaeing and krapping. yeap.

woah. todae was sho tiring. had trng at ccab. hmm. only decided to go fer trng in the morning. yupps. was feeling okie alreadi. i've most probabli recovered. yeap.

trng was fun. we din run much. jus did alot of stick work. trained in the rain fer awhile though. or rather. we train through the rain. hehes. got a little wet though.

went to eat at the SMU canteen. yeaps. sumthing liddat. ate waffle town. hmm. nv eat those waffles fer a long time alreadi. jus kinda' missed it. yaya. wadevaa.

took a train frm newton to tiong. and foned daddy to pick me up. cus it was already late and i'm damn tired. sent brenda home too. cus i was late. and she's afraid to walk home alone. hehe. tat gurl arh.

i'm so so so tired now. and now i've got to reply all the letters frm valery. samantha. etc. yupps. so yea. i gtg. tke kaire peeps. cya'

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

lalalax. haven reallie recovered frm the stupid gastric thing. bleah. its horrrible kaes. but i'm feeling much betta now. muahahas. thx fer all the concern peepos.

went fer trng todae. but din train. was jus sitting in. yeap. bernetta and nikki sat in wiv me too. we're all sick. hehs. todae's trng was interesting. we did weight lifting. yupps. we went to the gym.

dots. the trng was reallie interesting. i swear. though i nv train. seeing all of dem lift those weights was reallie fun. hehe. though i admit tat i was sleeping in the middle of the trng session.

dere's trng at CCAB tmr. woah. hav to go all the way to bukit timah again. haiz. a long long way dere. jess said tat the captains and sec 3s wun b trng tmr. yupps. sumthing liddat.

hmm. wonder wad important stuffs dey hav. so yea. we'll hav the whole bit pitch to ourselves. hahas. and trng is gonna b tough. i bet. hmm. mite not b trng. mite b jus sitting in lyk wad i did todae.

wahahahas. i'll most probabli b promoted to sec 2 express next yr. no retaining or dropping of stream. woah. how lucky can i b. hahas. aniwae. gtg alreadi.

tke kaire kaes. peepos. and thx to all fer ur concern. i'm almost alrite already. jus need more rest. yupps. so yea. gtg. cya around. -hugss-

Monday, October 27, 2003

wahahahas. jus puked. it was horrible. bleah. went to the doctor yesterdae. (was forced to go). the doctor declared tat i got severe gastric flu. yupps. sumthing liddat.

no wonder i puked so much. and it was reallie veri pain. almost couldn't tke it. and almost fainted. hehe. din go to skool todae. was too sick to go lahx. most probabli will b going to skool tmr. yeap. if everything's alrite.

peeps!! tke kaire' kaes. dun fall sick lyk me. yupps. tats all fer now. need the toilet again. *pukes*

Saturday, October 25, 2003

i'm feeling so dead now. down wiv a horrible stomach flu. hahas. not lame rite. still can blog. bleah. wahahahas. my stomach hurts. heh. vomited alot todae. until i almost fainted. wadevaa lahx.

wanted to ask dad to send me to the hospital at 1st. *pinch nose* but after considering the fact tat the smell dere sux. and will cause me to puke even more. i stayed at home.

luckily i'm alrite. heh. ate sho much medicine todae. dey were horrible. bleh. taste like crap. hmm. i guessed i vomited all the medicine out though. not to worry. :p

i'm sho bored now. nth much to do. hmm. someone gimme a call. wahahahas. if u've got nth much to do. gimme a call on my hp between 11-12 yarh? i'm sho sho sho bored. heh. tke kaire peeps. lurve you peeps. muacks.

Friday, October 24, 2003

tada. its a nice dae. heh. haven been feeling liddat fer quite long. was alwaes moody and stuffs. bleah. but i'm in a great mood now. lalalax. crazee me. hmm. i noe y i'm happie. guessed it was bcus i got the stuffs i wanted alreadi.

yeap. kinda' bored now though. jus looking through sum bloggies of my frends. yupps. dey're nice. might change my blogskin again. heh. dunno changed my blogskin how many times alreadi. but hu carees'

cousins. auntys. uncles. r cuming over later. since its a public holidae. yupps. den mayb can tok to my chio *hint hint* cousin frm rgs again. hahas. exams r over. hope tat she've fared well. and hope tat she get the deserved marks. fer all the effort she put in.

tats all fer now lahx. bz chatting wiv my krappie frends. every1 seem to b in a gud mood now. heh. =p

Thursday, October 23, 2003

skool celebrated deepavali todae. bleah. it was pretty boring. dey danced and stuff. almost fell aslp. heard tat veena pon-ed skool todae. jus bcus she dowana dance on stage. hmm. tat gurl arhx. so mean.

trng was fun todae. yupps. jus tat we ran alot todae. supposed run bout 10 rounds around the delta pitch. hehe. but i missed the last 5 rounds. cus my leg was pain. wahahahas.

lucky me. missed the last 5 rounds. every1 ran till dey almost drop. hehe. but i still hav the horrible muscle ache with me. dey dun seem to get betta. bleah.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

wahahahas. my whole body is aching now. hmm. mayb nv go trng fer quite awhile. tats y. aniwae. got trng tmr. arghh. might jus sit in fer trng. cus i'm aching so badly tat i hurts wen i run. bleah.

lalalax. went to town again. was at great world city at 1st. met cheryl leilani and grace. din even tok to each other. haix. y on earth did we bcum liddat? wadevaa lahx. not lyk i caree animore.

was in a pissy mood. and got damn piss wiv carolyn. she was in a horrible mood too. i tink. den we jus pissed each other off. bleh.

i'm so so so tired now. arghh. gtg and rest. tke kaire peeps. cya' around.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

lalalax. sum of my results were relaesed todae. yupps. guessed how i've fare in dem?. heh. okie. i did quite alrite in my language. and i'm sho happie tat i can kill myself. okie. dis is lame. bleah.

i jus cant believe tat i got 70 fer eng. omg. i almost died wen i got the results. thought tat i flung my essay and formal letter. but i didn't. hahas. got 67 fer chinese. its a great jump kaes. i failed chinese last term. hehe. as fer science. phew. i got 50. wahahas. tat was close. bleh. i failed my maths as anticipapted. haix. dowana reveal my horrible marks.

tats all the results tat were released todae. yupps. more to cum in dis wk. went fer trng at NIE todae. and the RI coach. nono. our new coach. is gonna coach us now. trng is gonna b tough wiv him. haix.

i'm sho tired now. after a long long dae. yawn*
heyhey. i'm sho sho sho bored now. lalalax. heh. decides to type sum shoutouts to the peeps out dere hu rawk my world. hehe.

shoutout fer ahma//val*
hey gurl. hows life going on. hmm. din c u around dis few daes. hope tat u're alrite. heard tat u cried in the toilet todae. sarah and i wanted to look fer u. but u were not in class. heh. dun b too sad over ur results yarh? try harder next time. thx fer alwaes being dere and understanding mi. & fer keeping my secrets. hahas. okie. clay aiken sure rawks*. hehe. tke kaire' kaes. i'll alwaes b here whenever u need mi. loads of lurve. -hugss-

shoutout fer //carolyn*
elo carol. heh. u might not be able to read dis. but i tink tat u deserve a shoutout frm mi. hehe. glad tat u've done quite well in the exams. yeap. keep up the gud work yarh? thx fer alwaes dere listening to my craps. & thx fer keeping my secrets to dis very dae. yupps. tke kaire' & recover frm ur horrible cough sickness yarh? bless u alwaes. lotsa lurve. pinky*

shoutout fer //clarissa*
heyhey. paperdoll. hehe. hope tat u've been doing well in the exams. haven been seeing and toking to u dis daes. hahas. catch up wiv u soon kaes. thx fer all ur krappie jokes and stuffs. stay lifeless* & cool alwaes. heh. tke kaire gurl. i wan a shoutout frm u too =D lurve u alwaes. -muacks-

shoutout fer //brenda*
halo to my gurlie ah gong. hahas. hmm. trng is gonna b tough. yupps. but i noe u can still do well in dem yarh? heh. jus dun swing too hard until u fall lyk todae. den i shud b fine. train hard. hahas. hope tat u'll do well in the overalls. yeap. & i'll alwaes b next door whenever u need me kaes. tke kaire' *hugss* lurveulots.

shoutout fer //cheryl*
heya gal. u most probably might not b able to read dis. i dunno y m i typing a shoutout fer u. bleah. but aniwae. we drifted alot. yupps. same fer sasha and zhiyi. i dunno wad is gonna becum of us in the future. but i still hope tat we could at least still tok abit. though we might not tok as much* as last time. things hav changed. i noe. aniwae. u must must mus tke kaire kaes. catch up wiv u soon.

hmm. tats alot of shoutouts. & tats all fer now. the rest of the shoutouts will b up soon kaes. to all my darling frends. tke kaire' kaes. i'll alwaes b here whenever u need mi. bless u alwaes. lurve u loads. -hugss-

Monday, October 20, 2003

i hate myself. i hate my life. i hate my everything. //bleah. no skool todae. went out. yeap. arghhh!! i'm in a bad mood now. dun feel lyk blogging. todae sux.
i hate myself.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

lalalax. din blog fer dis few daes. hahas. kinda' missed my comp and stuffs. was kinda' bz wiv my other stuffs. hehe. muahahah. daddy bought me the addidas shoe i've always wanted. and its sho cool kaes. hahas. thx dad.

hmm. dere wun b skool tmr. and it'll b boring to stay at home. hahas. yeap. so i wana go out. wahahaha. in a damn krappie mood now. i'm gonna get a new jacket. yeap. mite b getting it tmr.

hmm. and if u're bored bout having no skool tmr. gimme a call yarh?. hahas. den we all can go out kaes?. and clay aiken's song rawks!!!. muahahah.

Friday, October 17, 2003

hey hey. bleah. todae was boring. went to the science centre. fer duno wad stupid reason. damn bored dere. almost died. luckily dey had a mac dere. if not. i tink everi1 is gonna b bore to death.

haix. now everi1 is asking y zhi yi and sasha drifted. hmm. and y cheryl and i drifted. bleah. okie. wad hav i got to sae? at first. cheryl and i drifted. due to duno wad reason. den she became close to sasha. slowli. zhi yi and sasha drifted apart lor. lyk wad mi and cheryl is.

okie. dis is sad. but wad can i do? sum peepos aren't the same lyk dey were last time. tremendous change. i've been sad. i admit. but i dun tink cheryl is ever sad tat we're liddat now. so. i got nth to sae.

enuff of all those sad stuffs. hehe. went to town todae wiv sarah. yi ting and brenda. okie. hahas. we hang around heeren and cine as usual. nth much hapen though. dey were kinda' broke todae. so we jus walk around. yeap. i bought 2 pair of ear-rings. eewkk. dey're sho cutee' hahas. gtg now. tke kaire yarh peeps. dun plae too hard though. dots.
simple plan-perfect

hey dad look at me think back and talk to me
did I grow up according to plan
and do you think I’m wasting my time
doin’ the things I wanna do
but it hurts when you disprove all along

and now I try hard to make it
i just wanna make you proud
i’m never gonna be good enough for you
cant pretend that I’m alright
and you can’t change me

cause we lost it all
nothing last forever
i'm sorry, i can’t be perfect
now it’s just too late
and we can’t go back
i’m sorry, I can’t be perfect

i try not to think about the pain I feel I feel inside
did you know that you used to be my hero
all the days you spent with me now seem so far away
and it feels like you don’t care anymore

and now I try hard to make it
i just wanna make you proud
i’m never gonna be good enough for you
i can’t stand another fight
and nothing’s alright

cause we lost it all
nothing last forever
i’m sorry, i can’t be perfect
now it’s just too late
and we can’t go back
i’m sorry, I can’t be perfect

nothing’s gonna change the things you said
and nothing’s gonna make this right again
please don’t turn your back I can’t believe it’s hard just to talk to you
but you don’t understand

cause we lost it all
nothing last forever
i’m sorry, i can’t be perfect
now it’s just too late
and we can’t go back
i’m sorry, I can’t be perfect

cause we lost it all
nothing last forever
i’ sorry, i can’t be perfect
now it’s just too late
and we can’t go back
i’m sorry, I can’t be perfect

Thursday, October 16, 2003

lalalax. got no skool yesterdae. todae oso no skool. hahas. damn sparse. nth much to do at home. din wan to go out. hav been spending far too much money dis few wks already. plus i still plan to go out during the weekends. so decided to stay at home and b guai. dots.

hahas. went to collect daddy's new car jus now. hmm. wad shud i sae bout it? it rawk!! wahahaha. yeap. its quite nice lahx. not bad though. i lyk the leather seat. veri nice. hahas. okie. its a new car mah.

dere's skool tmr. hmm. guessed we're gonna tke back sum of our results. hmm. tat mite b horrible. but hu cares'? jus wan to go back to skool and start disturbing each other. hahas. no more lessons.

*yay yay* dere'll b no more lessons frm tmr onwards. guess we're gonna rule the place. not the teachers anemore. hehe. guessed its gonna b fun. hahas. after skool tmr. mite b going to cut my hair. hahas. c how 1st lah.

cus carolyn mite not wan to cum. and she mite not cut. yeap. so i mite not cut oso. hahas. mus go and squeeze out sumore money 1st. dots. kinda' broke now though. hahas. exams r over. tke kaire guys. we rawk the world now. weeeee!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

is blogger still down.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

wee!! the final yr exams r overrr..wahahaha! so hapie can. hehe. *yay yay* hahas. so hapie. woah. plus tmr and thurs no need to go to skool. hehe. cuz tmr the seniors got their last paper. den on thurs. dey gt sum kind of marking dae and stuff. tats y its a holidae fer us. yippyy!

lalalax. went to town todae. hehe. went bowling. damn farni. everi1 was krapping around. damn krappie. hahas. gt sum cute guys around oso. hehe. hmm. went to tke neos after tat. okie. we took $32 of neos in all. bleah/.

hahas. the neo print machine rawks kaes. i'm serous. hahas. all the neos turn out to b damn nice todae. muah. lurve tat machine. it totali rawks. yeap. hahas. i'm scanning the neos rite now.

the neos r reali nice. cute. and chio. tink so lah. hahas. hmm..will b uploading the neos later. so go view the chicks in action yarh?. hahas. dots.

hmm. the final exams r over. cant blieve it. hahas. hmm. sum of u r stil having sumore papers. dun b too jealous tat our exam end 1st yarh?. hahas. tke kaire' pinky lurves you*. muacks.

Monday, October 13, 2003

lalalax. todae is the second last paper. the lit paper. i'm kinda' screwed fer the unseen poem part. its damn difficult. yeap. duno wad kind of crap dey're trying to ask.

the part on the repair shop was alrite. yeap. and the part on the journey to jo'burg was oso okie. jus tat i'm a little screwed fer the structured quests. bleah. other den tat. everything was quite alrite lah. hehe.

tmr is the last paper. *yay yay* *boo boo* tmr is the maths paper 2. wahahaha. tats one of the worst paper i shud sae. haix. but after tmr. eveythings gonna b okie.

jus hav to wait fer the damn results to b out. hehe. that'll b the worst yarh? hahas. yea. it is. exams r gonna b over. over. over. mad alreadi:)

we're gonna plae lyk mad tmr. hehe. valery, clarissa, carolyn, majella, sasha, zhiyi, yi ting, samantha, sarah, veena, vidya, alyssa, michelle, me, and bla bla peepos r gonna go out. hehe. it seems to b crazi yarh? so mani peepos going out together.

woah. its gonna b crazi and noisy. but hu cares'. hahas. we're gonna go bowling. yeap. i tink. so catch us, (the chicks) at the alley yarh?. hahas.

and to the chicks: stardie hard fer the last paper yarh? yeap. and to all those seniors and frenz hu r still struggling and muggling fer more papers. stardie well and tke kaire' pinky lurves you*.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

i could fill a thousand pages
telling you how I felt
and still you would not understand.
so now I leave without a sound
except my heart shattering as it hits the ground.
lalalax. changed my blog todae..frm fallenangel to paperheart. hehe. dis blogskin is nice yarh? was too bored in the morning. din go to church b`cuz of my high fever. so i decided to change my blog andmy blogskin. hehe.

dere'll b lit paper tmr..and maths paper 2 on the following dae. i've done my revision fer the lit papers quite well alreadi. (fer the 1st time sia.) yeap. but i guessed i'm screwed fer the second maths paper. can sumone help me. wahahaha!

//bleah. shall continue to type my lit notes now. cya on the flipside.
hey hey. to all dudes and dudettes. i've changed my blog to dis. hehe. okie. its cool yarh? if u've linked me. pls re-do my links. thxz. luv ya lots.