Sunday, May 02, 2004

just came backk frm church and shopping.
went to buy birthday presents, you see.
thts so nice of me kae.
so many people are born in may. wahaha.
amy. felicia. felissa. cheryl goh. cheryl yeo. jia rui. and ME!!

but of course im not so silly to buy a present for myself.
hahas. tht will be totally silly if i buy one for myself.
im gonna go totally broke okay.
such a sadd thing.

im chatting with jillian now.
she says tht she's gonna gimme a tortise for my birthday.

ohs wells.
lets stop talking bout buying presents.
they just make me feel stressed up.
-breathes in. breathes out-

lets talk bout church service today.
today was holy communion.
i think church today totally rock my socks off.
especially the youth service.
the speaker was really good, i shld say.
and the best thing is:

she's damn CUTEE and FUNNY !!
i lovee the ways she talks. damn cool okay.

she was telling us bout her life stories,
and all her teaching experiences.
in churchs, bible colleges and she mentioned acs (lols).

she was telling us how worried the principal was when she found out tht some of the acs students wants to be buddists (lols agn).

and she was so 'pro' to make them christians.
actually i dont really noe those details too well.
cause i was feeling really sleepy then.
and i was almost wanting to fall asleep.

but i didnt, and i cant.
cause i was sitting at the first row.
right in front of herr.
and it'll be really rude if i just fall asleep under her nose.

oh yarh. i havent mentioned the topic she shared today.
the topic is on: dlfferent world religions.
and today was about buddism.

her sharing was to teach us bout buddism,
and eventually how to evangelise effectively with buddists.
and i think it was really good.
i really admired the way she shared and the way she talked.
although she's a lil old, but i think she's really COOL.

okay. and i was so worried tht i'll not have enough time to revise,
tht i studied history in the bus ride home.
and was highlighting all over the book.
everyone was staring at me.
wondering if students now were sooo hardworking.
i think they have defined me as 'kiasu'

time is running short for me.
im rushing for time.
guessed its the same for everyone.
all doing last minute revision.



Saturday, May 01, 2004

lets blogg bout ystd.
i actually did blogg kae.
but the post got deleated accidently.
arghh. so annoying.

ystd was the english papers.
guess everything was fine, maybe except for the composition.
arghh, i might have screwed it up.

i was supposed to write bout a special gift.
but halfway thru, i didnt noe how to continue.
so i switched to another topic.
i wrote the continous writing one.
smth to do with flooding the hse.

and i think i wrote off point.
i suddenly start writing bout chocolate fudge cake.
cause sasha gave me kindda breuno (whatever you spell it)
before the exams, and i finished them before the exams.
thts whyy i started writing bout chocolate, i guess.

sasha ! you spoilt my diet plan by giving me chocolates. wahaha.

back to the subj.
the rest of the papers were okay.
formal letting was not too bad.
just hope tht ive got the format right.

but the comprehension and summary was kinda easy.
i finished them within 40mins, and i slept throughout the extra time.
oops ! i think ive forgotten to check my paper.
arghh. heck larh. it wasnt too bad after all.

thts all bout the english papers ystd.
back to todayy.

just reached hme frm townn.
ahahas. went shopping at taka and wisma,
with brenda, felicia, felissa, han wei,
kinda gave up on cine and heeren.
all the same food, same shops and even people.
same e v e r y t h i n g.

guessed it was a good change.
didnt want to even step into cine/heeren today.
cause i sense tht smth bad might happen.
there're some ppl i dont wish to see.
and if i ever see him, my mood for the exams will be gone.

its so wierd, it always happens like this.
everytime a relationship or when smth bad happens,
it'll be somewhere close to the examinations.
and i'll lose my mood to study.
as a conclusion to tht: i do really badly for the exams.

and this time, im gonna prevent it.
i shall stay away frm town as for now.
and i'll be backk towning after the mids.
whheee !
but tht'll be quite longg.

back to the shopping part.
we were shopping arnd taka and wisma.
we went to fcuk, surfbabe, topshop, and many many others.
and we were looking at all the bimbo things.
err. not we, but me. ahahas.

i liked all the pinkk thingss.
they're so bitchy and bimbo.
just like me.
just joking (im not ego.)

shal end heree. cause,
the mids are coming.


Friday, April 30, 2004

whee !
maths tuition just ended.
and im free agn (freedom).
lols. i can solve most of the maths equations,
under the supervision of my tutor.

whats the point then?
but at least i can solve them.
after all, i understand those stupid laws alr.
happily. im a happy happy girrl.

theres run tmr at the nie track.
for sec1 and 2s.
i really hope tht moree ppl will attend, and be on time.
after all, we've all made our promises to mr bulb.

the c'div tournament is coming soon.
im really vry scared.
i dunno if we can make it this time?
we only have a month left, and i dun think we can do much within a month.
but we all do our best.

you go girlos!! stc hockey c'div rockss.

and im dying to watch jersey girrl.
i think it'll be a great show.
but i guess i'll only watch it after the mids.
haix. thts still quite longg frm now.
i cant wait to watch tht. arghh.

thts bout it. i shall stop here.
im gonna start on my lit notes tonight.
so tht i can learn tmr.

so yeahh. takkairee`
cyas sweetss arnd.


Thursday, April 29, 2004

arh wells.
im tired.
and im really tired.
i need to s l e e p.
but i dun have much time for sleeping though.

but its the starting of mids tmr.
its the first paper, english paper.
okays. im quite well prepared for eng i guess.
nothing much to study for tht though.
i just cross my fingers and hope tht i can rmb the format for formal letter.
then i'll be quite safe.

ohs wells.
the rest of ther others mains are coming on real soon too.
starts on 10 may onwards.
haix. time flies, half a yr has past, and its the mids agn.

mugg, mugg, mugg and still mugg.
thts all we can do now.
we've got so much to study, yet so lil time.
tsk, tsk, tsk.
thts damn sadd.

im gonna catch a lil sleep now.
and mugg in the night.
(secret plann)

i'll be b o r e d at night, so anyone who's also planning to mugg
or who's gonna mugg, pls gimme a call or smth.
then we can keep each other awake and acompany each other thru the dark. tht sounds a lil romantic though. lols.

here's a lil shoutout to all those who're mugging for the mids`

heyy people. time flies. the mids are here agn. i noe we're all dreading this, but we still have to take the exams. sad case. but cheer up. we're all going thru this together. and life still have to go on. its not really the end of the world yet. though exams really kills. wahaha. its a lil wierd to see charissaaa having such positive attitude towards exams leh. better be happy. lols. and this is espcially to all hockey girlos. studay hard, and do well for the mids kae. and rmb our de-centralised trngs. we've got to keep up to our promises for tht too. alrightt? so yeahh. thts bout it. s t u d y h a r d everyone. and rest well. god bless.

there is no problem to big, God cannot solve it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

just reached hme.
went to the visit the doctor.
cause ive got a swollen toe.
and i can walk properly.

i dunno whats up with my silly toe.
it just start to swell up ystd.
i dun even noe whats happening to it.
and i got worst today.
i had no choice but to see the doctor, which i totally dreads.
the clinic smells yucky. eekksss.

i actually wore my sch shoes to sch this morning.
but i brought slippers, just in case i need to change into them.
and during science lessons, i couldnt stand it anymore.
cause it was hurting like crazyy.
so i had to change into my slippers.

and sasha and zhiyi are mean and maybe a lil retarded.
they claim tht my slippers are un-chio,
when they're like so superr chio.
and superr bimbo. hahas. thts just for me.

and the worst thing today was.
the maths re-test on inequalities and simultanous equations.
oh goodness. mr ng says tht the paper was easier then the previous test.
but, whadaheckk. i think its even worst.
and i couldnt do arnd half of the whole test kae.
im bound to fail agn this time. anticipated.

i realised tht im lagging behind time like madd.
i no longer have time to slack anymore.
i really need to mugg like crazyy.
and i might not even make it if i start now.
i think its a lil too late.
but starting now is better then not starting/starting later.

my worst subjs are: maths, history, chinese and science.
thts like practically all the most important subjs.
and its not like i'll fare quite well in the other subjs like eng or lit.
haix. i think i'll pray for the lucky stars to be with me.
for the last, and the vry last time.

i really need alot of luck, to do well for the mids.
okays, maybe not do extremely well, but at least pass.

so yeahh. i shall start mugging now.
i must put everything aside and studyy.
i must. i can. i will. i MUST make it.

takkairee ppl.
study hard. and do well.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

ohs wells.
i just woke up frm sleep.
im not studying.
mm, okayss.
maybe i shld say: im not studying yet.

i dun seem to be getting into the mugg-till-i-die mood yet.
i cant seem to focus on the preperations for my exams.
and im lost somewhere, which i dunno where.
im thinking of rubbish and i dunno what to do.
i dunno what im doing.

i think im dwelling into the past,
im thinking of all the things tht happened in the past.
and i cant put my mind down to study.
theres smth in my mind tht i want to figure out.
but i dunno whats tht smth i want to figure out.

plus all the promises ive made to many ppl.
my frends, my teachers, my parents, and myself.
and if i dun do well for the coming mids,
i'll be letting down many ppl.
and ive got great consequences to bear.

its damn confusing.
i dun understand anything.
all thts happening, seems like a drama serial.
i didnt want it to be so happening.
i mean, its interesting, but it can get pretty cranky at times too.
further more, im not a drama mama.

i didnt noe growing up can be so wierd.
i didnt noe we had to all go thru this to be called grown ups.
i think theres a purpose of being called a grown up.
its like telling you tht uve graduated.
frm being a teenager, to a adult.
thts called a grown up.

arh wells.
i noe ive been talking crap up above.
ive got no idea what im talking about.
thts whyy i say.
growing up is the most confusing part of life.
growing up is the point when we're most vulnerable.

i shall take things positively, kust as ive told others to do tht.
although life can sometimes be sadd.
love can be pain, fate can be cruel, destiny can be bad.

but life will still go on, with or without you*

Monday, April 26, 2004

ohs wells.
today's a tired day.
i feel so sleepy throughout the whole day.
i guess i didnt haf enough sleep.
and enough food.

i felt damn drained after p.e today.
before p.e, i had morning run in the before assembly.
all hockey girrls has to run, you see.
no escaping.
cause tournament is coming, right after the mids.
and we much needed to train moree on our physical and stamina.

okayss. lets talk bout p.e, the highlight of the day.
i swear tht p.e today was the most intersting one ever.
we were doing gymnastic for p.e.
and we were all trying to balance on each other,
and trying to form a pyramid in our grps.

forming a pyramid in our grps was fine.
tht was quite easy to be done.
not much of a trouble.
we did it after two attempts.
it wasnt tht easy in fact.

but the most fun thing was the end of the lesson.
mr eric wanted us to form a CLASS PYRAMID.
lols. it was damn funny.
cause we all had to do this as a class.
and it wasnt easy to balance everyone together.

but we did it in the end.
it was really funn. and so funny.
it was damn cool. totally.
it was a class effort after all.
so i shall conclude tht:

2 saint bernadette kick ass. whee!!

rightio. and now its time to stop here,
and go and sleep.
im superr tired like i said.
and i shall wake up and study laterr.

so yeahh. takkairee ppl.
tata !

God's grace puts me in awesome wonder.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

here's two songs we sang during church service today,
tht preetty touched me.

the first song is called:
He will carry you

There is no problem too big
God cannot solve it
There is no mountain too tall
He cannot move it
There is no storm too dark
God cannot calm it
There is no sorrow too deep
He cannot soothe it

* If He carried the weight of the world
Upon His shoulder
I know my brother that He will carry you
If he carried the weight of the world
Upon his shoulder
I know my sister that he will carry you

He said come unto me all who are weary
And i will give you rest


the second one is called: God sent His Son

God sent His Son, They called Him Jesus
He came to lov, heal and forgive
He gave His life, to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there
To prove my Saviour lives

And because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because i know, I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives

____________________ *

these are two such beautiful songs.
they just touched my heart.

there's no sorrow too deep, God cannot soothe it.

take all tht hurt away from your child, God.
whee !!
its sunday today.
went to church (like duh)
gg to church every sunday is the normal routine.
i find it wierd not going to church.

eh, i dun mean following the same routine agn and agn.
i wasnt forced to attend church every sunday.
but i willing attend it with a thanksgiving heart everyweek.
in fact, church has been great support for me till this point.

my pastor, my teachers, my mentors, my frends.
were all of great help to me till this day.
and i lovee going to church.
i WANT, i WANT, i WANT to go to church everyday.

arh wells.
sermon was quite spiriture and encouraging.
it made me realised tht im one great sinner.
but god still so loved me.
it made me feel damn guilty of all tht ive done.

i feel like a bitch.
but god has accepted the way i am,
and he wants to give me another chance.
he's already given me many many chances.
he havent gave up on me.
for god so loved me.

i noe tht he loves me.
and i love him.
and he will always love me.
and i will always love him.

ohs wells.
im getting crappy.
thts bout it.
tata !

`let it go. god, take away all tht hurt frm me.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

im bored.
charissaaa`s BORED

today's a BORING day.
i got nothing to blogg.
i feel like crap now.

my life is in a mess.
a total mess.

Friday, April 23, 2004

todayy was preetty much worser than yesterday.
got back my maths test.
and i flung it once agn (as usual).
i did horriblely. eekksss.

ohs wells.
theres got to be moree to life.
i shant bored overr tht.
i shall just try harder.

i skipped music lesson today, together with:
alyssa. brenda. joanne. michelle and kylie. yupp.
cause we went to help ms ng with the speech day decorations.
and it was damn funny.
i laughed till i almost passed out (as usual).

we were suppose to carry 4 pots of palms to outside of the auditorium.
yeahh. carry pots of plants.
it sounds quite easy. but it wasnt tht simple aftr all.
all of them who carried the plants suffered frm face irritation.
the leaves of the palms were all scratching all overr their faces.
and it was damn itchy for them, and joanne even tasted it.

but charissaaa didnt carry the plants.
she was just standing arnd and laughing at how stupid they looked.
at all their expressions when the plants were irritating their faces.
haha. totally. damn funny.
aye. enough of laughing at them.

oh yeahh.
and todayy's family time and assembly period was cool.
they invited some local dance grp.
called 'ah hock and frends'
mm. it sounds quite cheena, but its not.
in fact, i find it quite cool.

okayss. there were four dancers who came to perform today.
they performed at the auditorium.
those dancers. those dancers.
tsk tsk. tsk.
they're damn flexible.

super superr superrr FLEXIBLE.
the way they dance and stretch was like woahh.
and charissaaa is so so so vry jealous of them.
but she's nvr gonna get flexibility like tht.
those dancers have been dancing for 10 yrs.

the whole thing was really nicee.
and i guess it was cool too.
hehh. sme moves they made were funny.
and it was quite funn watching.

tmr is the annually speech and prize giving day.
so called 'theresian awards day'
brenda and i are representing 2b.
guess its gonna be quite boring.
mm. i only look forward to see all the concert items.

and im suppose to go to sji with samantha for some catholic thing.
arghh. okayss. i shall be nicee and go with herr.

so yeahh. i shall stop heree.
thts bout it.
i need to use the toilet. hehh.


Thursday, April 22, 2004

ohs wells.
todayy is quite a happy day for me.
havent reallyy been so happy for quite a longg time.
few reasons whyy charissaaa`s feeling so happy today.

-she scored 23/25 for herr sci test.
-she knew most of the ans to herr history test.
-she only ate a light lunch and nth else.
-she went for hockey trng.
-she didnt gt tempted by brenda, carolyn and ruth to eat macs (she just stared at them blankly and perhaps helplessly?).
-she climbed the 22x2 flight of stairs backk hme.

uhh. thts bout it.
i think im crazyy.
getting happy overr such lil stuffs.
but im really glad to be backk trng.
in fact. i MISSED my hockey trngs alot.
and im finally backk now.

it feels so good to be playing in the pitch agn.
and i feel damn nicee when im feel so hot.
its like im burning agn.
i used to hate tht last time.
cause i feel damn dhydrated everytime.
but today was different. damn wierd.

oh yeahh.
class was damn funny and interesting todayy.
especially furing sci lesson.
veena is superr funny.
you could haf just died looking at herr and listening to all the lame things she says.

she suree can sayy the lamest things uve everr heard.
she was playing with herr tube of glue.
and leilani pushed the glue to herr face.
and the glue stick smashed into herr spects. haha.
and she screamed (as usual).
she took out herr spects.

and she couldnt see anything (lols).
damn funny.
she was making a fuss and complaining to the class.
bout glue on herr spects.
and she told us a story.

it goes like this.

there was once, leilani went to herr hse.
they were playing or smth.
and leilani suddenly pushed veena to the wall.
as a result, she broke herr spects. hahas.
and she had to make a new pair (the one she's using nw).
and it looks damn ahma-fied.

she was complaining and whining bout all the harm leilani does to herr spects.
it was totally lame. and superr funny.
especially the sight of herr trying to clean the glue off her spects.
i laughed till i wanted to puke.
i swear tht veena can be one of the world's greatest joker.

anyways. hai-
mid yrs is coming.
eng paper is next friday.
and ive only 2 wks plus to my main papers.
this is getting so irritating.
i hate exams.
they suckk. eekksss.

no point whining bout hafing exams.
everyone goes thru tht after all.
at least we're all suffering together.
ive started a lil on my revision.
but i think i can do better.

uhh huhh.
thts bout it.
shall end heree.
cyas arnd in sch, ppl.

sleep tightt, rest well.

ohs wells.
todayy is quite a happy day for me.
havent reallyy been so happy for quite a longg time.
few reasons whyy charissaaa`s feeling so happy today.

-she scored 23/25 for herr sci test.
-she knew most of the ans to herr history test.
-she only ate a light lunch and nth else.
-she went for hockey trng.
-she didnt gt tempted by brenda, carolyn and ruth to eat macs (she just stared at them blankly and perhaps helplessly?).
-she climbed the 22x2 flight of stairs backk hme.

uhh. thts bout it.
i think im crazyy.
getting happy overr such lil stuffs.
but im really glad to be backk trng.
in fact. i MISSED my hockey trngs alot.
and im finally backk now.

it feels so good to be playing in the pitch agn.
and i feel damn nicee when im feel so hot.
its like im burning agn.
i used to hate tht last time.
cause i feel damn dhydrated everytime.
but today was different. damn wierd.

oh yeahh.
class was damn funny and interesting todayy.
especially furing sci lesson.
veena is superr funny.
you could haf just died looking at herr and listening to all the lame things she says.

she suree can sayy the lamest things uve everr heard.
she was playing with herr tube of glue.
and leilani pushed the glue to herr face.
and the glue stick smashed into herr spects. haha.
and she screamed (as usual).
she took out herr spects.

and she couldnt see anything (lols).
damn funny.
she was making a fuss and complaining to the class.
bout glue on herr spects.
and she told us a story.

it goes like this.

there was once, leilani went to herr hse.
they were playing or smth.
and leilani suddenly pushed veena to the wall.
as a result, she broke herr spects. hahas.
and she had to make a new pair (the one she's using nw).
and it looks damn ahma-fied.

she was complaining and whining bout all the harm leilani does to herr spects.
it was totally lame. and superr funny.
especially the sight of herr trying to clean the glue off her spects.
i laughed till i wanted to puke.
i swear tht veena can be one of the world's greatest joker.

anyways. hai-
mid yrs is coming.
eng paper is next friday.
and ive only 2 wks plus to my main papers.
this is getting so irritating.
i hate exams.
they suckk. eekksss.

no point whining bout hafing exams.
everyone goes thru tht after all.
at least we're all suffering together.
ive started a lil on my revision.
but i think i can do better.

uhh huhh.
thts bout it.
shall end heree.
cyas arnd in sch, ppl.

sleep tightt, rest well.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

im beatt.
todayy was a longg day in sch.
sch ended at 2.15pm as usual.
was supposed to haf maths supplementry.
but it was cancelled.

so we went to do our art work.
we so had to complete it by todayy.
cause the deadline was tmr morning.
everyone was rushing the hell out of themselves.
and smth damn funny and stupid happened.

cyber lodge was in a total greatt mess.
everyone was talking and screaming at the top of their voices.
i was blasting tata young. sexaye. naughtyy. bitchyy.
and at the next lab, mr lee or smth was conducting webpage designing lessons.
he found us vry irritating.
so he came overr to give us a piece of his mind.

and oh gosh.
he sounded like total gay kaes.
and he waved his hands as he talked.
everyone was holding backk their laughter.
after all, he was like scolding us.
then when he stepped out of the lab.

smth crazyy happened.
the lab sort of like EXPLODED.
it exploded with all our laugher.
it was reallyy damn loudd.
cause the wayy he scolded us and the way he looked was damn funny.

then all of a sudden.
he stepped in the lab agn and screamed at the top of his voice.
he said tht we didnt respect him.
and he chased us out of the lab.
everyone had to leave immediately.

but a certain teacher with a kind soul gave us permission to go in the lab agn.
but we had to promise to be quiet.
and we manage to complete our work. just in time.
its like woahh.

but i swear tht it was damn funny.
you could haf just died laughing there.

uhh. and i dont think im gonna slp tonight.
cause i got so much assignments to be completed.
i dunno if i can complete them.
ive to draw my art piece and paint it.
and i still got a 4 chpt history test.


i think i better get going and start on my assignments.
hope tht everyone can complete their assignments.
and catch some slp tonightt. at least.
and i need some coffee now.

so yeahh.
thts bout it.


Monday, April 19, 2004

God's grace puts me in awesome wonderr.

sometimes i wonder if im walking alone in the dark.
sometimes i wonder if im falling into a dark hole.
sometimes i wonder if no one understands me.
sometimes i wonder if no one cares bout me.
sometimes i wonder if i could just die the next moment.

sometimes i feel so lost.
i feel tht my world is falling.
i feel tht my life is worthless.
i feel tht life has no meaning.

but at the darkest point of my life.
i see a light somewhere.
i see a spark of hope glowing.

God havent forsaken me.
though im such a sinner.
but God is still with me.
God is still leading me thru.
he kept his promise tht he will nvr forsake me.
and he was there when i needed him the most.

God's grace and mercy is always sufficient for us.
his mercy and grace is beyond the decriptions of words.
God's love is everr so sweettt.
its everr so truee.
it speaks nothing but truth.

God is Good. Praise the Lord!!

Sunday, April 18, 2004

todayy was preettyy bad.
woke up with a sore throat.
was feeling reallyy dehydrated in the morning.
but i guess im fine now.
thank god. i thought i was dying.

ohs wells.
im reallyy happy with myself.
cause at least i did smth constructive.
i didnt waste my time away.
i did 2 chpts of history notes kaes.
whaha. it was under the influence of carolyn though.

but i did it myself.
which means tht im a great too.
charissaaa` the greatt?
thts being too ego -laughs
or ratherr.
charissaaa` is a good girrl.


uhh. i want to skip p.e class tmr.
so im gonna ask mummy to write a letter to excuse me.
mr eric was preetty muchh vry pissed last week.
cause i came w/o a letter to excuse myself.
so i hafta get a letter to excuse myself tmr.
and pray tht he wont be pissed.

i shall end heree.
im tired.
and i need a rest.

__________`charissaaa loves you*__________


Saturday, April 17, 2004

on lovee`

some people think tht lovee is blind,
but i think lovee is beautiful.
everything and everyone can feel lovee.

birds, humans and animals
-all living creatures needs lovee.

lovee is the sweetest thing.
lovee is smth tht is beyond descriptions of words.
lovee can be anything you want it to be.
lovee makes the world go round.

lovee can hurt too.
lovee means letting someone you lovee go.
lovee means tearing when you think about the past.
lovee means hurting urself and always thinking of the best for someone you lovee.

lovee is a choice.
on lovee`

some people think tht lovee is blind,
but i think lovee is beautiful.
everything and everyone can feel lovee.

birds, humans and animals
-all living creatures needs lovee.

lovee is the sweetest thing.
lovee is smth tht is beyond descriptions of words.
lovee can be anything you want it to be.
lovee makes the world go round.

lovee can hurt too.
lovee means letting someone you lovee go.
lovee means tearing when you think about the past.
lovee means hurting urself and always thinking of the best for someone you lovee.

lovee is a choice.
i found this somewhere.
and i found it quite cutee.
it might sound contridicting.
but heree it goes`


they waer clothes too tightt.
they wear clothes too bigg.
they have funky hairstyles.
i think they need a wig.

they're allowed to stay out.
they're allowed to make out.
they're allowed to wear clothes.
they're allowed to hang out.

they're allowed to have boyfriends.
they're allowed to have girrlfrends.
they cant mind their business.
they're way far into frends.

they're snotty and concieted.
they think they all tht.
they make me want to puke.
but will i be like tht?

this is damn funny.
cause it sounds like us.
anyhows. its just for funn.
dont take it to heart.
so yeahh.
ive been feeling reallyy down for the past week.
i dunno whyy im feeling this wayy.
nothing reallyy bad has happened.
but i feel damn sadd now.
maybe im being silly.

mid yrs are coming soon.
in a short month's time.
and im still in the play-my-life-awayy mood.
and i havent switched to the mugg-like-madd mood.

though i noe the consequences i'll get, if i do badly.
cause ive promise so many ppl tht i'll work hard.
do well for my mid yrs.
if not, at least show good improvments at least.
and i'll be letting all of them down if i do badly.

i noe i can do it.
i so wanted to give my best.
and show the world how much i could actually do.
but i just dun seem to be able to get into the study mood.
i noe time is running short for me.
but i shall still try my best.


sometimes when i think bout the past.
i feel tht tears are flowing out of my eyes.
but im always holding them backk.
cause i noe tht i havent let myself or you down.
arghh. whateverr. im starting to think bout it agn.

so yeahh.
i shall keep myself busy.
takkairee ppl.


Thursday, April 15, 2004


Wednesday, April 14, 2004

ohs wells.
i think im gonna die todayy.
cause i got so much assignments.
and i havent like reallyy started on them.
and the worst thing is.
all those work tht havent been done are alr overdued.
for like so many days. and even weeks.

i think its time i get started with all my work.
cause its alr april. its gonna be may soon.
and tht means. time files.
four months has been gone.
and ive like wasted all of it.
thts reallyy pure madness.

oh yeahh.
speaking of may.
i want to announce smth heree.
its a very important thing.
very very very important!!
its even moree important then getting married.

cause. on the luckiest day in may.
which is 7 may.
is a very important date.
its charissaaa`s birthdayy.

*hint hint*
so you shld haf gotten my hint.
-laughs out loudd.

so yeahh.
study hard for the mid yrs.


Tuesday, April 13, 2004

sch started out prettehh well.
but it was reallyy bad towards the end.
very very very bad.
and i reallyy mean very BAD.


we sort of had some stupid quarell.
cause we were all in a foul mood.
and charissaaa was pmsing like crazyy.
at tht exact time.
how 'exact' can tht be.

so now i understand what all of you haf thought of me.
now i noe tht everything was actually a bluff.
its reallyy bad how you can think of these things to sayy.
and its reallyy wierd how close we can be.
when you all havent reallyy haf accepted me as the way i am.

and saying tht ive been taking advantage of all of you.
and tht im treating all of you like my slaves?
oh god. how good can ur ideas get?
when did i treat you all as a slave? when did i?
its reallyy too hard for me to understand.

cause thru my conscience and heart.
i noe tht i havent been doing all tht.
and so i shall sayy this:

and i didnt hold my pride too high saying this.

i might haf been a lil too harsh on words.
cause i dunno what uve gone thru recently.
i will say sry for tht.
but i think uve all gotten smth wrong.
cause i havent been treating you all like a slave.
but i think if thts what you think.
pitying or feeling sorry for me so tht i'll not hurt myself.
and treating me like a friend and then smashing me right thru.
tht wasnt all tht i could haf thought of.
cause all of you havent understood charissaaa.
and havent accepted herr the way she is.
cause this is the wayy she is.
and now we dont owe each other anymore things.
if thts what you want.
it might just be an end to our everything.
maybe. if thts what you reallyy want.

tht shall be it.
i dun haf the mood to blogg anymoree.
and if you everr bother to read this.
i think uve gotten my point.

so yeahh.
takkaire peepos.


Monday, April 12, 2004

ive been fighting my feelings.
ive been holding my tears backk.
i never wanted any tear to fall.
but now i think its time to let them go.

i shall try to be positive.
but i reallyy need to let my tears go.
so i shall go and cryy now.


Sunday, April 11, 2004

im getting panda eyes.
a lil pimple breakouts.
and its bad hairr dayy.
and that means. a vry vry bad thing.
charissaaa` is pmsing.

it can get reallyy bad if she starts pmsing.
eh. actually not reallyy larh.
charissaaa pms-es half of herr life.
does it makes a difference now that she's pmsing?
nononoo. it doesnt.
she is still as sweettt and nicee as everr. rightt?
so all you ppl shall sayy: yes. charissaaa is everr so sweettt and nicee (lols).

today was preetty exhausting.
i dunno whyy it seem so tiring.
maybe cause i stayed a lil too late ystd nightt.
i only fell asleep at bout close to 4a.m?
and woke up at 8a.m to get ready for church.

its easter sunday today.
the lil children celebrated easter todayy.
they had so much funn hunting for:
easter eggs. chocolates. sweettss. and many other stuffs.
all arnd the whole church.
its so funn and its damn cutee.

-imagine this.
lil boys and girrls wearing small lil clothes and shoes.
all running arnd the whole church.
looking for easter treats.
ohs. how cutee can that be.

charissaaa wants to join them too.
but sadly. she has alr grown up.
she's too old for all those easter treats.
further moree they'll just make herr fatt in the end.
and they will spoil herr dieting plan.

_______okayss. shall get serious now charissaaa`

and i think after this easter.
im beginning to feel God's presence in my life.
God's love is so sweettt.
God's love is so real.
God's love speaks the truth.

after all that ive experienced in my life.
after all that God haf done for me.
all the wonderous works that he haf worked in my life.
i think that i reallyy haf to give thanks for all that God haf given me.
even all the bad times that God haf put me thru.

its all and all of God's wonderful plan.
that made me feel God's presence.
its so sweettt. so real. and everr so true.
its always filled with mercy and grace.
something that is beyond words.
something that is unexplainable.

it made me realised that God is such a good God.
and im such a sinner.
but God still loves me.
and i'll always believe that.
all thru life's journey.
i'll always haf a God that will always be with me.

charissaaa shall grow up to be a strong girrl.
a girrl who loves God as much as he loves herr.
and she shall be a great living testimonial for God.
she will testify for God one day.


Saturday, April 10, 2004

everything was a lil last minute todayy.
meeting ailin was last minute.
going to carolyn's church was last minute.
and many other last minute stuffs.
everything was last minute.

uhh. and after coming hme.
its even moree boringg.
and the worst thing is.

im starting my maths tuition tmr.
in church. after praise and worship.
im gonna haf maths tuition.
this is getting damn crazyy.

ohs wells.
its easter sundayy tmr.
gonna attend church agn.
im attending church frm.
fridayy to sundayy.

see. charissaaa's such a good girrl.
God loves herr. muah !
she loves God too. mwa!

so yeahh.
love you all lots.


Friday, April 09, 2004

lets try to be holy todayy.
ohs wells.

its good friday today.
its the day that jesus christ died.
for sinners like us.
on the old rugged cross.

three days frm now.
will be easter sundayy.
which is the day that jesus christ resurected.
but thats three days awayy.

so yeahh.
god loves me.
god loves you.
god loves everyone.

heree i go`

jesus loves all lil children.
all the children of the world.
red and yellow. blackk and white.
all are precious in his sightt.
jesus loves all lil children of the worldd!!

alrightt. haven i just sung a songg.
that i always use to sing when i was young.
okayss. im a lil girrl.
and god so loved me.

hehh. haven i been so holy todayy?
not playing or joking arnd.
but seriously.
its all my life's experience ive gone thru.
and i will always noe that.

god's grace and mercy is always sufficient for us.
god will nvr forsake us.
god's grace nvr fails to amazes me.
god is good. praise the lord.

for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son.
jesus christ. and whoever believes in him.
shall not perish. but haf eternal life.
saint john 6:16

so yeahh.
takkaire peepos.

god loves you.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

ohs wells.
im oohhs-sooo-superr-BORED.
and my legg hurtss.
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalaa =)

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

im not getting enough sleep this days.
i dunno why sleeping so much.
cause me not to get enough sleep.
and if sleeping moree makes me moree tired.
then why shld i even sleep moree.

my life is turning upside down.
and i dunno when to catch my sleep backk.
and i always tends to get tired and sleepy during lessons.
thats the worst part.
and its especially during maths lesson.
when mr ng goes too fast and when i dun catch a thing.

then -bloppsss head on the table.
and sleep.

uhh wells.
i just dun understand why im getting preettyyy tired this days.
its like going thru a timejet.
but my complexion seem to get better.
uhh. thats out of the point eitherr.
im going crazyy like i sayy.

that shall be it.
im ending heree.
rightt heree. rightt now.

`takkairee ppl. i sayy again.


Monday, April 05, 2004

ohs wells.
sch haven been greatt or anything.
in fact its getting even worst now.
arghh. and i cant stand it anymore.
things haf gotten preetty complicated and deep as well.
and now that i reaslised it.
('the staff room is oohhh-sooo-small.')

and even mdn zuraida can ask me wadd happened.
i guessed it has become a bigg thing.
now that it has spreaded thru the staff room.
haix. since it has happened.
i'll just let it pass.
cause its my fault after all.

shnt broad overr all dis crap.
cause im really going crazyy wif all dis happenings.
not like dey're good.
dey're all fucking stressing me up.
but i shall be brave and get overr it.
like i said. it was after all my fault.

and im reallyy proud of myself.
cause i finally understand all the unequalities craps.
and i finally can slove the equations myself.
charisaa has gotten overr how to do herr maths equations.

alrightt. shall stop heree.
im like stuck writing testimonial for 6 ppl.
-laughs out loudd.

takkaire ppl.


Sunday, April 04, 2004

haven been blogging for 2 days?
but i tink ive settled most of everything.
yeahh. i tink so. moree of less.
and i feel sooo much betterr now.

and dis is to ailin.
stop calling me barbie.
and its barbie. not babi.
-laughs out loudd.


Friday, April 02, 2004

things are getting preetty deep now.
and now that i realised it.
everything is getting complicated.
and its like implicating everyone.
its getting too deep in heree.

alrightt. its all my fault.
everything is all my fault.
my fault. my fault.
charisaa's fault. herr fault.

grr. just hope that everything gets settled.
and that it'll stop inplicating others.
and im reallyy sry bout that.
(if you noe wadd im talking bout)

its getting a lil too deep in heree.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

alrightt. was complaining bout trngs and stuffs yesterday.
crazyy me. stupid me. silly me.
it'll be a long time when you can start hearing my complain bout trngs again.
and i tink i'll miss complaining bout having too much trngs.

cause. its time i put a lil stop to my hockey trngs.
just for the time being.
prolly bout a month or so.
until my grades gets betterr.

i so didnt want to let go.
i still want to continue wif all my trngs.
but daddy and mummy are damn worried.
cause my results fcuking sucks.
especially my maths. the rest are alrightt.

ive got nothing to say.
and ive got nothing to lose.
i tink it'll be a good break for me.
and a time for me to concentrate and dwell into my books.
i dun reallyy haf much time anymore.

but im gonna miss my all trngs.
although they gets reallyy tough at times.
and coach gets reallyy crazyy at times.
but i noe that i am. and i will.

but rightt now.
its studying superr hard.
thats all wadd im gonna do.
and i'll be backk in trngs within a month.

ive promised daddy.
im gonna start all overr againn.
study hard.
and i will make it.

i noe i'll miss trngs.
hope that i'll still be able to catch up after a month.
uhh yeahh.

anotherr shoutout for the sec2 hockey girrls`

one month is a short time. really short. i might be gone for good. for some of you. but. i'll still miss all of you. train hard. and study hard too. alrightt? will miss training will all of you terribly. -hugss

charisaa will be gone for now.
charisaa will be backk soon.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004

im totally wore out.
frm yesterday's trng.
and all the past weeks trngs we've had.
im damn tired. im beatt.
those trngs are reallyy killing me.

all the trngs.
all the running.
all the hitting.
all the pushing.
all the sweeping.
all the everything.

i think i'll die soon at the rate im going.
i haven been getting enough slp.
and i dun haf the time to catch it backk.
trying catch them backk a lil by a lil.
like in between lesson breaks.

but dey dun seem to workk.
i just seem to get more and moree tired.
the moree i slp.
the sleepier i becomes.
and thats even worst.

and maths lesson are getting so intense.
all of us dun fcuking understand.
wadd mr ng is trying to teach.
he goes way too fast.
he teaches so fast and i really mean fast.

and the worst thing is.
guess wadd.
when we ask him to repeat and explain to us wadd he've taught.
he'll just say.
you can do it. just think.
and he dun go thru it again.

he thinks that if we think.
we'll get the ans.
but the thing is.
we dun even understand anything he've taught.

so wadd if we think.
no matter how hard we think.
nothing will come to our minds.
if thinking can be so powerful.
then lets meditate and think everyday.

crapp. mr ng is really crap.
his lessons reallyy suckk.
everyone is praying that mrs low will be backk.
backk for good.
though she will always be vry strict to us.

i noe that everyone is praying that mrs low will be backk.
but mr ng still haf to stay for quite dome time.
and everything will turn out to be reallyy bad.
in time to come.


and there's hockey trng tmr.
2-4pm at delta.
and if we dun perform well tmr.
it will be our doom.
delta is sooo damn bigg.
dunno how he'll make us run.

i shall writee a shoutout to all the sec2 hockey girrls.
heree charisaa goes`

heyoss chiobu(s). -laughs out loud. the cmn tests are already overr. some of us did reallyy badly. especially the guilty(me). i think its time for all of us to start mugging hard. and to train hard. superr hardd. hockey is important. but studies comes first. i noe it sounds crazyy that charisaa is saying dis. but ive realised that. it might seem quite difficult for us to gt the top placings the rate we're going. but like mr bulb said. time is still on our side. we can still make it. if we try vry hard to. and we must communicate. COMMUNICATE!! trngs are getting to be tougher and tougher. but always rmb. when the going gets tough. the tough gets going. we'll all go thru dis as a team together. alrightt? take great caree. always rest well. cyas all arnd in sch. *huggies

a quote frm the hockey notice board`
[ [ fly like a butterfly. sting like a bee. ] ]

im tired and i wanna slp.
i shall stop heree.
yess heree.
so yeahh.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004

im totally beat.
damn tired now.
trng today was total hell.
and i really mean hell.

we were all slacking.
and we pissed mr bulb off after quite some time.
and he made us runn like madd.
do sit-ups. push-ups. bla bla.
damn irritating.

and poor me.
was hafing some fcuking gastric.
and he still made me runn.
crap. and i just puked.

mr bulb can get really annoyed.
and he can get really crazyy when he boils.
haix. im so vry tired now.
and im gonna go and revise on my sci tmr.

mr tan is giving us a test on chpt 7&8.
-laughs out loudd.
i tink everyone is gonna do damn well for dis 2 chpts.
especially our dearr kumarr. veena (lols).

uhh. alrightt. i shall stop being mean here.
and be nicee. so yeahh.
thats all bout it.


Monday, March 29, 2004

heyas. dis blogg entry will be short.
cause i got nth much to blogg about.
and im reallyy sleepy.
i need to catch my slp backk.

haven been hafing enough slp for weeks.
and i didnt haf enough time to catch dem all backk.
thats why im falling aslp in class everyday.
though i dont want to.

uhh. yeahh. heard frm ms wong.
ms cecilia wong.
that she'll be backk on wed for a visit.
she says we all dao herr. (lols).
but we all miss herr rightt?

alrightt. thats bout it.
gotta go off now.

Saturday, March 27, 2004


todayy's a crazyy day.
and a bored dayy too.
went to townn.
was supposed to play lan in townn.
but i objected due to some reasons.

and in the end.
we went to catch a movie.
and stupid brenda suggested.
to watch the eye two.
so the all-freaked-out us.
went to watch the eye 2.

sasha was disturbing me thru the whole show.
irritating girrl. made me even moree scared.
hehh. but after all. the movie was quite alrightt.
not as scary as i tink.
but i feel that its a lil sadd.

watching a horrorr movies makes charisaa sadd?
-laughs out loud.
i dunno why i felt so sadd after the whole thingg.
i didnt even find it scaryy.

went to sasha's hse after everything.
we were all slacking arnd.
and crappingg like madd.
uhh. den everyone had to go hme.

alrightt. thats bout it.
ive got nth to blogg anymoree.
gotta go for church tmr.
take caree.

//when you hurt too much. you dun feel it anymore.

Friday, March 26, 2004

boo hoo x))

its ptc (parents teacher conference) tmr.
and it means D-I-E.
i screwed my cmn tests.
and i almost fail my overall.

the lucky starss are wif charisaa.
she got 50.25 for overall.
goodness. she's a lucky girrl.
like woahh.

haix. im seriously vry lucky dis time.
vry vry vry luckyy.
but that doesnt mean that.
the stupid leslie will not suspend me frm hockey trngs.

cause im just at the border line.
i almost failed the overalls.
and its cause im luckyy dis time.
that i passed.

but like wadd mummy always says.
mummy: "charisaa. the luckyy stars dun follow you always. you cant always depend on luckk."
sasaa: "yeahh. i noe im luckyy dis time."

but it seem like im always luckyy.
but i dun tink i'll be luckyy anymoree.

so. ive made up my mind.
im gonna start mugging.
for heaven's sake.
and for my sake.

yeahh. it might sound dumb.
but im serious.
my life now suck.
and i want a new life.

i want to start everything overr again.
i hate the life im living now.
i hate the "myself" now.
i want to start a new lifee.

uhh. dis sounds wierd.
alrightt. thats bout it.
me gotta go now.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

love is short. but forgetting is long.

a broken heart is a heart that has felt love.

to live life without you is to live life without love.

if you love someone. let it go. if it comes back to you it was truly meant to be.

deep in my heart. im suffering. knowing that ive lost you. on the outside. im living. pretending that ive forgotten you.

my heart only fought for what it wanted. now my heart is having to fight to let him go.

it hurts to see the one you love happy with someone else. but it is more painful to see the you are with unhappy with you.

Monday, March 22, 2004

but ure still living in my dreams.
ure always with me.
ive got you where i want you to be.

arghh. i can fcuking stand frendsterr.
its sooo superr lagg. sooo damn slow.
everything is taking ages to load.

its the first day of term two.
as usual. sch was crazyy and noisyy.
but i tink it rockk.
its good to backk in sch againn. (lols)

charisaa has gone insane.
she actually thought tat it was good to be backk in sch again.
thats a surprise of a century. hehh.
thats bigg newss. superr lame.

uhh. and im reallyy gonna start to mugg hard now.
i noe it might sound lame and dumb.
and maybe damn contridictingg.
wen its coming frm charisaa.

but. dis time she is veryy serious bout dis.
okayss. i shall not sayy charisaa. i shall sayy 'i'.
ive got nth to lose now. except if.
i dun studyy hardd. and fail my mid yr.
tat'll be like shitt.

i screwed my cmn tests up alreadyy.
i dowan to regret anymoree.
cause i finally realised.
its no good to regret in the end.

nth last forever though we want it to.
somethings in life. will be gone before we realise it.
and the best is to cherish everything before its gone.
cause it'll be gone somedayy.

uhh. i sound like a sadist.
kaekaes. i shall get going.
and start revising on my maths.
which totally suck like hell.

rightio. i gotta ciao now.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

and im still trying to get overr you*

Saturday, March 20, 2004

boo hoo.

im still feeling badd todayy.
vry vry badd.
and superr sadd.
i dunno wadd im doing.

im having a backache.
cause i piggyback madeline.
cause she was injured.
and couldnt walk.
oh wellss.

had trng in the morning.
and we trained wif the RI boyss.
played some crappy match wif dem.
and we lost. (as usual)

how can girrls play wif boyss.
its just. puree madness.
crazyy. madd. and insanee.
somemore dey're really fast.

and one guy whack madeline on herr toes.
and she was injured.
she couldnt walk.
and the superr compationate *charisaa.
piggybacked herr all the way. till the end of ccab.

who's suffering a backache now.
and a top secrett.
**madelinee is not as light as you tink she is. she's damn heavyy. (lols)

uhh. afterr all tat piggybackingg.
rushed home to washed up and change.
to go to esplanade to watch cinderella.
didnt reallyy haf the mood to watch tat at first.
all those loveyy doveyy showss.

which just makes me feel worst.
suck. suck. suck.
arghh. im going insane.
**sasaa's madd. lalalaa.

uh huhh. but. it wasnt tat bad afterr all.
it was a nicee show.
everyone danced real well.
but it simplyy just made me feel worst.

wadevaa. enough of loveyy doveyy stuffs.
went to townn cause brenda wanted to cut herr hairr?
ailin. baohui. majella nicolette. joan. sasha. yushan. and me.
acompanied brenda to townn. to haf herr haircut.

and brenda was totally outta herr mind.
she wanted a new hairstyle.
she wanted a bung hairstylee.
and she fcuking cutted herr hairr damn shortt.

and i reallyy mean short.
reallyy. reallyy. reallyy shortt.
arghh. i feel damn sadd for herr.
i tink she was outta herr mind.
just hope tat suppiah will let herr off.

went to macs to haf dinnerr.
it was my first dinner ever since two days ago.
didnt reallyy had the appetite to eat anw.
but i ate a lil. ailin shld be happy. lols.

was not in a mood to walk arnd townn.
and i so wanted to get backk to my bed.
cab backk home wif brenda and sasha.

and had a long. longg. longgg talk wif daddy and mummy.
mm. dunno why. was in the mood to talk to dem.
so we chatted for a longgg time.

alrightt. i dunno wadd to sayy anymoree.
dis entry is damn longg.
take caree toddles.

**charisaa will be alrightt.
no worries.
time will heal everythingg.
just lovee herr lots lots yarhss.

-and she just cant seem to get overr you*
ure still living in herr dreamss.
and dryingg away all herr tearss.

[ [ sassa* ] ]
will love you* till the endd.

Friday, March 19, 2004

this songg nvr fails to make me cryy.
it so fitted into my life now.

gareth gates.
say it isnt so.

skies are dark
it's time for rain
final call
you board the train
heading for tomorrow

i wave goodbye to yesterdays
wipe the tears, you hide your face
blinded by the sorrow

how can I be smiling like before
when baby you don't love me anymore?

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go,
so say isn't so

ten to five at least we've tried
we're still alive but hope just died
as they close the door behind you
whistle blows and tons of steel
shake the ground beneath the wheels
as I wish I'd never found you, whoa...

how can I be smiling when you're gone
will I be stong enough to carry on?

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go,
so say it isn't so

miles and miles to go,
before I can say, before I can lay
my love for you to sleep
oh darling oh
ive got miles and miles to go,
before anyone will ever hear
me laugh again.

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so

say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go
so say isn't so

if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so
sometimess in life.
isnt all we thought how perfect it will be.
everything comes to an end.
nth last foreverr though we want it to.

maybe an end is betterr for both of us.
it reallyy hurts to let you go.
but ive promised you tat one day.
if i really hafta let you go.
i will. though it hurts.

letting you go is just like.
ripping away a part of myself.
but i noe i'll get overr it.
all i need is time.
i believe tat time will heal everything.

anw. reallyy wanna thk you.
for being someone so special in my life.
ure someone i wont forget.
someone who will always be living in my dreams.
and someone i will love always.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004


trng todayy was great.
mr bhalbia and ms martens trained us todayy.
leanne wasnt dere.
and i tink trng todayy was really fulfillingg.

uhh. and a badd news.
ms martens took the c'div team.
out of the 6 asides tournament.
cause we only had a lil time left to train.
and dey dowan to pressure us.

and many many moree reasons.
shall not talk bout dem.
its quite sadd.
but i tink our main focus is on.
the coming 11asides tournament.

which is in the coming june/july.
and we haf like 2 and a half moree months to train.
and i tink if we continue to train hardd.
i tink we'll still be able to make it.

how i wish everiday's trng will be like todayy.
uhh huhh. lets pray tat we'll all continue to train hardd.

dis for all the c'div girrlss:

heyss babsies. im reallyy glad tat all of you are starting to train hardd. i mean most of you. im really very proud of you girrls. though ms martens took us out of the 6 asides tournament. dun be discourage. we still haf our 11 asides. and we must make it kaes. we hafta get it backk for the seniors. for the sch. if not for us. alrightt. we'll all continue to train hardd. and im sureewe still haf time to make it. you girrls rock my worldd. take great caree. and always rest well. love you girrls to bits and pieces -hugss

theresian hockey rock.
we rule.

Monday, March 15, 2004

boo hoo =)

dinner today was mr tan's treat.
and guessed wadd.
we ate at marche.
hehh. and poor mr tan paid for everything.

hahas. it was damn funny.
mr tan was supposed to do a research on us.
students who are active in sch.
but. not too good in their studies.

and we were the so called 'luckyy' group of students.
who somehow fitted into dis category.
okayss. maybe not too luckyy.
cause. mr tan and ms sim went to zhiyi's hse.

and asked us a hell load of stupid questions.
and took photos here and dere.
made lots of stupid assumtions.
and so called complete his report.

i tink he was in a damn good mood.
and a lil outta his mind.
to treat five crazy girls.
brenda. carolyn. sasha. zhiyi. me.
and ms sim to marche.

okayss. and we ate till we were really full.
was quite longg since i ate at marche.
maybe a month? or a lil lesser den a month.
yeahh. sorta miss the food dere. gees.

alrightt. and i had a good meal dere.
all thks to mr tan.
and now. i feel tat im getting fatt.
and its time to go backk to.


hehh. i noe im lame.
but i tink its time i go backk to my dieting.
cause i tink im gonna get heavier and heavierr.
if i continue eating liddat.

mm. maybee im sensitive.
but im not gonna change my mind bout going on a diet.
so everyone outt dere. for heaven's sake.
dun tempt me wif food kaes.

uhh huhh. so yeahh.
i shall be off to rest now.
im tired. lalalaa.

take great caree.
peaceoutt ppl.


Saturday, March 13, 2004

alrightt. im backk blogging.
i shall blogg bout the camp now.
camp was actually okay.
everything is good.
just except for the bunks.

the bunks are really horrible.
dey're small and scary.
and the bunk my class was in is at the third storey.
which just really suck.

the white board are scribbled wif lots of scary words.
like. 'if you smell wadd' dunno wadd.
and there were all trees outside the windows.
the worst part is. dere're bugs all arnd.
and the bed suck.

bleahh. sports camp was much better.
the bunks tat we had.
dey rock.
not like dis freaking bunk we stayed.

was sickk on the first day.
sore throat and headache. slight feverr?
wanted to go backk the first night.
but i didnt. zhiyi went home.

so i was the sick kitty left dere.
wanted to go home the second night.
but daddy had a meeting and couldnt send me home.
so i stayed for another night.
and im backk todayy.

though the bunks suck.
i tink tat after all. everything.
dis camp was great.
maybe not as nicee as sports camp.
but it somehow rock.

we all really had funn.
especially during the rafting and dragon boating.
hahas. it sounds lame rightt.
but it was really fun.
and damn funny.

we were quite far frm shore.
and i pushed zhiyi into the waters.
and in the end. all of us ended up in the water.
even brenda who cant swim.
hehh. its damn funny.

we were trying to push the raft backk.
but no matter how had we tried.
the raft didnt really move.
cause brenda was adding on weight to the raft.
and she cant swim.

cheryl. zhiyi and i were kicking and pushing the raft like madd.
and after a long time.
we finally reached the shore.
it was really funny stupid.
it wasnt rafting. in fact. it was swimming. lol.

okayss. enough of all the swimming.
mm. we were supposed to plan an item for the campfire?
and dey decided on dancing.
and the songg we used was toxicc.

samantha thought of all the dance steps.
but dey were really seductive.
and we didnt want to dance all tat in front of the teachers.
so in the end. we made the dance ourselves.

hahas. it was really funn.
the worst part was.
all of us were damn freaked out on stage.
and we sort of forgot our dance steps.

the worst thing is.
i was standing in the first row wif.
grace. yiting and cheryl.
it was damn scary. hahas.

and we concluded after watching all the performances.
tat most of the sports girrls.
can be on stage.
most of dem had stage fright.
hehh. damn retarded.

alrightt. im damn tired now.
and im in a very bad mood.
so i shall stop blogging heree.
mood swings like madd-

take caree.
charisaa haf missed all of yeww.
love you all to bits and pieces.

just came backk frm efl camp.
and im sooo tired. and sleepy.
im gonna slp now.
i shall blogg later bout the camp.

so yeahh.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

ohs lalalaaa.
im in such a good mood now.
if yeww ask me anything.
i tink i'll just agree to it. hahas.
tats how happyy i am now.

mm. daddy didnt confiscate my hp in the end.
he scolded me a lil. and gave me blackface.
but in the end. he told me sry.
i tink he's reallyy sadd tat he scolded me.
it makes me feel bad too.
esp wen he msg me tat he was sry.

hehh. my daddy is superr cutee.
mood swings just like me.
he brought me to buy my track pants and sandals just now.
and everythingg seems really okie.
until mummy came and add craps in.

now dey're both pissed againn.
arghh. just because i packed my stuffs last min for the camp.
i mean. wad has it gotta do wif dem?
see. tats y i say. daddy mood swingss.

anyways. i just packed finished packing my stuffs for the camp.
yeahh. i tink im bringing alot of craps dere.
hahas. and all my discc. tats the worst part.
lola. actually. i dun feel like going for camp.

i rather stay at hme. den it'll nt be so troublesome.
gotta bring sooo many many thingss.
haix. but i guessed its gonna be funn.
everyone is like suddenly so enthu bout dis camp?

even the oohhh-sooo-liann gangg.
like cheryl. leilani. gracee and all.
dunno wad has gotten into all of dem.
but i tink its better dis way.

im leaving for efl camp tmr.
tat means. tat means.
im gonna miss my comp. my bed. my room.
my everything. and espcially..
yeww guys heapss.

hurhurr. yeww all can msg me and keep me occupied.
hope tat all going for dis camp will enjoy themselves.
and everything will bo great and go fine.
prolly. hopefully. smth like sports camp. yupps.

so yeahh. shall stop heree now.
take great great caree ppl.
i'll miss yeww all heapss.
especially yeww*

i love yeww*


Tuesday, March 09, 2004

sighs. my hp bill for last month came.
and i fcuking bombed it.
ohs dammit. mummy and daddy are both superr pissed.
haix. and dey dowan to hear my explaination.

dey dun even want to hear wad ive to say.
and i dun see how i can explain everything.
but i can see tat dey're very pissed wif me.
dey deliberately didnt talk to me. damn.

alrightt. i noe dis is my fault. its my fault.
my fault. my fault and still my fault.
but ive alreadyy said i was sry.
but dey just fcuking dowan to hearr tat.

arghh. i just hope tat dey wont confiscate my fone.
cause i cant live without it.
and i tink i can just die without it.

wells. i gotta go now.
i had better explain everything to dem.
and convince dem. before i leave.
on thurs for my efl camp.

and yeahh.
efl camp is coming. tmr is the pre camp.
dun really feel like going.
but i tink its gonna be quite fun.

and i cant talk properly now.
my throat is totally very bad.
bad. bad. bad.

lalalaa. i shall be off now.
take caree ppls.
love yeww all lots lots.


Monday, March 08, 2004

just reached hme and had a bath.
now i feel so much betterr.
was like freaking cold just now.
and its raining like crazyy.

and ive dis damn sore throat.
which hurts wen i talk.
and it seem to get worst.
and now i sound damn stupid.

oohhh wells.
if i dun get well.
i dunno if im going for the efl camp.
but i'll be missing a hell load of funn.

haix. or maybe i shld just go.
and be a sick and quiet kitty.
just sit arnd.
and listen to all their jokes.

haix. i just hope i'll get betterr.
if not i'll just be so sickk.
i might not go. mm.
even if i go. i might not enjoy it.

arghh. wad am i talking bout?
i feel tat im contridicting myself.
haix. im not in the mood to blogg again.
i shall stop heree.

byes ppl.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

im feelingg damn shagg.
im down running a highh feverr.
the highest pnt just nw was like.
erm 38.9 degrees?

i was practically burning at tat time.
but it amazinglyy subsided alott.
its like. onlyy 37.6 now?
isnt it much beterr now?

uhh. tats all for now.
dun really haf the mood to blogg.
and im feeling brokenn.
arghh. i dunno y.

but it just feel so.
and yeahh. im gonna bath now.
the fourth time for the day.
or izzit the fifth? mm.

okayss. wadevaa.
im boredd. shall stop crappingg.
take great caree ppl.
dun fall sickk like me. sick kitty.

so yeahh.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

oohhh wells.

im feeling totally shagg now.
i feel sickk. and cold?
im having a freaking sore throat.
and a slightt headache.

arghh. i just drank the medince.
and i tastee sooo yuckyy.
though it was like in pinkk.
but awww. bleahh.
it taste so bad. horrible. sucks.

alrighttts. i shall just go and slp now.
im tiredd. and yeahh.
but i'll be backk onlinee.
but maybe laterr.


Friday, March 05, 2004

it was such a uneventful dayy.
so manyy bad stuffs happened.
first is my damn results.
den the hockey matchh.

haix. we could haf won yuhua.
if nt of the damn fcuking empire.
who's sooo damn bias against us.
and gave den like sox or seven short corners.
all at one time. crazyy idiot.

and so we lost.
but. im really proud of the seniors.
dey played really well.
dey kept tryingg till the end.

but we lost. 1-0.
its due to the empire's damn fault.
but we lost wif pride.
dey seniors really done well.

im totally proud of the seniors.
and xinni too.
dey played till the end.
dey're always be champions in our hearts.

alrightts. dis is to all my wonderful seniors and xinni who played todayy.

yeww girls totallyy rawk kaes.
im really proud of the way all of you played.
it was really greatt.
you all played till the end.
though we lost. we lost in pride.

and the c'div promise to train.
extremely veryy hard to thrash the chicken yuhua sch.
we'll get it backk. but now.
yeww all dun get too upset.

fightt for the third placeing kaes.
we noe tat you all will make it.
and yeahh. yeww all are.
the champions in our hearts.

we LOVE you all.

so yeahh. take great care.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

ohh dammit.

i screwed my first term up.
and it really suck.
maybee everthing is bad.
exceptt for. histiory. eng. and lit.
but overall. it suck.

haix. okayss. in fact.
i tink i can onlyy blame myself.
cause i didnt studyy and tryy hard enuff.
im gonna start to mugg alreadyy.

ive promise myselff.
tat dis is the last time im gonna screw any exams.
yeahh. and im gonna studyy hard noww.
ive got enuff of my fcuking results.

alrightts. im nt in a good mood to blog now.
and good luck to all those having their exams tmr.
so yeahh. tke kaire toodless.
charisa* loves you all lots lots.


Saturday, February 28, 2004

boo hoo =) i like dis songg.
gareth gates. say it isnt so.

skies are dark, it's time for rain
final call, you board the train
heading for tomorrow

i wave goodbye to yesterdays
wipe the tears, you hide your face
blinded by the sorrow

how can I be smiling like before
when baby you don't love me anymore

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now
that I am only dreaming
that this is not goodbye
this is starting over
if you wanna know, I don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so

tempt to find, at least we've tried
we're still alive with hope this time
as they closed the door behind you

we're so close and times are still
shake the ground beneath the wheels
as I wish I'd never found you

how can I be smiling when you're gone
will I be strong enough to carry on

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now
that I am only dreaming
that this is not goodbye
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know, I don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so

miles and miles to go
before I can sail, before I can nail my love for you to sleep
oh darling oh
i get miles and miles to go
before anyone will ever hear me laugh again

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now
that I am only dreaming
that this is not goodbye
tis is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know, I don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so..

say you've changed your mind now
that I am only dreaming
that this is not goodbye
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know, I don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so
if you wanna know, I don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so
todayy is suchh a boring day :(

i stayed at home the whole day.
to mugg for the damn history test.
hahas. and ive written.
eight pages of history notes.

and i only finish covering.
chapts 4 and 5.
i still got like 3 moree chapts to go!?
and tats totally crazyy.

haix. i really really need history notes.
and nicole haven emailed me any yett.
she promised she's email it to me by todayy.
but i didnt recieve anythingg.
tat girl arhh. haix.

daddy is out for a meeting.
and mummy has brought.
the 2 irritating fellows.
darius and zoeleen.
out for shoppingg.

and im stuck at home.
supposed to be studyingg.
but i cant stand my books anymoree.
its driving me bonkers.

now i realise.
the meaning of revising everidae.
and nt doing last min revision.
hahas. but its too latee.

all i can do now is try my best.
and mugg like crazyy.
i tink i'll prolly pass my history.
i just hope soo. hahas.

boo hoo =)
im damn bored.
someone gimme a call.

i shall just stop heree.
someone gimme a call.


Thursday, February 26, 2004

whoo hoo =)

dere's sooo muchh to blog todayy.
todayy was stc vs west spring.
the seniors played well.
we won. 9-0.

but bubu didnt play.
hahas. she got stitches and couldn't playy.
but everyone played well.
and it was a happy gamee.

hahas. the most funny thing is.
sngs was suppose to play wif fajar after us.
and both of their jerseys were whitee.
and. something funny happened.

dey borrowed our senior's wet and smelly jerseys.
dey wore it and played.
hawhaw. cause our jerseys is yellow.
and dey look lyk theresians in the field?
dots. dots. dots.

and. anotherr funny thing.
brenda and i. took a cab.
togetherr wif mrs suppiah and mr tan.
hahas. i thought tat it was scary to haf mrs suppiah in the cab.

but it didnt turn out to be scaryy.
she was pretty quiet.
except tat she asked some funny questions.
hahas. i feel damn funny.

lalalalaa. i went to collect my new contacts todayy.
and im not really use to wearing dem.
cause dey're bigger and its harderr to wearr.
hahas. but i'll get used to it.
i hope so.

and ive completed my art assignment.
im superr happy now.
cause i finally finished the damn thingg.
and i feel really satisfied. woahh.

todayy is a funny dayy.
i just feel sooo funny.
funny. funny. funny :)

alrightts. i shall be off now.
i got to start on my revision.
i haven actually started on any revision.
dammit. so i shall start todayy.

so yeahh.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

whoo hoo =) common test is coming. and i still haven started my revision yet. i tink im gonna flung my maths once again. sucks.

my maths istotally very screwed up.
i dun get wad indices means.
and it means.
i'll fail bigg time.

alrightts. shall stop talking bout exams.
dey just suck anyways.
sucks. sucks. sucks.

and yeahh.
dis is for bubu.

heys babe. really hope tat you'll recoverr soon yarh? thks for playing so hard till you got injured. will see dis injured lil girl in sch tmr. hahas. tke good kaire. we all love you. *cheers*

Sunday, February 22, 2004


im happy.
happy happy girl.
im really cranky and crazyy.

cause i just finish convincing mummy and daddy tat my allowance isn't enuff.
hahas. and im getting moree money now.
finally. hawhaw.

dun ask me how much im getting.
but im really happyy bout it.
so you shld haf guess it.
for those who noe me. rightt.

i might be able to get my atm acct backk.
if i try and be a good girl.
tat'll be a lil difficult.

im tired.
alrightts. i shall go and rest now.
see everione in sch tmr.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

i feel damn sickk now.
i suddenly haf a bad gastric todae.
and it fcuking hurts.

today was the swimming meet.
and its really greatt.
hahas. like sooo many chiobu were swimming?

amelia and xinni swam really well.
hahas. if you had seen dem both.
both swimming like fishes :)

okayss. it was just really fun.
really really very funn.

and today was acjc's carnival?
and sooo many of us went dere togetherr.
we made sooo much noise on the way dere.

brenda. carolyn. chermin. lynette. majella. tingxi. ziping. me. and many others.
hahas. dey were singing william hung. she bangs? and spongebobs-squarepants.
really noisy and crappy :))

i tink i shall be off.
to get a rest.
cause my tummy just hurts.

uh huhh.
so yeahh. tke kaire ppl.
i love you*


Thursday, February 19, 2004

boo hoo =)

theresian hockey rawk and rule.
whoppeee. yesterdae was stc vs sngs.

and our oohhh-sooo-pro seniors beat st nicks.
hahas. the score was 3/0.

lalalaa. tats y i sae. theresian hockey rule.
hurhur. im getting lame and cranky.
cause im jus sooo happy.

heh. we're gonna get a pitch in our sch if the c'div gets the champions dis yr.
and im suree tat the seniors will make it.
*claps hands*

hahas. alrightts. dis is to all my wonderful seniors.

heya babes. you all plaed well yesterdae. it was really a great game. yeahh. keep up the good work. and train hard. ure gonna get the champions dis yr kaes. rock on girls. i love you all to bits and pieces. muackss =)


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

heya. lets blog bout yesterdae.
the stupid happening at vaishnbunny's hse.
samantha. her mummy. rubini and shamini went to vaishnavi's damn hse.
uh huhh. dey wanted to so called 'reconciled'.
but in the end everithing was ruined.

all of dem din haf a chance to say their piece.
it was just both mummys talking to each otherr.
stupid. and in the end.
vaishnbunny's mummy decided to go to sch and complain to mrs kong tmr(todaee)

she wanted to complain bout all of us.
practically the whole class.
for disliking. despising. hating and alwaes bitching bout herr.
irritating and lame mummy of herrs.

but it was actually quite cool.
and damn funny.
cause the whole class is like against herr?!
and her mummy still want to complain bout us.

heh heh. and samantha actually made a list.
of all the bad stuffs bout tat black bunny.
but in the end. todaee.
her stupid mum din come to sch todaee.

we MISSED a great show. woah.

waitt. perfect 10 is plaeing sugarr babes's songg now. baby im too lost in you. hurhur. it just alwaes sounds superr to me. hahas.

backtrack now..
mrs low kinda got some info bout us.
all the bad happenings tat happened in class recently.
like alyssa's and min feng's case oso.

she sound totally dissapointed in all of us.
and i noe tat she's really sadd.
and she gave us a good thrashing in our conscience.
and she's gonna call up most of our parents.
sucks. sucks. sucks.

i was kinda shocked to hearr some bad stuffs tat actually happened in class.
i dun believe tat ppl can do things liddat.
its sooo mean.
tat stupid meaniee.
curse herr to fall into the toilet bowl =X

urhms. wadevaa larh. stupid happenings. damn dumb.
oh yeahh. tmr is the second seniors tournament.
its saint theresas convent vs saint nichoals convent.
its really tough competition.
but ive got confidence tat the seniors can make it.

yupps. anyhows ive got to go and mugg for my science test tmr.
i cant afford to flung anymore test. yupps.

so yeahh. happy happy nightt. i love you lots lots. *cheerios*

Monday, February 16, 2004

sometimes i just wonder if all ive done is rightt.
cause you* just make me feel like a fool.
maybe ive been a fool all along..

Friday, February 13, 2004

oohhh wells. its valentines eve. hahas. sch was reallie crazee today. everyone was like giving everybody presentss? and it was reallie messy. but its reallie funn.

i brought sooo many stuffs to sch. and i got a hard time trying bring all my stuffs back to sch. but. daddy sent me to sch. so its alrightts. yeahh.

hahas. and i brought home sooo many thinggs. all sooo cutee. hahas. alrightts. lovey dovey stuffs.

anyhows. im reallie tired. i dunno why. but. i'll be slping tonight wif all my new stuffs. heh. cant wait to slp. hahas. okayss.

i shall go and eat something now. yupps. cause i din eat anything until now. freaking hungry. so. *cheers*

Thursday, February 12, 2004

todae was damn funn.
like of us went shopping in town together?
amelia. brenda. chermin. christina. debbie. maryanne. melanie. ravinder. valery. me.
we went shopping for vday.

we were in townn. and we bought lots and loads of craps.
hahas. and debbie was the most poor girl. she spent all of her money.
to buy sooo many cussions and stuffs for us.
hahas. ure really a sweetie deb. hurhur.

alrightts. i bought like so many craps. hahas. maybe not craps.
dey're all sooo cutee. and i dun tink i wanna give it to dem.
hahas. jus joking.

i got sooo sooo much stuffs to bring to sch tmr.
but daddy is sending me to sch by car. so its alrightts.
and i got sooo many heart shaped balloons. woah.

alrightts. tmr will be a crazy day. anyhows. tke kaire. and yeahh. tke kaire. slp tight. dun let kaka bite. hahas. muackx.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

oohhh wells. im really tired. today was the first trng wif the sec1s. hahas. dey're really funny and cutee. cause i dunno y. but its a lil disorganised todae. no coach was down. we were self training tats y. hahas.

and yeahh todae is.
our two hockey princesses.
carolyn* and nicolette's*

hahas. let me singg a birthdae songg to you two.

happy birthday to you.
ure crazy and cutee.
like monkeys and parrots.
happy birthdae to you**

heys my darling ahmaa. hahas. its been longg since we really talked like before. i tink we've got lots to catch up. rightt. and you keep my secret kaes. dun accidently blurt dem out. yupps. its ur birthdae. boo hoo. and i haven got ur presentt. im really sorry. im really busy dis days. you noe right. trngs and stuffs. sooo sorry tat i was damn cranky during trng today. cause i tink im pmsing. really sorry. have a happy happy birthdae. sweet fourteen?! happy valentines day. i love you to bits and pieces :) *cheers*

heys girl. hahas. i din forget you oso. happy birthdae to you kaes. hahas. and just admit tat ure alwaes window shopping for guys in townn. i noe it. but its okay if ure shy. heh. alrightt. alrightts. dun be pissed kaes. cause its ur birthday todae. yays. stay crazy and funky always. train hard and yeahh. rock on girl. oh yeahh. a happy valentines day to you too. i love you lots and loads :) *cheerios*

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

heyheys. hahas. im backk online.

if you din realise it.
but i noe tat you guys found something missing.
and tats me. me. me. and me :))
i noe tat you guys missed me like crazy right. duh~

i wasn't online for like god damn five days.
cause my freaking comp is sick wif all sorts of stupid problems :(
but its fixed now.

dis post is gonna be really longg. hahas. cause i really miss all of you guys. yeahh. i miss the noise tat i always make wen typing. so im typing extremely noisily now. hahas. okayss. im lame.

i was really sad last week. cause diana transfered overr to saint margarets. cause of herr stupid mummy who obviously tinks tat being in saint margs can give her a much brighterr future. considered to stc. stupid.

its definetly not the case. but she's gone now. and i really miss her presence. i really miss dis bubbly girl who can sometimes be sooo funny and make us all sooo happy. but she's gonee.

i really hope tat she'll enjoy herself in her new sch. though im soo sooo against the idea of herr being in saint margarets. but since she's dere. i really wish her all the best. and i really miss her like fcukk.

and if any saint magarets peeps who somehow got to read dis by chance. and was at heeren and cine last fri. im really sorry if uve heard someone calling pokka dots and stuffs. im really sorry bout tat. my frend sasha was pmsing tat day. so yeahh. sorry yarh?

uh huhh. today was senior's first b'div tournament. stc vs fajar. and we thrashed dem. hahas. its fourteen/zero. yupps. it was a good game. everyone tried their best and yeahh. nicee play seniors. keep up the good job.

the next tournament is on next wed. stc vs sngs. hahas. two convent schs playing wif each other. anyhows. im quite confident tat the seniors will make it. yeahh.

tmr is the first trng wif the new sec1s. hahas. dis made me tink backk. wen we were all sec1s. hahas. we had to pick all the balls after all trngs. and its really bad. now tat we're seniors. we can get the sec1s to pick the balls again. hurhur. its gonna be fun :))

oohhh wells. clay aiken and sugarr babes rock. hahas. baby im too lost in you. hahas. im really crazy overr tat songg. maybe.

ive got like sooo much art work to complete. cause if we dun hand in it all by tmr. we're all gonna fail like madd. and it sucks. ive got sooo much to do. sooo muchh.

alrightts. im gonna try and complete my work today. im gonna study hardd. hahas. since leslie has started to complain bout me and my sch work. actually i cant stand him. stupid.

im gonna mugg real madd and make him look stupid. for saying so much bout me. tat stupid bald guy. sickening.

okayss. i shall get going now. tke lotsa kaire kaes. cya arnd in sch. i love you. muackx. *cheers*

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

today was the swimming heats.

like everyone who could swim was swimming? okayss. maybe im the one who's din swim. i haven been swimming for like months? and i just isn't prepared to swim for dis swim heat. nxt yr maybe. hahas.

anyhows. watching all the participants swim was great. you could see all of dem swimming like fishes. maybe dolphins? and everyone swam well. its reallie cool looking at all of dem swim. everyone was trying so hardd.

dis made me tink bout finding nemo.
just keep swimming. swimming. swimming :) hahas.

okayss. actually i feel like swimming now. hahas. and i dunno where's my swimming costume. alrightt. alrightts. i noe im lame. but i have the sudden urge to swim. mm.

science test today was okay. in fact. its really a short test. gave me such a fright. i thought it'll be some longg and difficult test. but its not too bad. i tink i can jus pass it.

many many tests will be starting to come soon. sulks. i better start mugging. though i reallie dun want to. but common test is like less den a month? sadd.

alrightts. ive gtg now. and i won't be online tonightt. ive got losta things to catch up. anithing just msg me. yupps. love you all loads. *cheers*

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

heyheys my dearr ahgong. hahas. school have been really busy and hectic dis days yarh? though we dun really have much time to hang arnd in town. watch movies. tke neoprints and stuffs. but i hope tat we will still be as close as before yarh? and you follow ur heart. although i might not really understand somethings you do. and i might not really have agreeded to it. but i will always respect ur decision. and yeahh. you study hard for the sci test yarh? love you to bits and pieces.

my dearr jiejie. its been sooo longg since we kept in touch. hope tat uve not forgotten me yet. hahas. i noe u wouldn't have. anyhows. if you ever came to read dis msg. gimme a call or a sms yarh? missed you loads. -hugss-

the two aunties here. esp beatrice. you two have not been coming for morning runs and stuffs for a longg time already kaes. and beatrice. plsss start coming for trng kaes. yupps. tke kaire. love you two many many. cya arnd in sch.
oohhh wells. ive changed my blogskin again. hahas. twice in a row. i noe im lame. but. i tink dis blogskin preetty well fits into my life. hahas. maybe not. but i just like it.

alrightts. im damn cranky now. and im damn sadd. dun ask me why. i just feel sadd. maybe everithing is just a bluff. yeahh. maybe ive been a fool all along. maybe i am.

dere's science test tmr. and i haven studied for it. i dun have the mood to even look at my stupid books. i just wanna slp. im really tired.

trng todae was cancelled. due to the hse practices. yeahh. and i was off for trng fer a day. hahas. i hope tat the trng schedule would not be sooo tight like before.

after all. senior's b'div tournament will be starting next week. so we'll all be busy watching dem play and yeahh. so dere'll not be much trng next week. dis rocks.

but we've to do morning runs ans drills every morning. sulks.

okayss. i shall not grumble anymoree. im tired. i'll catch a slp now. continue looking at my chio blogskin kaes. hahas. *cheers*