Wednesday, March 31, 2004

im totally wore out.
frm yesterday's trng.
and all the past weeks trngs we've had.
im damn tired. im beatt.
those trngs are reallyy killing me.

all the trngs.
all the running.
all the hitting.
all the pushing.
all the sweeping.
all the everything.

i think i'll die soon at the rate im going.
i haven been getting enough slp.
and i dun haf the time to catch it backk.
trying catch them backk a lil by a lil.
like in between lesson breaks.

but dey dun seem to workk.
i just seem to get more and moree tired.
the moree i slp.
the sleepier i becomes.
and thats even worst.

and maths lesson are getting so intense.
all of us dun fcuking understand.
wadd mr ng is trying to teach.
he goes way too fast.
he teaches so fast and i really mean fast.

and the worst thing is.
guess wadd.
when we ask him to repeat and explain to us wadd he've taught.
he'll just say.
you can do it. just think.
and he dun go thru it again.

he thinks that if we think.
we'll get the ans.
but the thing is.
we dun even understand anything he've taught.

so wadd if we think.
no matter how hard we think.
nothing will come to our minds.
if thinking can be so powerful.
then lets meditate and think everyday.

crapp. mr ng is really crap.
his lessons reallyy suckk.
everyone is praying that mrs low will be backk.
backk for good.
though she will always be vry strict to us.

i noe that everyone is praying that mrs low will be backk.
but mr ng still haf to stay for quite dome time.
and everything will turn out to be reallyy bad.
in time to come.


and there's hockey trng tmr.
2-4pm at delta.
and if we dun perform well tmr.
it will be our doom.
delta is sooo damn bigg.
dunno how he'll make us run.

i shall writee a shoutout to all the sec2 hockey girrls.
heree charisaa goes`

heyoss chiobu(s). -laughs out loud. the cmn tests are already overr. some of us did reallyy badly. especially the guilty(me). i think its time for all of us to start mugging hard. and to train hard. superr hardd. hockey is important. but studies comes first. i noe it sounds crazyy that charisaa is saying dis. but ive realised that. it might seem quite difficult for us to gt the top placings the rate we're going. but like mr bulb said. time is still on our side. we can still make it. if we try vry hard to. and we must communicate. COMMUNICATE!! trngs are getting to be tougher and tougher. but always rmb. when the going gets tough. the tough gets going. we'll all go thru dis as a team together. alrightt? take great caree. always rest well. cyas all arnd in sch. *huggies

a quote frm the hockey notice board`
[ [ fly like a butterfly. sting like a bee. ] ]

im tired and i wanna slp.
i shall stop heree.
yess heree.
so yeahh.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004

im totally beat.
damn tired now.
trng today was total hell.
and i really mean hell.

we were all slacking.
and we pissed mr bulb off after quite some time.
and he made us runn like madd.
do sit-ups. push-ups. bla bla.
damn irritating.

and poor me.
was hafing some fcuking gastric.
and he still made me runn.
crap. and i just puked.

mr bulb can get really annoyed.
and he can get really crazyy when he boils.
haix. im so vry tired now.
and im gonna go and revise on my sci tmr.

mr tan is giving us a test on chpt 7&8.
-laughs out loudd.
i tink everyone is gonna do damn well for dis 2 chpts.
especially our dearr kumarr. veena (lols).

uhh. alrightt. i shall stop being mean here.
and be nicee. so yeahh.
thats all bout it.


Monday, March 29, 2004

heyas. dis blogg entry will be short.
cause i got nth much to blogg about.
and im reallyy sleepy.
i need to catch my slp backk.

haven been hafing enough slp for weeks.
and i didnt haf enough time to catch dem all backk.
thats why im falling aslp in class everyday.
though i dont want to.

uhh. yeahh. heard frm ms wong.
ms cecilia wong.
that she'll be backk on wed for a visit.
she says we all dao herr. (lols).
but we all miss herr rightt?

alrightt. thats bout it.
gotta go off now.

Saturday, March 27, 2004


todayy's a crazyy day.
and a bored dayy too.
went to townn.
was supposed to play lan in townn.
but i objected due to some reasons.

and in the end.
we went to catch a movie.
and stupid brenda suggested.
to watch the eye two.
so the all-freaked-out us.
went to watch the eye 2.

sasha was disturbing me thru the whole show.
irritating girrl. made me even moree scared.
hehh. but after all. the movie was quite alrightt.
not as scary as i tink.
but i feel that its a lil sadd.

watching a horrorr movies makes charisaa sadd?
-laughs out loud.
i dunno why i felt so sadd after the whole thingg.
i didnt even find it scaryy.

went to sasha's hse after everything.
we were all slacking arnd.
and crappingg like madd.
uhh. den everyone had to go hme.

alrightt. thats bout it.
ive got nth to blogg anymoree.
gotta go for church tmr.
take caree.

//when you hurt too much. you dun feel it anymore.

Friday, March 26, 2004

boo hoo x))

its ptc (parents teacher conference) tmr.
and it means D-I-E.
i screwed my cmn tests.
and i almost fail my overall.

the lucky starss are wif charisaa.
she got 50.25 for overall.
goodness. she's a lucky girrl.
like woahh.

haix. im seriously vry lucky dis time.
vry vry vry luckyy.
but that doesnt mean that.
the stupid leslie will not suspend me frm hockey trngs.

cause im just at the border line.
i almost failed the overalls.
and its cause im luckyy dis time.
that i passed.

but like wadd mummy always says.
mummy: "charisaa. the luckyy stars dun follow you always. you cant always depend on luckk."
sasaa: "yeahh. i noe im luckyy dis time."

but it seem like im always luckyy.
but i dun tink i'll be luckyy anymoree.

so. ive made up my mind.
im gonna start mugging.
for heaven's sake.
and for my sake.

yeahh. it might sound dumb.
but im serious.
my life now suck.
and i want a new life.

i want to start everything overr again.
i hate the life im living now.
i hate the "myself" now.
i want to start a new lifee.

uhh. dis sounds wierd.
alrightt. thats bout it.
me gotta go now.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

love is short. but forgetting is long.

a broken heart is a heart that has felt love.

to live life without you is to live life without love.

if you love someone. let it go. if it comes back to you it was truly meant to be.

deep in my heart. im suffering. knowing that ive lost you. on the outside. im living. pretending that ive forgotten you.

my heart only fought for what it wanted. now my heart is having to fight to let him go.

it hurts to see the one you love happy with someone else. but it is more painful to see the you are with unhappy with you.

Monday, March 22, 2004

but ure still living in my dreams.
ure always with me.
ive got you where i want you to be.

arghh. i can fcuking stand frendsterr.
its sooo superr lagg. sooo damn slow.
everything is taking ages to load.

its the first day of term two.
as usual. sch was crazyy and noisyy.
but i tink it rockk.
its good to backk in sch againn. (lols)

charisaa has gone insane.
she actually thought tat it was good to be backk in sch again.
thats a surprise of a century. hehh.
thats bigg newss. superr lame.

uhh. and im reallyy gonna start to mugg hard now.
i noe it might sound lame and dumb.
and maybe damn contridictingg.
wen its coming frm charisaa.

but. dis time she is veryy serious bout dis.
okayss. i shall not sayy charisaa. i shall sayy 'i'.
ive got nth to lose now. except if.
i dun studyy hardd. and fail my mid yr.
tat'll be like shitt.

i screwed my cmn tests up alreadyy.
i dowan to regret anymoree.
cause i finally realised.
its no good to regret in the end.

nth last forever though we want it to.
somethings in life. will be gone before we realise it.
and the best is to cherish everything before its gone.
cause it'll be gone somedayy.

uhh. i sound like a sadist.
kaekaes. i shall get going.
and start revising on my maths.
which totally suck like hell.

rightio. i gotta ciao now.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

and im still trying to get overr you*

Saturday, March 20, 2004

boo hoo.

im still feeling badd todayy.
vry vry badd.
and superr sadd.
i dunno wadd im doing.

im having a backache.
cause i piggyback madeline.
cause she was injured.
and couldnt walk.
oh wellss.

had trng in the morning.
and we trained wif the RI boyss.
played some crappy match wif dem.
and we lost. (as usual)

how can girrls play wif boyss.
its just. puree madness.
crazyy. madd. and insanee.
somemore dey're really fast.

and one guy whack madeline on herr toes.
and she was injured.
she couldnt walk.
and the superr compationate *charisaa.
piggybacked herr all the way. till the end of ccab.

who's suffering a backache now.
and a top secrett.
**madelinee is not as light as you tink she is. she's damn heavyy. (lols)

uhh. afterr all tat piggybackingg.
rushed home to washed up and change.
to go to esplanade to watch cinderella.
didnt reallyy haf the mood to watch tat at first.
all those loveyy doveyy showss.

which just makes me feel worst.
suck. suck. suck.
arghh. im going insane.
**sasaa's madd. lalalaa.

uh huhh. but. it wasnt tat bad afterr all.
it was a nicee show.
everyone danced real well.
but it simplyy just made me feel worst.

wadevaa. enough of loveyy doveyy stuffs.
went to townn cause brenda wanted to cut herr hairr?
ailin. baohui. majella nicolette. joan. sasha. yushan. and me.
acompanied brenda to townn. to haf herr haircut.

and brenda was totally outta herr mind.
she wanted a new hairstyle.
she wanted a bung hairstylee.
and she fcuking cutted herr hairr damn shortt.

and i reallyy mean short.
reallyy. reallyy. reallyy shortt.
arghh. i feel damn sadd for herr.
i tink she was outta herr mind.
just hope tat suppiah will let herr off.

went to macs to haf dinnerr.
it was my first dinner ever since two days ago.
didnt reallyy had the appetite to eat anw.
but i ate a lil. ailin shld be happy. lols.

was not in a mood to walk arnd townn.
and i so wanted to get backk to my bed.
cab backk home wif brenda and sasha.

and had a long. longg. longgg talk wif daddy and mummy.
mm. dunno why. was in the mood to talk to dem.
so we chatted for a longgg time.

alrightt. i dunno wadd to sayy anymoree.
dis entry is damn longg.
take caree toddles.

**charisaa will be alrightt.
no worries.
time will heal everythingg.
just lovee herr lots lots yarhss.

-and she just cant seem to get overr you*
ure still living in herr dreamss.
and dryingg away all herr tearss.

[ [ sassa* ] ]
will love you* till the endd.

Friday, March 19, 2004

this songg nvr fails to make me cryy.
it so fitted into my life now.

gareth gates.
say it isnt so.

skies are dark
it's time for rain
final call
you board the train
heading for tomorrow

i wave goodbye to yesterdays
wipe the tears, you hide your face
blinded by the sorrow

how can I be smiling like before
when baby you don't love me anymore?

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go,
so say isn't so

ten to five at least we've tried
we're still alive but hope just died
as they close the door behind you
whistle blows and tons of steel
shake the ground beneath the wheels
as I wish I'd never found you, whoa...

how can I be smiling when you're gone
will I be stong enough to carry on?

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go,
so say it isn't so

miles and miles to go,
before I can say, before I can lay
my love for you to sleep
oh darling oh
ive got miles and miles to go,
before anyone will ever hear
me laugh again.

say it isn't so
tell me you're not leaving
say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so

say you've changed your mind now,
that I am only dreaming,
that this is not goodbye,
this is starting over
say I'm not wide awake
if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go
so say isn't so

if you wanna know
i don't wanna let go
so say it isn't so
sometimess in life.
isnt all we thought how perfect it will be.
everything comes to an end.
nth last foreverr though we want it to.

maybe an end is betterr for both of us.
it reallyy hurts to let you go.
but ive promised you tat one day.
if i really hafta let you go.
i will. though it hurts.

letting you go is just like.
ripping away a part of myself.
but i noe i'll get overr it.
all i need is time.
i believe tat time will heal everything.

anw. reallyy wanna thk you.
for being someone so special in my life.
ure someone i wont forget.
someone who will always be living in my dreams.
and someone i will love always.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004


trng todayy was great.
mr bhalbia and ms martens trained us todayy.
leanne wasnt dere.
and i tink trng todayy was really fulfillingg.

uhh. and a badd news.
ms martens took the c'div team.
out of the 6 asides tournament.
cause we only had a lil time left to train.
and dey dowan to pressure us.

and many many moree reasons.
shall not talk bout dem.
its quite sadd.
but i tink our main focus is on.
the coming 11asides tournament.

which is in the coming june/july.
and we haf like 2 and a half moree months to train.
and i tink if we continue to train hardd.
i tink we'll still be able to make it.

how i wish everiday's trng will be like todayy.
uhh huhh. lets pray tat we'll all continue to train hardd.

dis for all the c'div girrlss:

heyss babsies. im reallyy glad tat all of you are starting to train hardd. i mean most of you. im really very proud of you girrls. though ms martens took us out of the 6 asides tournament. dun be discourage. we still haf our 11 asides. and we must make it kaes. we hafta get it backk for the seniors. for the sch. if not for us. alrightt. we'll all continue to train hardd. and im sureewe still haf time to make it. you girrls rock my worldd. take great caree. and always rest well. love you girrls to bits and pieces -hugss

theresian hockey rock.
we rule.

Monday, March 15, 2004

boo hoo =)

dinner today was mr tan's treat.
and guessed wadd.
we ate at marche.
hehh. and poor mr tan paid for everything.

hahas. it was damn funny.
mr tan was supposed to do a research on us.
students who are active in sch.
but. not too good in their studies.

and we were the so called 'luckyy' group of students.
who somehow fitted into dis category.
okayss. maybe not too luckyy.
cause. mr tan and ms sim went to zhiyi's hse.

and asked us a hell load of stupid questions.
and took photos here and dere.
made lots of stupid assumtions.
and so called complete his report.

i tink he was in a damn good mood.
and a lil outta his mind.
to treat five crazy girls.
brenda. carolyn. sasha. zhiyi. me.
and ms sim to marche.

okayss. and we ate till we were really full.
was quite longg since i ate at marche.
maybe a month? or a lil lesser den a month.
yeahh. sorta miss the food dere. gees.

alrightt. and i had a good meal dere.
all thks to mr tan.
and now. i feel tat im getting fatt.
and its time to go backk to.


hehh. i noe im lame.
but i tink its time i go backk to my dieting.
cause i tink im gonna get heavier and heavierr.
if i continue eating liddat.

mm. maybee im sensitive.
but im not gonna change my mind bout going on a diet.
so everyone outt dere. for heaven's sake.
dun tempt me wif food kaes.

uhh huhh. so yeahh.
i shall be off to rest now.
im tired. lalalaa.

take great caree.
peaceoutt ppl.


Saturday, March 13, 2004

alrightt. im backk blogging.
i shall blogg bout the camp now.
camp was actually okay.
everything is good.
just except for the bunks.

the bunks are really horrible.
dey're small and scary.
and the bunk my class was in is at the third storey.
which just really suck.

the white board are scribbled wif lots of scary words.
like. 'if you smell wadd' dunno wadd.
and there were all trees outside the windows.
the worst part is. dere're bugs all arnd.
and the bed suck.

bleahh. sports camp was much better.
the bunks tat we had.
dey rock.
not like dis freaking bunk we stayed.

was sickk on the first day.
sore throat and headache. slight feverr?
wanted to go backk the first night.
but i didnt. zhiyi went home.

so i was the sick kitty left dere.
wanted to go home the second night.
but daddy had a meeting and couldnt send me home.
so i stayed for another night.
and im backk todayy.

though the bunks suck.
i tink tat after all. everything.
dis camp was great.
maybe not as nicee as sports camp.
but it somehow rock.

we all really had funn.
especially during the rafting and dragon boating.
hahas. it sounds lame rightt.
but it was really fun.
and damn funny.

we were quite far frm shore.
and i pushed zhiyi into the waters.
and in the end. all of us ended up in the water.
even brenda who cant swim.
hehh. its damn funny.

we were trying to push the raft backk.
but no matter how had we tried.
the raft didnt really move.
cause brenda was adding on weight to the raft.
and she cant swim.

cheryl. zhiyi and i were kicking and pushing the raft like madd.
and after a long time.
we finally reached the shore.
it was really funny stupid.
it wasnt rafting. in fact. it was swimming. lol.

okayss. enough of all the swimming.
mm. we were supposed to plan an item for the campfire?
and dey decided on dancing.
and the songg we used was toxicc.

samantha thought of all the dance steps.
but dey were really seductive.
and we didnt want to dance all tat in front of the teachers.
so in the end. we made the dance ourselves.

hahas. it was really funn.
the worst part was.
all of us were damn freaked out on stage.
and we sort of forgot our dance steps.

the worst thing is.
i was standing in the first row wif.
grace. yiting and cheryl.
it was damn scary. hahas.

and we concluded after watching all the performances.
tat most of the sports girrls.
can be on stage.
most of dem had stage fright.
hehh. damn retarded.

alrightt. im damn tired now.
and im in a very bad mood.
so i shall stop blogging heree.
mood swings like madd-

take caree.
charisaa haf missed all of yeww.
love you all to bits and pieces.

just came backk frm efl camp.
and im sooo tired. and sleepy.
im gonna slp now.
i shall blogg later bout the camp.

so yeahh.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

ohs lalalaaa.
im in such a good mood now.
if yeww ask me anything.
i tink i'll just agree to it. hahas.
tats how happyy i am now.

mm. daddy didnt confiscate my hp in the end.
he scolded me a lil. and gave me blackface.
but in the end. he told me sry.
i tink he's reallyy sadd tat he scolded me.
it makes me feel bad too.
esp wen he msg me tat he was sry.

hehh. my daddy is superr cutee.
mood swings just like me.
he brought me to buy my track pants and sandals just now.
and everythingg seems really okie.
until mummy came and add craps in.

now dey're both pissed againn.
arghh. just because i packed my stuffs last min for the camp.
i mean. wad has it gotta do wif dem?
see. tats y i say. daddy mood swingss.

anyways. i just packed finished packing my stuffs for the camp.
yeahh. i tink im bringing alot of craps dere.
hahas. and all my discc. tats the worst part.
lola. actually. i dun feel like going for camp.

i rather stay at hme. den it'll nt be so troublesome.
gotta bring sooo many many thingss.
haix. but i guessed its gonna be funn.
everyone is like suddenly so enthu bout dis camp?

even the oohhh-sooo-liann gangg.
like cheryl. leilani. gracee and all.
dunno wad has gotten into all of dem.
but i tink its better dis way.

im leaving for efl camp tmr.
tat means. tat means.
im gonna miss my comp. my bed. my room.
my everything. and espcially..
yeww guys heapss.

hurhurr. yeww all can msg me and keep me occupied.
hope tat all going for dis camp will enjoy themselves.
and everything will bo great and go fine.
prolly. hopefully. smth like sports camp. yupps.

so yeahh. shall stop heree now.
take great great caree ppl.
i'll miss yeww all heapss.
especially yeww*

i love yeww*


Tuesday, March 09, 2004

sighs. my hp bill for last month came.
and i fcuking bombed it.
ohs dammit. mummy and daddy are both superr pissed.
haix. and dey dowan to hear my explaination.

dey dun even want to hear wad ive to say.
and i dun see how i can explain everything.
but i can see tat dey're very pissed wif me.
dey deliberately didnt talk to me. damn.

alrightt. i noe dis is my fault. its my fault.
my fault. my fault and still my fault.
but ive alreadyy said i was sry.
but dey just fcuking dowan to hearr tat.

arghh. i just hope tat dey wont confiscate my fone.
cause i cant live without it.
and i tink i can just die without it.

wells. i gotta go now.
i had better explain everything to dem.
and convince dem. before i leave.
on thurs for my efl camp.

and yeahh.
efl camp is coming. tmr is the pre camp.
dun really feel like going.
but i tink its gonna be quite fun.

and i cant talk properly now.
my throat is totally very bad.
bad. bad. bad.

lalalaa. i shall be off now.
take caree ppls.
love yeww all lots lots.


Monday, March 08, 2004

just reached hme and had a bath.
now i feel so much betterr.
was like freaking cold just now.
and its raining like crazyy.

and ive dis damn sore throat.
which hurts wen i talk.
and it seem to get worst.
and now i sound damn stupid.

oohhh wells.
if i dun get well.
i dunno if im going for the efl camp.
but i'll be missing a hell load of funn.

haix. or maybe i shld just go.
and be a sick and quiet kitty.
just sit arnd.
and listen to all their jokes.

haix. i just hope i'll get betterr.
if not i'll just be so sickk.
i might not go. mm.
even if i go. i might not enjoy it.

arghh. wad am i talking bout?
i feel tat im contridicting myself.
haix. im not in the mood to blogg again.
i shall stop heree.

byes ppl.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

im feelingg damn shagg.
im down running a highh feverr.
the highest pnt just nw was like.
erm 38.9 degrees?

i was practically burning at tat time.
but it amazinglyy subsided alott.
its like. onlyy 37.6 now?
isnt it much beterr now?

uhh. tats all for now.
dun really haf the mood to blogg.
and im feeling brokenn.
arghh. i dunno y.

but it just feel so.
and yeahh. im gonna bath now.
the fourth time for the day.
or izzit the fifth? mm.

okayss. wadevaa.
im boredd. shall stop crappingg.
take great caree ppl.
dun fall sickk like me. sick kitty.

so yeahh.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

oohhh wells.

im feeling totally shagg now.
i feel sickk. and cold?
im having a freaking sore throat.
and a slightt headache.

arghh. i just drank the medince.
and i tastee sooo yuckyy.
though it was like in pinkk.
but awww. bleahh.
it taste so bad. horrible. sucks.

alrighttts. i shall just go and slp now.
im tiredd. and yeahh.
but i'll be backk onlinee.
but maybe laterr.


Friday, March 05, 2004

it was such a uneventful dayy.
so manyy bad stuffs happened.
first is my damn results.
den the hockey matchh.

haix. we could haf won yuhua.
if nt of the damn fcuking empire.
who's sooo damn bias against us.
and gave den like sox or seven short corners.
all at one time. crazyy idiot.

and so we lost.
but. im really proud of the seniors.
dey played really well.
dey kept tryingg till the end.

but we lost. 1-0.
its due to the empire's damn fault.
but we lost wif pride.
dey seniors really done well.

im totally proud of the seniors.
and xinni too.
dey played till the end.
dey're always be champions in our hearts.

alrightts. dis is to all my wonderful seniors and xinni who played todayy.

yeww girls totallyy rawk kaes.
im really proud of the way all of you played.
it was really greatt.
you all played till the end.
though we lost. we lost in pride.

and the c'div promise to train.
extremely veryy hard to thrash the chicken yuhua sch.
we'll get it backk. but now.
yeww all dun get too upset.

fightt for the third placeing kaes.
we noe tat you all will make it.
and yeahh. yeww all are.
the champions in our hearts.

we LOVE you all.

so yeahh. take great care.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

ohh dammit.

i screwed my first term up.
and it really suck.
maybee everthing is bad.
exceptt for. histiory. eng. and lit.
but overall. it suck.

haix. okayss. in fact.
i tink i can onlyy blame myself.
cause i didnt studyy and tryy hard enuff.
im gonna start to mugg alreadyy.

ive promise myselff.
tat dis is the last time im gonna screw any exams.
yeahh. and im gonna studyy hard noww.
ive got enuff of my fcuking results.

alrightts. im nt in a good mood to blog now.
and good luck to all those having their exams tmr.
so yeahh. tke kaire toodless.
charisa* loves you all lots lots.
