Sunday, November 30, 2003

sum ppl are realli damn xia lan. rubbish plus crap plus dunno wad. do sumthing wrong dun wanna admit. still wanna push the blame to other ppl. bleah/. totali losers. losers. loser. and losers.

todae was a long dae. long long dae fer me. dunno y oso. but it jus seems to be one of the longest daes. went to church todae. the summon todae was reallie cool. hahas. the topic is. death.

okie. i noe i'm lame saeing tat death is cool. but tats not wad i mean. erm. the phliosophy bout death of a christian. hmm. ppl are usuali scared of toking bout death. cus dey're scared of dieing. bout after listening to the summon. i guessed tat i got a different perspective bout death. death of a christian.

dere're four illustrations bout death the bible tells us. okie. its illustrations. not illusions. hahas. jus in case u tink its the same. but it isn't.

death of a christian is actualli a blessing. not a bad thing. cus its a blessing to go to heaven. yupps. its reallie a blessing tat god gives. and i noe tat my uncle is dere now. wiv god till alwaes and alwaes.

death is actuali like slping. wen u slp. u'll eventualli wake up. rite. yea. its the same as death. its jus like u're slping. u'll wake up. but wen u open ur eyes. u're in a glorious place. a wonderful place. heaven. to be together wiv god till fereva. its a betta place den on earth. everione wans to be dere. rite.

one more is like dis. life is jus like working. life is like working. we work everidae. and death is like the end of our work. wen everione is so eager to go home. okie. hu's afraid of going home after work? hahas. no one rite. its the same as dieing. so dere's nth to fear. cus we die in the lord. amen.

another illustration is tat u're going thru a tunnel. a dark tunnel. life is like going thru a tunnel. dere'll alwaes b an end to the tunnel. but. death is a lil different. dere'll b two ends to the tunnel of death. one is heaven. of course. and the other is hell. yupps. its jus a matter of where u'll end up at. up or down. no one is afraid of gettin out of a dark tunnel rite. in fact everione is actualli hoping to be out of the dark and terrifying tunnel asap. yeap. its the same as death.

okie. the last one is like dis. life is like a trng sch. our life is jus like a trng god put us at. yupps. all the obstacles. tough stuffs and bad stuffs are all actualli part of our trng. the trng tat god sends us to. and the dae wen we close of eyes and die. is the dae of our graduation. *yayyy. we graduate in the lord. and our graduation is in heaven. everione is happie wen dey graduate yeah? so its a happie thing to die actualli. to die in the lord. gloriously.

okie. tats all i've got to blog bout death. i'm not a sadistic kaekaes? dun get it wrong. jus wanna share wad i learnt in church. yupps. tke kaire everione. life is short. and if i nvr live a dae of tmr. i wan to let u noe tat i've lurve u peeps lots and loads. tke kaire alwaes. lots ans loads of lurve. *smuackks.

Saturday, November 29, 2003

phew. dinner and dance is finali over. yupps. everithing went well. i tink. those hu were not present reallie miss a hell load of fun. hahas. everione was dress to kill. especially my seniors. yeap. u shud hav seen dem. woah. but its okie. i've got sum pictures. mite upload dem wen i'm free. hahas. so. wait on.

oh yeah. it was joan's birthdae too. yupps. and guessed wad? we did sumthing crazee. but sweet. hahas. we made muffins fer her. dots. okie. i noe we're lame. but after all. its alrite. dey all said tat the muffins were nice. hahas. hope tat wad dey dae is true. not bcus dey wan to please us.

shall do sum shoutouts to my seniors and frends.

joan/. belated birthdae girl
heyy joan. a reallie happie belated birthdae to u. sorrie tat dis post came in a dae late. cus it was late yesterdae wen i reached home. and i was pretty tired after everithing. so i din blog. but i hope tat u reallie enjoyed ur dae yesterdae. hahas. u're a reallie nice senior. i shud sae. sumtimes crappy and sumtimes strict. or shud i call it mood swing? hahas. jus jk. u're reallie a nice. cute. crappy. adorable and pretty lil girl. hahas. i hav to agree wiv bubu. u betta grow taller. hahas. jus jk. u're cute in ur small lil way. yupps. thx fer everithing. hope tat the muffins r alrite. yupps. may god bring u to where ur dreams r. tke kaire girl. lurve u lots and loads. muackx.

brenda/.ah gong
heyhey girl. u're sucha silly girl. hahas. dun noe how to tie ur skirt. but its alrite. i'll alwaes b dere to tie ur skirt up. and make sure tat it doesn't drop. hehe. hope u enjoyed the dinner and dance although u sat wiv papaya. but she's in a rather gud mood yesterdae. so i tink everithing was fine. yupps. hope it is. and pls thank ur daddy fer sending me home even though its so late at nite. ur daddy is a real nice person. not like wad u've all said. so cherish him kaes. dun b mean saeing tat he's bad. yupps. so. tke kaire. and cya on mondae's trng. slp well. and yeah. -hugss-

heyy girl. the dinner and dance is finali over. hahas. everithing is alrite. i shud sae. rite? so u dun hav to worry bout whether u'll fall. or whether u hav money to buy ur clothes. its all over. hahas. and i guessed u had a pretty gud time dancing yeah? hahas. 'and baby we can dance all nite long.' ur fave song. me against the music. ur song. hehe. aniwae. u rest well in dis 2 daes. and prepare to die. cus dere's physical trng on mon. and i tink its gonna b the toughest ever. cus mr bhalbia will b taking us. haix. so u rest well yarh? lotsa lurve. *smuackks.

i'm sho sho sho happie. muahahahas. cus mummy and daddy will b going to europe next week. oh wells. how great can tat be. dey'll b away fer like erm. 12 daes? and i noe its gonna b fun and great without all the naggings and scoldings. okie. i noe i'm mean. but i jus cant stand getting scolded and nagged at everidae. yupps. and i'm gonna get a break next week. *yayyy. alrite. enuff of being happie and stuffs.

i'm reallie tired dis daes. and i slept alot yesterdae nite and todae afternoon. i slept frm 2.30am to 10am. okie. its not actualli quite long but its long considered to all the nites wen i onli slp fer 2-3 hrs. and still hav to go fer trng earli in the morning. den i slept frm 2pm to 5.30pm. cus cousins. aunties and uncles came. so i had to wake up. as being polite. hahas. not reallie polite larhx. but i was actuali woken up by all the noise dey made. all the toking. laughing and stuffs. screw dem fer waking me up.

i tink i'm suffering frm insomia. or wadeva u spell tat. i bet tat i wun be slping till late tonite. cus i'm like so restless. tat i wouldn't mind going fer trng now though its kinda late to train. okie. i tink i'm crazee. and i tink sum vodka would be even betta. okie. i'm starting to crave fer dem. dots. i'll be off to look fer sum now. yupps. slp tight and well tonite. and if u can slp. gimme a call. i'll b dere to ans ur call. and maybe tok to u till early afternoon. hahas. yupps. tc. gud nite and sugar dreams.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

muahahahas. i'm so happie fer bernetta. she finali decided to attend the dinner and dance tmr. we got such a hard time trying to persuade her tat time. hahas. and she onli agreed to attend it at the last moment. oh wells.

dots. we all got such a hard time trying to get her formal clothings. but in the end. we got her a blue wrap skirt and a pair of flat heels. hahas. as fer the blouse. dun tok bout it. she refused to try on any blouse tat we asked her to. so in the end. we din get any blouse fer her.

time is short. so we dun reallie hav mus time to look fer her blouse. aniwae. she's reluctant to try dem on. hahas. okie. the heels was a farni part. we went to pretty fit and charles and kieth to look fer sum heels tat will fit bernetta and vonica. vonica had a long and slender feet. so she managed o fit into most of the heels.

but fer bernetta. oh wells. her toes r reallie long. so she cant fit into most of the heels. hahas. okie. we forced bernetta to try on practicalli every pair of heels tat looks presentable. but. half of dem din fit her feet. hahas. okie. we made quite a fuss at the shops. but in the end we agreed on a pair of butterfly heels fer bernetta.

yupps. its quite a nice pair larhx. matches wiv her blue skirt. but at first she was damn reluctant to buy it but in the end. we made her buy tat. since we dun reallie hav much time left. the dinner and dance is jus tmr. dots.

hahas. carolyn got lost wiv us. wahahahahas. its damn farni. we were walking along the wisma shopping mall. carolyn was lacking behind. she was walking real slow. hmm. tats y she's ahma. hahas. den vonica said tat she wanted to buy sumthing frm famous amos. so we went dere.

but wen we look back. carolyn's gone. hahas. she continued walking and presumed tat we're in front. she din c us due to the crowd. and a tall guy hu she claims tat block her frm seeing us. hahas. so in the emd. she got lost. dots. so we went without her.

i totali agree on calling carolyn. ahma. she're reallie slow like one. haha. okie. shhhhh. dun tell her bout wad i said bout her. kaekaes? gtg now. yupps. oh wells. DnD is tmr. cant wait to c all my seniors. hahas. aniwae. gtg now. tke kaire peeps. lurve ya lots and loads.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

muahahahas. jus a few msg fer my darling frends. btw. my fone is back. wahahahas. i'm so hapie. so u guys can jus msg mi again. at my original num. 92379904. yupps. i'll b waiting.

heyyy. my fave ahgong. hahas. aniwae. hows ur ear? is ur earhole closed? hahas. u probabli dun even realised tat ur earhole is gonna close soon. hahas. but i tell u. its reallie closing. u wanna suffer the pain of repiercing izzit? u betta tke kaire of ur pretty earlobes. or u mite not b able to wear those nice and fucky dangling earrings. hahas. like wad corliss said. yupps. tke kaire horr. the DnD is dis fri. cuming pretty soon. haix. jus wanna get over tat dae soon. sleep and rest well kaes. den u wun complain tat u're tired everidae. hehe. cya tmr during gym trng. lurve u loads.

heyhey. to my fave ahma. hahas. u're okie gurl? u're alwaes in such a pissy mood dis few daes. i can understand. but try not to b pissed over the slightest thing yeah? hahas. aniwae. u're still our hockey ahma. yep. u go ahma! u oso rest well yeah? dun slp too late. yupps. slp well and slp tite tonite. -hugss-

corliss/.crazee gurl
heyyy. hahas. dunno whether u mite get to read dis. but. hope tat u're reading it now. yupps. hope tat u're happie wiv the earrings too. hahas. its funky isn't it? u'll definetli look chio tat dae. dun worry. hahas. aniwae. u relac. we'll make sure we return ur $27.20 asap. hahas. dun tink too much bout tat. and dun bugg us everitime u c us fer the money yarh? we SWEAR tat we'll return it to u. yupps. tke kaire. and train hard fer ur cuming milo cup. -hugss-

agnes/.dear cousin
hey gurl. nvr c u fer a long time alreadi. hows life getting on during the holidaes? hope tat all is fine. dun mugg too much. its the holidaes. rmb. u'll defnetli do damn well fer ur O's next yr. its still a yr away. so u relac. dun mugg so hard now. u'll make it to RJC. smart gurl. hahas. rite now. tke kaire. and plae hard. like u nvr plae before? hahas. u need mi and my teddies to plae wiv u? hahas. i'll b dere whenever u need mi. so if u're bored bout life and stuffs. gimme a call. i'll b rite over wiv my teddies. hahas. tke kaire gurl. lurve u loads.

to all my other frends hu r not mentioned. i still rmb all of ya. yupps. if u're bored bout life or any thing? gimme a call. (my hp is back.) i'll alwaes b dere whenever u need mi. yupps. to all my kors and jies. so sorrie. i din attend the gathering last thurs. i'm reallie reallie sorrie. i've reallie missed u guys loads. many many loads. hope tat all is fine wiv all of u. tke kaire. i'll catch up wiv u guys soon. lurve u peeps lots and loads. muackx.
heyhey. mummy. daddy. zoeleen and darius r all out. dey went fer uncle's funeral. was actuali supposed to go. but i'm damn tired after a whole dae of trng and walking around town. yupps. so. i din attend the funeral. hmm. i feel quite bad oso. but at least i've send my regards alreadi.

i guessed i've got back my fone. hahas. finali sia. dunno waited fer how long alreadi. hahas. okie. i'm damn crazee now. now tat i got my fone. but dere conditions applied. yupps. tats y daddy returned my fone. haix. aniwae. my fone is back. 92379904. yupps. so start krapping and start msging mi again like before yarh? missed u guys lots and loads. -hugss-

Monday, November 24, 2003

yayyy! finali got all my stuffs fer the dinner and dance alreadi. okie. i'm damn relieved. no need to worry animore. yupps. carolyn oso got all her stuffs. her blouse and heels. yeap. and she'll look damn gurli tat dae. hahas. jus hope tat she walk properli wiv her legs closed. hahas. den she'll look nice.

damn sian now. nth much to do. jus finish making earrings and necklace fer corliss. brenda. and carolyn. yupps. dey're all done alreadi. except fer mine. but i'll get mine done tmr. cus i'm alreadi veri tired.

oh yeah. haven replied yiting's letter. jus got her letter yesterdae nite. at 12 plus pm. aniwae. i gtg and reply her letter. its a reallie long one. got many stuffs to reply. hahas. tke kaire. nitez.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

so sad. how eventful it is todae. mommy woke mi up at 6.20am and told mi tat uncle has been recieved by god. i was slping soundly in the midst of my sweet dreams. den i heard dis bad news. or a gud news? dun gt it wrong kaes. i nvr wanted uncle to die. i nvr had tat thought. i nvr did.

uncle has been suffering. the organs in his body r alreadi spoilt. dey r causing all the bloating and swelling in him. and his lungs r alreadi filling wiv water yesterdae. i noe it reallie hurts.

he's been suffering. but thank god fer his mercy and grace. he has cum fer him. to bring him to a place. where dere's no suffering. no pain. no sorrow. only happiness. joy and peace. its a place where all angels sing. all the saints dere. all rejoicing wiv god. where dey can b wiv god fer ten thousand yrs. heaven.

missed church todae. din hav the mood to attend church. rested at home. tink thru stuffs. stuffs of life. i tink i've grown up and matured a lil dis yr. many stuffs has happen. all has made mi weak and stronger at times. okie. dun tok bout those stuffs.

aniwae. i've recovered frm all my muscle ache. oh yeah. jus completed wrinting 100 lines of. 'i must create a hockey file'. its a punishment frm mr bhalbia to most of the hockey gurls hu din finish their file on fri. okie. but. i've finish writing tat 100 lines. it took mi 20 mins. hahas. not tat bad though.

oh god. dinner and dance is dis fri. and i haven got my top and handbag to match wiv my skirt yet. wahahahahas. okie. its not too late though. shall get dem tmr. yupps. gtg peepos. ke kaire. lurve u guys lots and loads. muackx.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

woah. damn tired now. jus came back frm tan tock seng hospital. yupps. dun gt it wrong. i dun haf sars kaes. its jus tt my uncle is admitted to the hospital bcus of his serious condition. he's suffering frm cancer. nt sure of wad cancer is tt. but his condition was damn serious jus now in the afternoon. he could jus pass away anetime.

so we rushed to the hospital jus now in the later afternoon. but he's alrite after the injections and medicine. but he's in a serious condition. might jus leave the world anetime and start his journey to heaven. hope tt his journey will b peaceful.

lost sum tears jus now. okie. duh. i broke my promise to myself again. useless me. i promise nyself not to lose any tears easily again. but i couldn't help it. was hoping tat i'll haf sumone beside me fer me to hug den. hahas. jus jk. aniwae. hope tt uncle is fine and can jus pull through another dae peacefully.

life is short. real short. hu noes. i might jus die wen i slp tonite. and will nv haf to wake up to face dis cruel and harsh world anemore. maybe not tonite. but maybe tmr nite? okie. wad crap m i toking. sorrie.

jus wan to sae. life is short. so cherish everithing tat u haf now. even if its ur enemies. cus maybe. hu noes. dere'll nvr b a tmr fer u to fight wiv ur enemies again. even if u wan to. okie. to all the craps tat i've jus said. touch wood*

hais. i stink. smelt of the hospital smell. got to go and tke a shower now. yupps. so tke kaire peepos. and if i mite nvr live a dae of tmr. tke kaire. lurve u guys lots and loads. bless u alwaes. -hugss-

[life is jus so fragile. but wen its gone. its gone. cherish everithing u hav now. even if its bad. cus u mite not live another dae to c it again. even if u wan to. tats wad life is.]

Thursday, November 20, 2003

wahahahas. jus woke up frm slp. slept frm 5 plus till now. heh. is damn tired. yupps. went fer trng as usual. but todae was at delta. yeap. cresent was trng frm 8am-10am. and our pitch time was 10am-12pm. and i saw polly. oh golly. she's still as small as last time. cute lil gurl.

ran 5 rounds around the pitch. delta's pitch is much bigger den CCAB's pitch. so 5 rounds dere was a lil bit more den CCAB. we're all suffering frm muscle aches and cramps. but we still made it to the end of 5 rounds. hahas. yupps.

it was drizzling slightli. we trained through the whole drizzling. i'm hapie to sae tat most of us actuali improved a lil. okie. at least a lil. was drenched totali. everything was wet. yupps. so we went home to get a bath den went out again.

went to mit neng hui. vonica. bubu. jess. and xinni at far east. dey said tat dey saw sum formal clothes tat we shud wear fer dinner and dance. dere was dis skirt. its a lil uneven at the ends. frilly and stuffs. dey all said tat it suits me and brenda. okie.

so we tried tat on. hahas. it looks farni and feels uncomfortable at first. but its alrite. i guessed. yeap. will b getting tat tmr. will most probabli b wearing purple spags wiv it. and heels. bleah/. okie. onli wearing it fer one nite. hahas.

waohhh. ahma. first time seeing u wear skirt. hahas. relac kaes. u look nice in tat black skirt. hahas. though its a lil sophiscted. hmm. jus close ur legs and walk properli. and it'll b alrite. heh. thx fer ur joke of not needing to put blusher tat dae cus u'll blush like mad. hahas. nice joke. aniwae. u tke kaire. dun throw urself to block the balls horr. urself and ur life is more important. rest well. dun strain urself. lurve u lots. -hugss-

hey gurl. u sure look sweet in tat purple skirt. hahas. u'll surli look chio tat dae. relac larhx. dun stress urself up bcus of the clothes kaes. tats un neccasary stress. wich cus u to age faster. hahas. jk. tke kaire of u body. rest well. yupps. loadsa' lurve. muackx.

vaNeSsA/.bOobOo and neNghUi/.
heyhey gurls. hahas. thx fer acompanying us and fer all ur advices on clothes. hahas. tke kaire of urselfs horr. tke kaire of ur wrist and elbow injuries. yupps. cya during trng. lots and loadsa' lurve.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

went fer weights trng once again todae. hehe. guessed i've improved a little on the weights. hahas. tat comment was frm carolyn. thx gurl. hope wad u said were not jus to make me happie. went to town after everithing. yupps.

was wiv vonica. brenda. and carolyn. the usual peepos. but after tat. we met neng hui. vanessa. jessica. and xinni at cine. yeap. wanted to watch wishing stairs at first. but carolyn was afraid tat she will suffer frm a nitemare. so in the end we didn't watch. damn. i wana watch tat show. any one hu is going to watch tat show pls tell me and dun mind me tagging along?

vonica was pissed wiv brenda. carolyn. and mi at first. but after awhile we're okie. yupps. in the end. we went to taka to look fer formal wear fer the dinner and dance. wich is like onli 9 daes away? gosh. 9 more daes. and we dun even hav in mind wad to wear? dots.

we walked to taka. and to wisma. etc. yupps. were looking around fer clothes. and dere were mani nice clothes. of course. went to mango. guess. miss selfridge. bla. bla. u name it. hahas. and neng hui made me try on dis big toga top. cus she saes tat i could jus pull off wiv it. bleah/. and i tried it on. the back was kinda low. and i was damn uncomfortable in it. so i dun buy it. hehe.

xinni and vonica tried on sum clothes too. of course. vonica tried on sumthing orange. and xinni tried on sumthing white at first. den black in the end. as usual. vonica couldn't make her mind. hahas. but xinni reserved a black top and a black formal pants. yupps. tats all tat happened in town.

hahas. y m i so detailed? dots. went to suntec after town. dey said tat dere r more clothes dere. so we went over to suntec to c dem. yeap. went to mango. its reallie big. and the clothes were all sho sophiscated. heh. and jess bought her sexy black top dere. hahas. she looks reallie feminine in it. u go gurl. jess!!

went home after all tat shopping. was tired all all. found out tat mummy bought sum clothes yesterdae. yupps. dey're actuali quite nice. quite suitable fer formal wear. yupps. aniwae. i might jus pull off wiv tat blouse. and a skirt. most probabli.

it was fun hanging around wiv neng hui. bubu. jess. and xinni. yupps. to dem. thx gurls. fer all the time jus now. yeap. i'm sure all of u will b drop dead gorgerous tat nite. hahas.

to neng hui. thx fer all ur advice on clothes yarh? u can b a fashion designer next time? hahas. and tke kaire of ur arm. recover soon. to bubu. hehe. wad r u gonna wear? a skirt? hahas. xinni told me tat u wan to keep wad u r going to wear as a secret. cant wait to c u in ur dress. aniwae. tke kaire of ur wrist. recover soon. yupps. to jess. woah. u sure look feminine in ur sexy outfit. hahas. tke kaire yarh? to xinni. aiyoo. gurl ah. y u wanna wear pants? even vonica is wearing skirt lehx. hahas. jus jk. tke kaire kaes. recover frm ur rashes soon.

yupps. tke kaire. everione. missed u loads. muackx.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

heyhey all. heh. din blog fer one dae. but i guessed its alrite yarh? had weights trng yesterdae. went to sentosa todae. and i'm suffering frm a terrible muscle ache now. cant reallie move my arms tat much. it hurts. wahahahas.

aniwae. life has been preetty hectic nowadaes. frm the start of the holidaes. till now. and will b even more hectic in the daes to cum. we're training frm mon to sat. gym trngs. tue.thurs.sat.pitch trngs. heh. a preetty heavy schedule yarh? dunno how my seniors in the combined schs trngs can do it. yupps. dey mus hav super power. my super powerpuff seniors. hehe.

nth much to blog. shall hav sum shout-outs here.

muahahahas. u shake xiezhi's hand arh? wah liaos. i shud hav been dere. he's shuai yarh? hahas. preetty sure u had a great time dere. tke kaire during the holidaes. cya soon. -hugss-

hey quacko. quack quack. hows all the quacking in life going on? hahas. had a great time quacking in all ur daes? hmm. jus jk. dun reallie feel well arhx? u mus tke kaire kaekaes. its okie tat u din cum wiv us to sentosa todae. u din reallie miss much though. we din reallie sun tann. hahas. were jus plaeing in the waters. aniwae. we can go together sumdae. yupps. tke kaire now. lurve u lots.

hey gurl. my gurlie ahgong. hahas. jus jk. dun worry too much bout the team and stuff yarh? we'll all go through dis thing together. and we'll c the rainbow soon. hahas. hope so. but now. tke kaire of ur health. and get over the phobia of going into waters. yupps. and train hard. of course. lurve u loads. -hugss-

to the sec one hockey team/.
heyhey peepos. hahas. hope tat the holidaes r still great fer all of u despite all the trngs. wich is almost everidae. but. i hope tat all of u will turn up regularly fer trngs. team talks. and stuffs. yea. and train hard. we all can make it. yupps. and to all the quiet ones. talk more larhx. we wun eat u up. most of all. tke gud guddie kaire of urself and everione around. dun fall ill. yupps. lots and loads of lurve. muackx. -hugss-

to all my hockey seniors/.
hey all. hahas. life's preetty busy wiv all the trngs and stuffs yarh? but i noe all of u can do it. yupps. train hard. we're all waiting fer the gud news of the c' divisoin champions next yr. we noe u all can make it. yupps. tke lotsa kaire. rest well. yupps. lurve u guys loads. muackx. -huggs-

Sunday, November 16, 2003

heyhey peepos. haven been blogging fer 2 daes or so. heh. was both busy and tired. yupps. hahas. plus i little of laziness. hehe. or shud i sae lots and loads of laziness? heh. u guys shud noe.

wahahahas. i guessed i've put on a little more weight(1kg) now during the holidaes. mayb i'm eating a little too much. okie. so. i swear tat i'm gonna go on a diet. and dis time. i reallie mean it. so dun tempt me wiv all ur nice guddie food. kaekaes? u guys can eat all u wan and grow as fat as u wan. hahas. not me.

had a real gud talk wiv daddy on fri nite. told him my every everything. hahas. not everything. but rather. all tat i tink i shud tell him and all tat i can tell him. yupps. he kinda understand me more now. i guessed. and he's on the verge of returning me foneee. hahas. i knew tat i could make it. aniwae. its not reallie confirmed tat my fone is definetli back. but i guessed it'll b back soon.

i'm cracking my brain now. trying to tink of sum great plan to bond the sec1s hockey peepos. heh. its reallie tough. i've recieved a whole load of their love letters(jk) telling me how dey feel bout the camp. and wad dey tink bout the team bond. but i'm reallie sad and hurt by wad dey write.

i'm not sad and hurt bcus dey said bad stuffs bout me. dey nvr. i'm not sad and hurt bcus dey said sum things tat hurt me. dey nvr. i'm sad and hurt bcus dey wrote stuffs tat nvr happen like wad dey wrote. dey wrote and make it so lovey dovey. like we're a happie family and nth bad has happen. dey're jus faking in their letter. dis is wad tat hurts the most. the happie craps tat sum of dem write.

since dey cant even b honest wiv their feelings and thoughts. den i dunno wad i shud/can do alreadi. i'm getting pissed by sum of dem. sum of those fews hu jus spoils everything. and dis sux. i hate dis. y cant dey jus b a little more honest wiv their feelings and thoughts and share it wiv everyone? cant dey jus do a little fer the team?

haix. i'm reallie very pissed. i've total mixed feelings bout wad i shud do. but i'll still try. mayb i shud ask everyone out to lunch tmr together after trng. and mayb dey could jus get to noe each other more.

okie. i shall go and fone everyone up now. yupps. take care peeps. -hugss-

Thursday, November 13, 2003

heyhey peepos. hahas. thx fer all hu r concerned bout the camp. yeap. well. i can only sae tat it was great. though it was preetty sad and uneventful fer the sec1 hockey peeps cus sum stuffs happen. but it was a great camp. yupps.

heh. i've nth much to blog todae. yep. okie. i tink i wana do a little shout-outs fer my total darling frends. heh. here i go.

hey gurl. hahas. i'm sure u preetty much enjoyed the sports camp yarh?. hehe. okie. i'm sad bout all the stuffs tat has happened. i'm sure u r oso. rite gurl. but i tink we got to face it. but. rmb. we'll stil keep on trying kaes. until we get the bond tat we wan the team to hav. but rite now. dun get too stressed up. relac. train and plae hard. yupps. tke gud kaire yarh?. lotsa lurve.

carolynn gurl. dun noe whether u might ever get to dis. but. i wan to sae a reallie big sorrie to u. yeap. mayb u got the wrong idea of wad i said to u in the camp. and we kinda qurelled. but i tink i'm oso wrong. we're alrite now yarh?. and u tke kaire of urself kaes. after camp den tio fever. heh. rmb to rest well and slp well yarh?. loads or lurve. -huggs-

quack quack. hey quacko. u quack me out. hahas. jk. hmm. how was the camp? preetty great yarh? aniwae. u tke kaire kaes. dun fall sick like carolyn. yupps. cya tmr at the beach. ciao. lurve u lots.

hey val. its been long since i write to u. and u write to me. hmm. hope tat we stil can keep in touch though its the holidaes now. yea? aniwae. u tke guddie kaire kaes. missed u loads. -huggs-

hey von. dunno whether u might jus get to dis sumhow. hahas. hope tat ur internet connection is stil dere. yupps. *ouch* u're hair is preetty sharp yarh?. heh. jk. tke kaire kaes. and train hard. -huggs-

hey kor. relac larhx. i'm jus jk tat time. dun reallie mean to make u angry. hahas. yupps. i'm alwaes so plaeful. rmb. so i hope tat u dun tke offence. u're stil my gud kor kor. yupps. tke kaire. missed u loads. -huggies-.

heyhey korrr. hows life?. its been such o long time since i tok to u. heh. jope tat all is well. dun u ever bully juli jie okie. u mus lurve her lots and loads alwaes and alwaes. if she ever complains to me. den i disown u. hahas. no larhx. jk. jus hope tat ur lurve fer her will last fereva. tke kaire'. -huggs-

sharonnn jie. muahahahas. thx fer everything. and oso fer helping me pass a msg to whitney. yupps. hows life going on? hope tat everithing is gud. hahas. hows ur darling boifrend? heh. tke kaire kaes. dun let him bully u. though i tink its u hu alwaes bully him. dots. aniwae. missed u loads. hope to mit up wiv u soon yarh?.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

wahahahas. i'm finally home. reallie missed my roon. my bed. my comp. my bears. and even my toilet. hahas. okie. i admit tat i'm lame. but i reallie missed home and everything lots. and loads. reallie. the campsite. the bunk.(the place where we slp.) the toilet. was like. erm. well. bleah/.

okie. i've got lotsa stuffs to blog todae. yupps. lots and loads of stuffs. mayb sum craps too. but i can sae tat dis camp is reallie a great one. we learnt a real load of stuffs. and sum of us. kinda got closer to each other. well. i hav mixed feelings.

i'm both happie and sad. many sad and bad things happened during dis camp. but i guessed tat it has made me much stronger. and to look at things in a different perspective. haix. i reallie dunno wad is wrong wiv us(the sec1 hockey peeps.) we seem to hav too much conflicts. disputes. problems. wiv each other.

we cant b bond-ed together. oh well. tok bout bonding. though we went through team building games. do stuffs together. but we still dun get bond-ed wiv each other. and its reallie a sad thing. real sad. we(xinni. carolyn. brenda. sushmita. bernetta. and me) tried. we tried our very best to make it possible tat we can make everyone b bond-ed and happie wiv the whole team.

but all tat we said. and all tat we do. were not of any use. wen we tok to dem bout serious matters. dey jus lie on the bed. of seem to b damn un-interested. but we did tried. we reallie did. but nth seems to b gettin into their puny heads. i'm reallie very sad bout all tat happened. oohhh. wadevaa.

the worst thing is wen we cried. dey can stil sit in front of us. joke and laugh in front of us. noeing and seeing tat we're crying. wad is dis? dis is crap. i hate dis. its no use tat only six of us is trying. its not enuff. we need everyone to try. and things will happen. it will.

i'm gonna suffer frm a mental break-down soon. dere is sumthing tat i cant believe. sumthing tat i cant acept. i hope tat its not true. okie. i swear tat i'll nono. i mean we. will pray real real hard tat it'll not happen. and tat she can b plaeing happily again. soon.

well. backtrack to wad we've learnt in the camp. we learnt bout taping. taping of injured fingers. wrists. ankles. yupps. sum basic of taping. so tat we noe wad we can do ourselves next time we get injured. we learnt bout sports injuries oso. its kinda' informative. yupps.

we plaed sum games. and dey were reallie fun. or i shud sae. dey rawk?. dey brought us.(peeps frm different ccas frm sec1-3) together, and we kinda got to noe more bout each other. tat was nice. yeap.

went fer canoeing oso. hahas. tat was one of the funniest thing i will rmb in dis camp. i was canoeing wiv brenda. i was sitting in front. brenda at the back. hahas. guesses wad. we dun reallie noe how to cordinate to move the canoe. and we almost ended up in the jetty. tat i tink leads to malaysia. tat was reallie scary. hahas. and mr seng had to cum to our rescue alwaes. hmm. mr seng can b quite okie if he wans to. yeap. hahas. i'm not favouring him cus he help us kaes. dun get it wrong.

we shared the bunk wiv the netball gurls. and i tink tat we kinda caused a little inconvinience here and dere fer dem. we're reallie very sorrie. and thx fer all or ur help. yupps.(to any netballers hu ever cums across dis.) we reallie appreciate ur help. though we might not reallie noe each other.

hmm. all i hav to sae is tat sports camp was great. okie. mayb i shud sae tat i rawk. oh well. it reallie does rawk. the so called student leaders reallie did a great job. yupps. three cheers fer dem. hiphip hurray/. hiphip hurray/. hiphip hurray/. yay.

wahahahas. jus cut my finger again.(accidentli.) yeap. i gave up on cutting myself fer bout a few weeks alreadi. hahas. not long rite. aniwae. i'm reallie tired now. din reallie slp last nite. hahas. shall stop blogging till here. tke kaire' peepos. i've missed all of u lots and loads. blees u alwaes. muackx.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

my maid mini has gone back to indonesia dis morning. and a new maid is here. her name is minah. she's 27. frm indonesia. okie. y m i introducing her?. dots. i dun reallie like the idea of having a new maid. she doesn't noe much bout where i keep my stuffs. and everything. now i've to do everything myself fer a period of time. until she gets used to the environment here. working here.

how long can tat get. wahahahas. aniwae. i'm aching like crap now. i seriously need a gud guddie nite rest. yupps. but i dun tink i'll get one tonite. cus i dun plan to sleep early. and i hav to get up at 5 plus tmr morning. the sports camp is tmr. yeap. its reallie fast. and i'm not reallie excited over it. and i kinda dreaded it to cum so soon.

cus i haven recovered frm my muscle ache frm the last gym trng. and it reallie hurts and sucks. it has been 2 daes already. bleah/. i bet tat it'll be worst in the camp. wiv all the running. trngs. and stuffs. i might jus die dere. hope tat we all can survive dis camp wiv dis horrible ache.

okie. i hav 21 lollipops wiv me now. and i decided to bring it to the camp. so if u wan any lollipops. cum to me kaekaes. i've got lots to share. hahas. dun ask me where i got dem frm. its top secret. heh.

the camp is frm sundae to wed. tat means i'll not b blogging fer 3 daes. not like i'm gonna bring a laptop dere. duh!~ aniwae. to all those hu r not going fer dis camp. tke kaire. lurve u guys loads.

Friday, November 07, 2003

tada. i'm so hapie now. heh. daddy jus bought me a new jacket. it white and orange. hahas. and it rawks. vonica was jus asking me to bring it to skool tmr. cus dhe heard the word 'orange'. tat orange fantic. wadevaa lahx. von.

okie. i bought lotsa stuffs dis month. lots and loads of stuffs. and all are bought by daddy. muahahahas. lurve u loads. dad. u rawk. hahas. daddy has been giving in to me in many things. and i noe tat he's trying to giv me all tat i wan. and i guess i shud b reallie contented enuff alreadi. aniwae. thx dad.

went to town again todae. okie. town is like my home now. i go dere everydae. dots. and i tink tat taking neos is like bathing. i take neos everytime wen i'm on town. omg. i'm like addicted to town. and i'm kinda sick of it now. wahahahas.

todae is sylvia's birthdae. hahas. we(clarissa and i) bought her balloons. and dey're damn cute. powerpuff gurls and elmo. hahas. okie. and we were carrying it around town. spastic yea? hahas. we took the neoprints wiv the balloons too.

to sylvia. if u ever came across dis. a very very happie birthdae to u gurl. hahas. may u stay cute. adorable. cheerful. and happy alwaes. yupps. and train hard yarh?. though the gym trng kinda' suck. hahas. tke kaire gurl. lurve u loads.

i'm suffering frm sum serious muscle ache now. it has spread to all over my body. even my tummy. hahas. we were doing abdominal sit ups. we put 4 plus pounds of weight on our tummy and did the sit ups. its damn power can. it cause us dis terrible ache. my legs and arms r aching seriously as well. but not as bad as my tummy.

i swear tat if we continue to train much on those weights. we will soon bcum supergurls. yupps. super hockey gurls. and i seriously dowan all those muscles popping out of my legs and arms. it dun look nice. aiya. wadevaa larhx. dun like i can control my muscles.

sports camp is cuming. its on dis sundae. wahahahas. its reallie fast. one week of holidaes has past. and soon we hav to go back to sch. i'm currently packing my stuffs fer the camp. dun reallie noe wad craps to bring. hmm. might jus bring my bear dere. hahas.

andd. one more thing. my spare hp line is confiscated by mummy again. my bill was like. $200 odd. and mummy is damn pissed. so she confiscated it again. jus quarelled wiv her in the morning. she purposely chose to confiscate my fone early in the morning. wtf.

aniwae. i gtg. yupps. tke kaire peepos. muackx.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

lalalax. din blog yesterdae. heh. was damn tired. so i decided to sleep. hahas. had a gud sleep. okie. brenda. tats the ans of y i din blog yesterdae. hehe. aniwae. shall blog bout yesterdae. since brenda is asking.

yesterdae was the open house fer the soon to be sec1s frm IJ kellock. and bukit timah. (the 2 IJ schs tat r affliated to stc.) yupps. it was preety boring. not many came. and we were jus sitting at the hard-court and toking among ourselves. dots. its real boring. the quietest open hse i've ever been to/ever had. bleah.

went to town again. yeap. and we went to watch in. cruelty. its a farni show. not tat bad. yupps. took neoprints again. i guess we're preety much addicted to going to town and taking neoprints. i tink we're all insane. hahas. we're addicted to sum crap. we went to shop around fer the dinner and dance clothes too. ooohh. i SWEAR tat was the funniest scene ever.

we were wearing stc uniform and going into all the boutiques. and looking at all the sophiscated clothes. wiv frills and stuffs. and heels. hahas. vonica was dere too. and i tink we attracted preety much attention. heh. but hu cares? it was fun though.

okie. went home and took a bath. den mummy called and asked me to go to robinsons wiv her to get sum stuffs. so i went to centerpoint. robinsons. and tat was the second time i went town yesterdae. dots rite.

tat was all fer yesterdae. tink so. yupps. brenda's telling me now bout how farni the neos r. dots. dey're not farni. dey're insane plus cute. kaekaes brenda? went fer trng at NIE. CCAB todae. plaed wiv the raffles boiz. hmm. can sae tat dey're preety tough. yupps. it was a gud game.

learnt quite alot during trng. yupps. it was fun. but the most and many seniors were not present. dey're having leadership camp. yeap. so the sec1s trained wiv vonica. liyi. lynn. and hema. tats all. hahas. quite pathetic rite.

went to town AGAIN. the fourth time dis week. tat means i've been going to town fer everydae of dis whole week. wahahahas. we've all tio the town dieases. and its deadly and contagious. we're all addicted. hahas. mayb.

dere'll b weights trng in the sch's gym tmr. its gonna b tiring. yupps. heard tat we've to lift the weights tats twice our weight. dot. dot. dots. its a little crazee yarh?. heh. but we've jus got to do it. wad can we do?. except to screamm (wtf. u trying to kill us wiv those fucking weights yarh?) in our hearts. haiz. wad can we reallie do. rite.

aniwae. i'm damn bz now. chatting wiv 16 peepos. 38 peepos online. and i'm getting damn bz. so i shall stop here. tke kaire peeps. and to brenda. ah gong. u dun tink too much bout the malaysis trip. its okie if u missed it. respect ur parent's dicision kae. be a gud guddie gurl. kaekaes. gotta go. nitez.
lalalax. din blog yesterdae. heh. was damn tired. so i decided to sleep. hahas. had a gud sleep. okie. brenda. tats the ans of y i din blog yesterdae. hehe. aniwae. shall blog bout yesterdae. since brenda is asking.

yesterdae was the open house fer the soon to be sec1s frm IJ kellock. and bukit timah. (the 2 IJ schs tat r affliated to stc.) yupps. it was preety boring. not many came. and we were jus sitting at the hard-court and toking among ourselves. dots. its real boring. the quietest open hse i've ever been to/ever had. bleah.

went to town again. yeap. and we went to watch in. cruelty. its a farni show. not tat bad. yupps. took neoprints again. i guess we're preety much addicted to going to town and taking neoprints. i tink we're all insane. hahas. we're addicted to sum crap. we went to shop around fer the dinner and dance clothes too. ooohh. i SWEAR tat was the funniest scene ever.

we were wearing stc uniform and going into all the boutiques. and looking at all the sophiscated clothes. wiv frills and stuffs. and heels. hahas. vonica was dere too. and i tink we attracted preety much attention. heh. but hu cares? it was fun though.

okie. went home and took a bath. den mummy called and asked me to go to robinsons wiv her to get sum stuffs. so i went to centerpoint. robinsons. and tat was the second time i went town yesterdae. dots rite.

tat was all fer yesterdae. tink so. yupps. brenda's telling me now bout how farni the neos r. dots. dey're not farni. dey're insane plus cute. kaekaes brenda? went fer trng at NIE. CCAB todae. plaed wiv the raffles boiz. hmm. can sae tat dey're preety tough. yupps. it was a gud game.

learnt quite alot during trng. yupps. it was fun. but the most and many seniors were not present. dey're having leadership camp. yeap. so the sec1s trained wiv vonica. liyi. lynn. and hema. tats all. hahas. quite pathetic rite.

went to town AGAIN. the fourth time dis week. tat means i've been going to town fer everydae of dis whole week. wahahahas. we've all tio the town dieases. and its deadly and contagious. we're all addicted. hahas. mayb.

dere'll b weights trng in the sch's gym tmr. its gonna b tiring. yupps. heard tat we've to lift the weights tats twice our weight. dot. dot. dots. its a little crazee yarh?. heh. but we've jus got to do it. wad can we do?. except to screamm (wtf. u trying to kill us wiv those fucking weights yarh?) in our hearts. haiz. wad can we reallie do. rite.

aniwae. i'm damn bz now. chatting wiv 16 peepos. 38 peepos online. and i'm getting damn bz. so i shall stop here. tke kaire peeps. and to brenda. ah gong. u dun tink too much bout the malaysis trip. its okie if u missed it. respect ur parent's dicision kae. be a gud guddie gurl. kaekaes. gotta go. nitez.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

lalalax. i'm damn bored now. and my legs r jus aching. like dey nvr ache before. and it swear tat its damn pain. wahahahas. screw my legs. dots. aniwae. it was preetty fun todae. and stuffs. yupps.

okie. i shall start wiv the morning. mummy and daddy went to skool wiv me to collect my report card. early in the moring. at 7.30. and i'm lucky. lucky me. i jus passed my overall percentage. by 2 marks. dots. the 2 marks saved me. i mus jus thank god fer tat. lurve u many many lots and loads. god. amen.

it was preetty cranky. mrs low actually told mummy and daddy tat i've actually put in more effort in the finals. and its actually a great change and improvment. okie. cant believe tat she actually said tat. and she actually said tat my group of frens. (my clique and stuffs.) are actually putting in more effort in the finals.

and wad is wrong is. she said sumthings wrong. we din work harder or do anething much fer the finals kaes. all we do is jus continue to plae. not like we actually mugg. we still hang out in town. and go to sasha's hse to party. like almost everydae. dots.

guessed tat mrs low got tat interpretation tat we mugg fer the finals bcus she sees us more attentive in class. and we plae lesser. in skool. she dunno wad we're all up to after and outside skool. lol.

hahas. and daddy got nth much to sae bout my belt now. hehe. all thanks to mrs low. she reallie helped me alot alot todae. okie. daddy told her tat my belt is horrible and its low. and guess wad mrs low said. she actually said tat its a trend in the skool. and dey even wear their belts low in saint nicks. heh.

and wen dey're checking our belts and stuffs. it'll b higher and tighter fer a min. den its low the next min. and dey cant do much to us oso. hahas. i cnat believe tat was all wad mrs low said. bout me. and my frens. she actually helped me. woah. dis is the ever one time tat i'm grateful to her. muahahas.

many peepos frm other skools and foreign countries came todae to tke the entrance test to stc todae. lotsa peepos came. to tke the entrace test. hmm. saint theresa's is a krappie skool. y do so many peepos wanna cum?. heh. tats bcus we rawk?.

went to town todae. was actually wiv. brenda. carolyn. and yiting. den we mit up wiv majells. karmila and sylvia. we were at cine burger king. den we saw vonica and her frend. cornell cuming. so we waited fer dem to eat and stuffs. den clarissa called me. and said tat she wanted to mit us. and giv us a treat.

okie. so in total. dere were 10 of us. hahas. its a preetty big group haning around town. yarh?. and we jus walked around. and we took lots and lotsa' neos. okie. i tink we're all preetty addicted to taking neos. we took sho much neos kaes.

okie. conclusion. we're all addicted to taking neos. and i guess we're alwaes out of cash bcus we're jus taking too much neos. we're spending a real lot of money on neos. hahas. we're lame. nono. we rawk. hehe.

and i've jus spend half an hour trying to scan all the neos we took todae. okie. u can jus imagine how much of neos we actually took todae. lots and lotsa dem. i tell u.

the open hse thing is tmr. got to wake up early in the morning again. to go to skool and help out at the hockey booth. hmm. its gonna b preetty hectic. hahas. and carolyn promised tat she'll jus steal sum food tat dey're making fer the open hse fer us tmr. hahas. thank yew gurl.

i guessed tats all fer now. i'm reallie tired. and i'm suffering frm a real terrible ache on my legs. arghhh. aniwae. i will most probably b fine by tmr. guess so. yupps. wad i need to do is to get onto my comfy bed and rest my legs. yupps. so yea. tke kaire' lurve u guys loads.

Monday, November 03, 2003

lalalax. jus recieved the news frm brenda. tat theresa need sum peepos to help out in the open houz thingy. fer the hockey booth. okie. so i guessed tat. me. brenda. bernetta and adeline will b helping out. aniwae. we've nth much to do at home oso. heh.

cooked pasta fer dinner jus now. hehe. i cooked it myself. lol. sounds amazing yarh?. hahas. like wad joan saes. a little gurl hu doesn't noe how to dry her hair. can cook? heh. yupps. it taste reallie nice todae. the nicest i've ever cook. before. alrite. how many times do i ever cook aniwae. hehe.

and yeah. i'll be attending the dinner and dance thing. at orchard hotel. at 28 november. yupps. i'll be attending. most probably. hehe. can c everyone in skirts. dresses and gowns. hahas. it'll be fun. except fer others to c me in dem too. heh.

oh gosh. will be going back to skool to collect my report card tmr. yupps. the worst thing is. mummy and daddy r gonna go wiv me too. wahahahas. its gonna be terrible. i'm all prepared to get a dressing down frm dem tmr. hehe. wad to do.

right now. i trying to persuade brenda to eat wiv me at pasta mania tmr. i missed the pasta dere. the pasta dere. rawk. totally rawk. and brenda is now bz telling me tat she's all broke and stuffs. heh. not like i'm damn loaded though. but i jus wanna eat dere. muahahahas.

but i'm sure tat i'll b able to persuade brenda to eat dere by tmr. hehe. i alwaes win. hahas. no larhx. jk. and brenda. if u're reading dis. heh. i got nth to sae. except fer. pls eat wiv me at pasta mania tmr okie?. pls. jus fer the very very one time. kaekaes?.

gtg peepos. hahas. gonna reply my letter. jus recieved a letter frm yiting. and will b giving her a reply tmr. yupps. so yeah. tke extra extra guddie kaire or urselfs. and everone around. many many lots and loads of lurve

Sunday, November 02, 2003

tada. it was a great dae todae. yupps. went to church. todae is one of the most inspiring church service i've ever attended in my life. yeah. my life. hehe. does it sound serious?. lol. okie. i dunno y i sae tat. but i sounded so real to me.

oh yeah. todae was communion service. did i ever mention tat i'm not baptise yet. yupps. i'm not. but i guessed its soon to cum. mayb next yr. or so. lalax. dun tok bout tat. no mood fer tat. hmm. y is church so great todae. well.

dots. okie. i shall tell u y. todae was the first sundae of the month. so its communion service. yep. and dere isn't any summon. or wad. after the communion. the fellow peepos of the church went up to giv their testimonies. and it eventually links to the topic. LOVE.

yupps. tat was it. LOVE. i swear tat dis is the most interesting service i've ever had. hmm. let me post a question to all reading. WHERE IS THE LOVE? well. i'm not giving a lecture kaes. dis is wad i've learnt frm church todae. and i decided to share it. where is lurve in dis world. dis pathetic world. its pathetic. without lurve. okie. we alwaes sae. lurve u loads. and stuffs.

but we only sae dem. we nvr show it. or we've shown it in a wrong way. yupps. we're like an unripe papaya. we noe wad we wan. wad we like. wad we desire. but we nvr giv any actions. or we giv dem in a wrong way.

i dunno how to sae. but its jus tat we're wrong. sumtimes we dun lurve one another. and sumtimes we lack of showing actions. although we reallie lurve. kaes. dis is real tough. i dunno how to continue. bleah/.

so yeah. i got nth much to sae alreadi. except tat my church service todae totally rawk. and all of u shud hav been dere listening to all the stuffs. dey're damn entertaining. not like the other service we've all attended. boring and lame.

hehs. aniwae. welcum to my church if u ever wan to cum or sumthing liddat. kaes. i'll alwaes welcum you peeps. okie. and i jus wanna officially wish vanessa a veri beri happie fifteen birthdae. sweet fifteen gurl. god bless.

i lurve u guys loads. lots and loads. many many lots and loads. yupps. i'll b praying fer all of you. yeap. so yeah. i gtg. sista is krapping. she needs the comp. bleah/. u all tke extra extra gud kaire' of urselfs and everione around. kaekaes? and god bless and lurve you guys lots and loads. -hugss-

Saturday, November 01, 2003

jus woke up frm my sleep. i realised i've slept frm 3pm to 7pm. bleah//. and i'm still so tired. -bangs head on wall- i'm not a sleeping kind of person though kaes. jus tat din sleep last nite. at all. heh. only slept fer half and hour. and woke up at 5.45am to prepare to go fer trng.

its kinda funny larhx. i went fer trng and everything was okie. i wasn't tired or anething. thank god. i could hav jus died dere being tired and sleepy. oh yeah. trng was kinda fun. we din run much. we're concentrating and training more on the stick work and stuffs now. not much on physical yet. yupps.

went to town again. yupps. wiv brenda and carolyn at first. den went to mit vonica after tat. okie. it was funny. we had the cage of 24 balls once again. and its little insane trying to carry tat all around town. its heavy and it looks funny and wierd. but we still did it. hahas. lame us.

i swear tat we're not gonna carry the cage of balls to town again. not again. vonica was nice. she carried the balls fer us. hehe. thx gurl. we took neoprints again. muahahas. okie. the third time dis wk. or is it the fourth?. hmm. dunno larhx. the neoprints are damn krappie. hahas. will b uploading dem soon.

mummy and daddy are out. dey went fer a church frend's wedding dinner. yupps. and granny's over. she's very happie todae. in a great mood. hahas. wonder y isit so. nv seen her hapie fer yrs. hahas. not yrs. weeks. yupps.

to valery. my ahma. if u're reading dis. hapie fourteen birthdae to you yarh?. tke kaire'. hope tat u like tat 37 degree shirt. the rest of ur present r stil not in order yet. so u've got to wait a while longer fer dem. kaeskaes?. hope tat u dun mind. yupps. tke kaire alwaes. u go gurl!! bless you alwaes. -hugss-

to vanessa. if u ever cum across reading my blog fer todae. hahas. yeap. an early happie birthdae to you yarh?. 1 more dae to ur fifteen birthdaae. sweet fifteen okie?. all the best to you in ur studies and everithings. yupps. tke kaire. you go gurl!! hapie celebrating. -hugss-

hmm. tats all fer todae. i'm tired. need to sleep sumore i guess. hahas. aniwae. my tuition class hav stopped. hahas. i'm so happie. -over the moon- dots. will b having a long dae in church tmr. yupps. i gtg now. msg me anetime kaes. i'll alwaes b around. sumwhere. tke kaire' enjoy ur holidaes. muahahahas.